Chapter 7- The World Still Spins

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And that is the story of how I met the girl who would never leave my head. She was always there, in the back of my mind. Those first few weeks I wondered about all the small things like, What was her favourite colour? Did she have a brother or even a sister? What was her favourite food? And I had an odd longing to explore her world. The kingdom and its people she seemed to love so dearly and although I never could, it didn't stop the countless dreams of nights spent shopping and laughing under the stars of a whole new city. We spent at least a few minutes together every day after that. Sometimes I would wake up and find a small acorn outside the door and other times I would sit by the lake until nightfall waiting for the Princess to show.

We became fast friends and would spend countless nights talking about our families and lying under the stars. I learned so much about her world as she did mine. I'd tell her about the Keeper's Guard and about my incredible younger brother and in return, she'd tell me stories of the Fae legends and those who lived in her kingdom who had seen centuries and centuries of this planet, who'd watched it grow and change as time went on. I'd once asked her about how long they would live for and she told me they could live for centuries however they grow older and weaker with time. She'd told me her father was the astonishing age of 652 years old- She seemed to admire him deeply and I later found out that she also had a brother. A boy only a year younger called Archer. I learned that Fae grew of a usual, human state from 0 to around 20 but once past there, they begin physically aging slower, expanding their life span and allowing them to live years beyond a human.

The stories she'd tell me of her kingdom were the most fascinating. Ones of balls and bonfires after dark. She would sometimes tell me of the pressure that she feels having to take over the kingdom and I remember one night in specific where she came to the bank with tears in her eyes, telling me of her father's ill health,

"He's extremely unwell... They think he only has a few weeks left," She mumbles looking down at the rocks by her feet. I shuffle closer and put my arm around her. She immediately turns and buries her face into my neck, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm so sorry..." I murmur resting my head on the top of hers. I feel her relax in my embrace and I just wish that I could do more to help her,

"I always thought that one day he'd abdicate, and he'd be there to teach me how to do it. How to run the kingdom. I'd thought he'd be by my side at all times. I didn't ever dream I would have to do it alone..." She chokes out her breaths still broken and disjointed,

"You're not alone. You have me, you have your brother and you will forever have your father in here." I pick up her hands just like my mother had to me and pressed them against her heart. She sits up and looks into my eyes, water stains painted on her cheeks,

"I'm sorry about your mother," She says sadly, and I wipe away the remnants of her tears with my thumb,

"Don't be, you didn't do anything. You are not to blame for her death, Isla." She smiles because I think she understands that it wasn't always this way. She knows that when we met, the only thing holding me back from spending time with her was the idea that my mother's death was her fault. But I know now that this beautiful girl could never be capable of such a thing. I know now that Fae aren't quite what they seem.

I didn't see her for a few weeks after that. I'd told her to spend as much time as she could with her father before his passing, however, I shall admit those were a lonely few weeks. Rhiannon and Killian had announced their marriage a week after and everyone was busy with wedding plans. Both me and Ari were over the moon once they told us, but the only downside is now people are expecting me to get married. In fact, I think they are wondering why I hadn't a year ago. I hate it. I didn't realize how much I would until now. I'd always taken marriage as a fact of life; I'd choose a guy and settle down- whether I love him or not. I would grow to- right? I think it was the day before I saw Isla next in which my father confronted me. I was sitting on my bed having just had dinner alone since father was working late, Noah was sleeping around a friend's house and both Ari and Rhiannon were busy as they seemed to be most days. I remember how he stood in the door frame and just sighed almost as if he wished he didn't have to have this conversation with me,

"You can't live here forever, you know Emelie..."

"I know father," I say sitting up a little on the backboard of the bed.

"I'm surprised Rhiannon and Killian didn't get married earlier." I sigh, knowing he's not dancing around the topic of marriage for no reason.

"You want me to be married?" I ask, "I thought you said I could stay here as long as I wanted?" My father grunts in defeat and comes to sit at the end of my bed,

"Emelie, darling, you can't stay here forever and... I need to be sure that you are well cared for and protected once I'm gone..." I look up and see the sadness and care in his eyes. I know how scared he is of losing us- my brother and I- I know that he never wants to lose another child before he has watched them grow up and it's at this point, I understand. He wants to watch me get married before he dies. I'd only ever do it for him. The man who nurtured and loved me- made sure I was safe and happy- I'd do it for him. I pull him into a hug,

"You will watch me marry before your time father- I swear it." Marriage may not be something I'm keen on, but I'd trade my life for his and this is no different.


Thanks for reading! Have an incredible day!

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