Chapter 22- The Bitter Taste Of Reality

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A dull taste of brass runs down my throat and I sit upon the hard-concrete floor groggily. At first, my vision is blurred, and I only see two lines of grey disrupting the sea of dark blue. The colour of the sky isn't calming like it normally is- it's menacing, almost like a promise of the deathly nights to come. As my vision slowly begins to clear, A sudden cacophony of noise echoes around my head, made ten times worse by the burning ache currently climbing up the walls of my skull. It sounds like the clash of a whip against skin and the blood-curling cries of a man in writhing agony. The world comes into focus and I finally see the boundaries of my imprisonment.

Thick iron bars surrounding me, none more than ten centimetres from my heaving chest. Moving my hand to clutch my stomach, I notice the hollow pit inside it- almost as if it were so empty it had begun to eat itself. My head still kills and as the woman approaches my cage, the sound of her nail running against the rusty bars, sends discomfort flooding through my every nerve like ants crawling all over me, biting and picking at my skin. I move to lunge at her- anything to make that jarring noise stop. And that's when the already raw skin around my wrists rubs against the shackles chaining them- how long had I been here? I flinch back in reflex at the pain and the piercing tone of the woman's laugh rings in my ears.

"This one's awake," She says in a snake-like tone indicating to a guard in the corner. I glance over to him- at his feet are pools of deep scarlet. In fact, the whole floor of this room is almost like a carpet of scarlet. I can even see some white lumps that look like teeth amongst it. I shudder at the thought of the things that would have happened here- the people- my people- who would have died. Maybe some of this blood belongs to Avery... The guard in the corner doesn't move for a second then nods slowly and turns to leave.

"It's your lucky day kid..." The woman murmurs and I hear the catch of a key in a latch as the door of my cell is flung open and a hand grabs a firm hold of my arm. She wrestles with the chains around my wrists, fumbling with the key. The moment my wrists slip out of the metal, I dig the elbow of my free arm into her arm and she jumps back in shock. I start trying to clamber out of the cage, however, quicker than I can respond, her hand goes to grab the wrist of the arm I'd just flung out at her and pins it to the top of the bars. She digs her nails into my raw, bloodied skin as I squirm viciously, trying to ignore the pain soring through my arm with every movement. It's useless, she has me pinned with a single hand.

"Feisty- I like you..." She exclaims, rigidly pulling my hand behind my back and turning me around to conjoin both of my wrists. A guard approaches us offering to take me, but the Fae woman shakes her head, "I got this one," She says roughly, and the guard bows his head in respect, letting her past. I'm still squirming in her grasp, despite the impossibility of an escape and I can feel the blood running down from my wrists; she's digging her nails in deeper and deeper on purpose- she wants me to bleed. We walk out of the death shrouded room and I get my first hint of sunlight in however long I've been here. I gasp as I feel its gaze upon my skin.

"You were one of the quickest to wake up-only a week and a few days- most take at least a month- some die of starvation before they can even make it to this point. The weak ones." I glare behind me at the Fae with the deep, rugged voice, "Stop struggling, it'll make you weaker and you need all the strength you can get right now..." I grunt at her sentence and spit on the floor in front of me.

"Why, where are you taking me?!" I exclaim weakly, feeling each word drain further energy from my limbs. The woman wraps her hand around my mouth and leans to whisper in my ear,

"You're about to find out..." Suddenly I'm hauled through a door into a pitch-black room. It's a black blacker than black- I know that might sound crazy but with the subtle remains of what I think is most likely drugs clouding my head, it makes perfect sense. Darkness even darker than death itself. Darkness that represents the ominous threat of the light and what it might bring. And as the veil is revealed and the sunlight is shone upon the room, I look into the eyes of the girl in front of me. They are the same eyes that I look into every time I look in a mirror. The same glistening, sky blue orbs. The girl in front of me is Avery- my own sister. After all this time- I could still recognise that face anywhere. I glance up to where masses of crowds of Faeries are sat in seats surrounding the humongous arena, yelling and screaming...

Fight, fight, fight!


Sorry, this is a pretty short chapter but it's the end of part 1! Part 2 will begin, set in the past two-ish weeks Emeile is drugged for and will be set from Isla's point of view. I hope you all enjoyed and aren't getting too lonely with all the self-isolation... Thank you all for reading and voting- it means the world, have a lovely day!

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