Chapter 20- For Now

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*I'm literally in love with this song right now...

I walk out of the room slowly.

"Give us a twirl!" Daric says grinning at his handiwork. I spin slowly and watch the expression of the blonde girl change drastically. I'm wearing a hand-tailored gold and white embroidered silk suit with flared trouser legs over a white blouse with the first two buttons undone- Daric said it needed more... dimension, whatever that means. Her teeth immediately clamp down on her bottom lip and she gulps. As her lips part, she blinks a few times before realising we are waiting for her feedback.

"You look..." She breathes out quickly trying to latch her gaze to mine. She opens her mouth to continue her sentence, but nothing comes out. I grin at the look on her face and run my tongue teasingly across my teeth. I watch her breath catch at the movement and step down slowly from the stool.

"I look..." I continue for her and our gazes finally latch. Her breath fills the air between us.

"Beautiful," She says abruptly, removing her gaze from mine and moving it towards Daric who is watching us in amusement. This is the first time I've ever seen her as nervous as this and I smile at the sight of the girl who has no clue what to do with herself. Her eyes flit nervously back and forth as she speaks,

"Thank you, Daric... how much do I owe you?" He smiles at the two of us, obviously entertained by his own friend's bewilderment.

"Nothing," He waves off the girl's immediate persistence, "I don't want your money, Princess..." She cocks her head at him.

"Daric..." She argues but he cuts her off with a swift hand gesture.

"All I want is for you to be happy, princess and it seems as if you are..." He glances between us and we smile.

"Alright, now take that off before you ruin it!" Daric snaps and I turn back into the changing room quickly watching Isla's expression soften as I'm ordered out of the room.


We walked back to the palace in the dull light of the setting sun and walk into chaos in the dining room.

"You... mother-!" Naidia stops in her tracks as the queen enters the room with a concerned look on her face. Adrien's shirt is in her grasp and Casper is tugging on his sister's shirt.

"Naidia... what's going on?" Isla asks in bewilderment.

"Well... this jerk here stole my dinner!" She tugs on Adrien's shirt and he glares at her.

"I didn't see your goddamn name on it!" He yells, pulling against her hold. He spits in her direction and she moves her head out of the projectile, scowling at him.

Isla lets out a breath of frustration.

"Will you children just sort it out between yourselves?" She says jokingly and Adrien responds,

"No, my Queen, I'm afraid we need some assistance controlling this animal here..." Adrien smirks at Naidia and she lets out a noise resembling a growl.

"Forget that, I think we need to get an exterminator to kill this termite, here!" Naidia shoots back at him and Isla sniggers.

"You two couldn't live without each other!" She exclaims, walking over to them, "So what was it you wanted to eat?"

"My lasagne! I got Adi to make it specifically for me!" Naidia yells bitterly and Adrien has a smug look on his face.

"I can't believe you got into a fistfight about lasagne!" I exclaim, chuckling to myself. Casper sighs, looking defeated.

"They get into fistfights about everything..." I grin at him and he grins softly back.

"Alright..." Isla announces as she runs the tip of her finger around the empty pasta dish, "Done..." In the second I blinked, the once empty dish fills until it was as if no one had even breathed on it. Naidia lets go of Adrien and sinks down into the chair before he can. He rolls his eyes as she begins the shove the thing down her mouth like a wolf on the brink of starvation. Isla chuckles and I widen my eyes at her.

"I told you," She says softly, "The time nearest Litha is the time our powers are the strongest..."


We endured the endless bickering between Adrien and Naidia while we ate but it was more entertaining than annoying. It was only that night when I once again remembered why I was even here in the first place,

"Isla?" I ask as she leaves the bathroom, already changed into her nightclothes.


"What's going to happen to my dad? What if they find him before he finds us?" I ask, lying back onto the bed and staring up at the ceiling.

"Keres won't go after him. He'll want to watch it play out, he's always one for a good show..." I think she sees the worry in my eyes because she adds another sentence, lying down next to me on the bed, "Not that there will be one because you're here now, and if we can't prevent an invasion, I know that you can stop it." I shake my head.

"What if I can't do it?"

"You can, you are one of the strongest people I know- you can," She turns her face to kiss my cheek softly, "And hey... let's not worry about that now, okay?" I smile slightly and turn so our eyes meet.

"How about we talk about how totally speechless you were at that store today?" I grin.

"What store?" She grins back innocently, and I bite my top lip.

"Maybe I should jog your memory..." I say slowly, running my tongue along my teeth even slower this time. I watch her subconsciously lick her lips and I smile, pressing my nose against hers. It's like a perfect little ball of happiness we've created and as I lean in to connect our lips, I wish that it could be like this forever. No worries, no enemies, no one trying to kill my entire race. That I could just be happy- here with her- for the rest of my life.


This is very much a filler chapter because I think the next one will be the bonfire. What did you think of the exchange between Naidia and Adrien? - I'm not too sure about it cause it just seems a little too stupid- I don't know. Let me know what you think and thank you as always for reading. Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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