(P3) Chapter 3- What Makes A Good Person?

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(A/N- This song came on my discovery playlist whilst I was writing and it suited the chapter so perfectly. I'd recommend listening whilst you read!)

What is a good person? I mean, you could spend your whole life trying to be the best you can. You could do every good dead possible without looking for any gratitude and yet, no one would know you did so. Or is it the type of things you do when alone that make you a good person? I know many people despise me. I know I've hurt people. But... how can I be a better person if I've never been taught to be? All my life I've been made fun of. The kids at school, the kids on the streets. I've been called weird because I'd rather spend a night reading in my room than watch a match in the arena. I've been called weak; Been beaten for it. 

In my head, I'm a good person. Or at least, I try to be. To everyone else, I'm cruel and ruthless. A mindless follower. Really, I am a spineless coward. I do what is expected with fear of being excluded from the people who claim they love me. I deal with the insults for fear of losing the few people who respect me. Truth is, I doubt their love and respect is even real.

I feel Isla tense beside me as the scene in front of us unfolds. In the arena below us there are a man and woman in close combat. I've learnt to tune myself out during these things. Stare ahead with a smile on your face and no one will give you a second look. You don't have to watch it of course, if you are lost in your thoughts then it's as if the whole thing isn't happening. I glance over to my side as a tear trickles down Isla's cheek.

"They loved each other..." She croaks slowly. I snap out of my daydream, swiveling my head around to her.

"How would you know?" I snap under my breath as to not alert or disturb anyone around me. The blonde takes a deep breath before raising a hand to indicate to the scene in front of us.

"They're wearing matching engagement rings..." She murmurs, her throat catching. I glance up, noticing the identical rings on both of their fingers, "This is what you turn them into... monsters... hating even the people they loved..." The girl trails off as the woman swings the blade without an obvious intent, striking the boy right under the ribcage. The sword buries deep and blood erupts from his mouth, spewing all over the stadium and most disturbingly, all over us. As the boy falls to his knees he lets out an ear-piercing cry which is followed by a heart-shattering sob from the woman beside him. She rushes to his aid, cradling his neck with her hand.

Isla is sat absolutely unmoving, her eyes full of sorrow,  her hair decorated with specks of crimson and her hands shaking slightly. I reach over to help her,

"Hold on... let me just..." I begin, however, she swings her hand to intercept mine, standing up abruptly.

"You are sick," she states emotionlessly before turning on the spot and leaving the arena. I feel my father's glare like daggers on my back and I get up slowly to follow her.


"Isla!" I yell after her as she walks around the back of the seating area. I hold a hand out in front of me, clenching it. As I will her to, the girl stops in her tracks, unable to move further. I don't like using magic on her but I have to make her listen, "Isla... you need to get a grip!" I say as I approach her. The minute I'm by her side, I let the muscles in my hand losen and the girl regains her ability to move.

"What? I said I'd marry you! Not watch people murder each other with you!" She cries, pacing back and forth frantically.

"Calm down!" I yell before pressing my head back onto the beams above me in exhaustion. The girl pauses, watching me as if she were trying to figure me out. I close my eyes before I say anything more, "He'll kill you."

The blonde clenches her teeth, blinking erratically. As the confusion passes through her face, I move closer. I contemplate it for a moment. There's always a second before every big mistake, a single moment of contemplation- a single moment of lucidity. But, I had to know. I had to know if I could ever love her like that. And with that final thought, I take my chances, placing my hand on her neck and removing the gap between our lips. It's a short, bitter kiss. One full of anger and betrayal. Yet, it doesn't include the hate and abhorrence I thought it would. It just feels... off. In the same second our lips meet, the other girl shoves me away.

"WHAT THE HELL!" She screams before placing a hand on her mouth, her eyes brimming with water. It's at this moment she breaks, sobs wracking her body as she falls to the floor. She's just crying now, her head leant against the beams, tears cascading down her cheeks. I don't know what to do. This is all my fault. I just stare. Just stare as she cries and cries and cries. And she continues this until the arena is empty and the sky begins to darken. 

Eventually, she has no tears left to cry andA  just sits there, her face damp and her nose running. As the stars begins to show themselves in the void above us, her gaze flickers up to mine and it's almost as if she understands. Almost as if there were this moment of clarity in which she finally understood. And in that one gaze- the girl forgave me. She stands up, her gaze never leaving mine, and wraps her arms around me, embracing me in a hug. The whole situation confuses me thoroughly. The girl who hated me a few seconds ago- the girl whom I just hurt. Hugging me. We part and although she can't bring herself to grin, I see the slight curve of in her mouth.

"You looked like you needed a hug..." She murmurs before walking slowly back to the palace. I follow close behind, keeping my distance. We walk in silence, me still wondering what had come over the other girl. Wondering what had been going through her head- what is going through her head.


 We arrive at the kitchen and she begins up the stairs, I stop her for a moment.

"Isla..." I murmur recklessly, "Before... was I... was I a good person?" She matches her gaze with mine, her mouth picking up ever so slightly at the sides.

"One of the best I knew." Once again, the girl walks up the stairs alone, leaving me with a dull feeling in my chest.


I hope you enjoyed! Just a question: Did you guys understand what was happening in this chapter because I think I my need to add some more description to help with comprehension, let me know as I'm not too sure. But as always, thanks for reading and have a lovely day!

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