(P2) Chapter 8- Broken

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I open my eyes to the flickering candlelight in my room back at the palace. For a few moments, there was just silence in my head. Just a few. But it was desolate, calm- like a dream. Those couple of moments where everything was nothing but still. There was no worry, no fear. Just silence. I hadn't remembered how beautiful it was. How breath-taking and vibrant. How could I have ever forgotten this?

"Isla...?" And with that single word it all came rushing back. The dam came down, shattered to pieces, letting each tidal wave of water back into my head.

"Isla, are you alright?" A hand caresses my cheek softly and I look up to see its owner. Casper runs his hand through his thick golden hair, taking a breath as he watches my eyes focus on him. I slowly prise myself from the comfort of the bed, resting my back against the headboard.

"Yea..." I croak out unconvincingly, "Adrien...?" I pause before I say the other name of the edge of my lips, "Emilie...?" Casper sits beside me at this, grabbing ahold of one of my hands.

"Adrien is safe, recovering..." He murmurs and I notice the slight flicker in his eyes. A flicker of what I can recognise as doubt.

"And..." I draw out, eager to understand the situation.

"Isla..." He shifts his weight, clutching my hand a little tighter, "They knew we were coming. They were stationed at all of the entrances, especially around the back. As soon as the humans saw them, they ran."

"And our army?" I ask, lifting my gaze wearily to his.

"They fought. Some made it out but we lost around 500, 1,000 uncounted for." The boy clutched his eyes shut before starting the next sentence, "Naidia is one of them."

My breath caught at this. I'd promised... I'd... I grit my teeth at the news, closing my eyes slowly. 

"Isla... It's not your fault..." The boy begins but I cut him off.

"Of course it was my fault. It was my stupid plan...!" As I yell this, I raise a hand to massage the abrupt ache in my forehead.

"Emilie's alive," Casper states quickly, hoping to get my mind away from the subject. It doesn't work though. It just adds to the swirling tsunami brewing inside my head. It's all brewing now, each of my feelings mixing with the next until each one was indistinguishable. How did people do this? How did people manage each bullet after the next? Each trying to penetrate the waves and yet doing nothing to the ocean raging within me. I close my eyes, taking a single breath. 

"Where?" Casper glances down, biting his lip slightly. I repeat the question,  "Casper..."

"She's... confined..." At this, I feel my muscles tense.

"Confined?" I snap, my voice becoming stronger.

"She kept trying to attack us... it was the only thing we could do. I'm sorry..." Casper mumbles incoherently allowing me time to gather enough strength to sit up fully.

"Take me to her..." I say bluntly.

"Isla... I'm sorry..." The blonde begins but I stop him with a swift wave of my hand.

"Take me to her."


I enter the building, my legs struggling to carry the weight of my body once again. The first thing my eyes catch sight of are her eyes; The mesmerising allure of her sky blue orbs.

"Emilie..." I mutter, opening the door to the confinement chamber. This building is used very rarely; the last time I was here must have been the night of my mother's death. It'snot exactly a prison per-say but rather a confession chamber. Because once they had confessed, they'd be put to death. My father used to say that it was the best way to ensure the safety of the city but I never liked the rule. Who said one never deserved a second chance?

As I approach the girl I see the resent in her eyes.

"Finally going to let me out of this dump?" She says menacingly, her tone taking me aback. I tilt my neck slightly, looking her up and down.

"Did they not get you a change of clothes?"

"I refused," The girl barks back, her eyes still containing an evident glare.

"Are you alright?" I step forward, reaching out a hand. She immediately flinches back.

"Don't..." I furrow my eyebrows at this reaction.

"What's wrong?" I ask innocently, looking at her from worried eyes. A pause passes and she gulps slowly before a trail of water crawls down her cheek. I watch her collapse onto the floor, her lips parted slightly, her eyes clouded.

"It was you wasn't it... you saved our lives..." The girl looks up slightly, pressing her teeth into her lip.

"The cages are made of iron... they like to capture their kind I guess..." At this, I begin to notice the scars all over her. Her dark hair is made darker by dust and dirt, her skin coated in small flecks of blood. She sees me looking,

"It's not mine... at least not all of it. They were persistent that they bandage the bad stuff." She indicates the bandages on her right arm and shin, "Shouldn't have..." These two words set something alight in me and I raise my voice as I say the next sentence.

"And what were they supposed to do?! Let you bleed to death!" I yell, stepping towards her once again.

"Yeah, probably...!" She yells back and instantly it feels like a bullet to my chest.

"You don't mean that..." I murmur and watch as another trail of water begins to trickle down.

"Maybe I do..." She responds, her voice stuffy and strained. And I don't know what to say. 

"I... I don't... want that... I could never... want that." It's honestly. The pure and utter truth. The girl doesn't look at me, her eyes drifting anywhere but.

"Emilie... talk to me, please..." Neither of us moves, "Please..." It's as if the girl is on a different planet, her brain not processing the events happening in front of her. She just shakes her head, gritting her teeth.

"Your father is here, have you spoken to him?" She doesn't move as she says the next line.

"He tried. But I'm not her anymore. I'm not the person he thinks I am..." She presses her head into her hands, "I'm not who you think I am either..." I part my lips slightly, walking towards her and crouching down to her level. She flinches, noticing my presence but not acknowledging it.

"People change... changed by the events around them, I understand that the girl you were before this isn't the girl you are now... but, I want to get to know her... I..." I pause, gulping before my declaration, "I love her... I love you." This causes her body to shake and her head to rise to the level of mine.

"No. No, you don't... You can't. You have a mate. You can't love me. You shouldn't..." She rambles hastily, a reaction that took me by surprise. I reach to caress her cheek but she moves away sinking into the corner of the room, rocking back and forth, her head tucked into her knees.

"Emilia..." My voice cracks as I speak her name.

"Go... Please... just go...!"

"At least let me get you a room..." I protest but she shuts me down as quick as she had announced that my presence wasn't welcome.

"I don't want one..." I stand, looking at her for a second, "Please... go..."


I hope you have enjoyed the chapter- or not cause it's a sad one... I'm not 100% on it but I'm not sure how to fix it so any suggestions are welcome... Anyway, what do you think has happened to Emilie? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Otherwise, have an incredible day and thank you for reading!

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