Chapter 6- Don't Ever Leave

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I'm getting water again the day after, Ari is working and Rhiannon is with Killian on his day off, so I'm by myself today. I walk slowly through the village, watching children run and play. After I finished school last year, father told me I didn't have to rush into a profession since he was earning enough to take care of us, but I'll admit it does get boring all by myself. Especially when Noah is at school and Father at work. I tried a few things in the first few weeks, but nothing ever stuck. Truthfully, I've always wanted to join the guard but of course, women aren't allowed to fulfil such tasks. I begin to walk back to the house but there is another face playing on my mind. I wonder if she's watching me...

I look up into the trees hoping I could spot her, but it was useless. Instead, I head back to the house, place the water by the door and grab the present Rhiannon had given me the day before. I open the lid to the ink and place it on the table, then I lift the first page of the notebook and begin to write:

"It was a cold winter's eve; Ice wrapped its way through the hearts and souls of every man. Spirits were down, people were starving. A fresh blanket of snow carpeted the earth. It was the longest, fiercest winter ever known to man. When the village was most vulnerable. And as the wind

I stop as I hear something hit the roof of the house. I walk outside and see an acorn sat centimetres from the door. She's got good aim I'll give her that. I grab my jacket, close the notebook and start the journey to the lake. There is no one there when I arrive but I just sit down by the bank and seconds later a figure sits opposite me,

"An acorn? Really?" I ask still looking down at a pebble in my lap,

"Of course," Her soft voice replies, and I realise how much I've missed it. I glance up to her grinning face,

"So... what do you Faeries do for fun? Other than stalk humans of course?" She looks me in the eyes and the grin on her face makes the sun glow a little brighter.

"Want me to show you?"

I don't say anything. I'd have to cross the border. I mean, it's not like I haven't before, it's just- this time- there's no one in danger- there's no excuse. Almost every second of my life I've been told never to cross the barrier, am I going to betray everything I've ever learnt for this girl? I gulp and stand up, still having not decided in my head what I'm about to do. She watches me, the look in her eyes turning softer as she sees the uncertainty on my face. She holds out her hand. I raise my gaze to hers and before I can change my mind, walk across the rocks and grab it. I see her smile as my skin touches hers. Her touch is so soft, it's like walking on clouds, far above the world, far above everything that's ever caused you pain.

"Try and keep up..." She says slowly before once again disappearing into the trees. I run after her, but I soon stop having lost sight of her among the vegetation. I'll admit, the trees look so much greener here and the grass grows so much taller. Everything looks so full of life. I feel a sudden tap on my back and swivel around to see the face of a girl dangling upside down on a branch. I grin as she spits a strand of golden hair out of her mouth.

"Hey... didn't see you there..." I say softly, feeling our gazes catch.

"It's a shame you're so slow, there are some beautiful views this side of the border..." She murmurs, inching closer to my face.

"Oh really," I say with a grin, "Cause, I think I'm looking at one right now..." I'm not sure where it came from- I'm not sure where any of this came from. I just know that she makes me feel this way. Makes my heartbeat seven times its normal speed- makes my head spin with every move she makes. She grins smugly and I grin back,

"I mean... look at this forest- it's all so green and it feels so alive!" I say, tearing my gaze from hers. She chuckles lightly and swings back up onto the branch she was hanging from,

"When will you stop being such a tease?" She asks looking down at me with those breath-taking emerald eyes.

"When you stop being such a show-off," I shoot back. The girl above me scoffs and reaches out her hand to me. I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't you trust me?" She smirks at me.

"How can I trust someone when I don't even know their name?" I say smiling. It's like I have this permanent smile on my face when I'm around her. I'm not sure if I hate it or I love it.

"Just take my hand Emelia..." She says slowly. I sigh,

"See I would but my name isn't Emelia so..."

"Too bad, I like Emelia better so..." She mocks me raising her eyebrows and breaking into one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen. I still refuse to take her hand so instead, she jumps down, picks me up and carries me like I'm a baby.

"Hey!" I yell, thrashing in her outstandingly strong grip, "Put me down!" She shakes her head laughing at me.

"Don't you dare laugh- this isn't funny!" I glare up at her and she hides a smirk- badly.

"Hold on tight." I shake my head at her,

"No... no, no. Princess, I seriously do not think this is a good idea!" I yell seconds before my breath is taken from me as she runs. It's not like anything I've ever experienced before. She's running fast yet slow enough for me to watch the trees fly by. It's probably almost matching the speed of a galloping horse- not that I've ever ridden one of course; when I was younger, I would sometimes go to the guard stables with father on the weekends to look after the horses. I'd seen those horses gallop like a blur on the horizon.

I feel her arms around me, holding me close. She's stronger than she looks by miles and as we begin to come to a halt, my jaw drops at the sight in front of me. It's a town. It's miles away, but still slightly visible. At the front stands a tall gate made of what looks to be gold and inside houses made of wood and brick. Grand buildings and small little shacks. And above all, the thing that caught my eye the most was the Castle looming over the city, shrouded in fog and mist. It's nothing like how my father always described it. There's no blood- no screaming. Only small cries of joy or the innocent wail of a new-born child. The Princess sits on the hill and I beside her. She watches her kingdom with such a glimmer in her eye- her love for it and the people it holds shining through the rich green of her eyes.

"I am to rule this place one day..." The girl looks up at me, "My one hope is that I don't let my people down." I smile lightly and place my hand on top of hers,

"I can't imagine the pressure..." I say looking down at the mystery-shrouded kingdom, "I'm sure you'll try your best. And if that isn't enough for them, then they don't deserve you as their Queen." We are both silent for a few seconds, taking in the peace and serenity of the moment.

"Isla," She says breaking the silence. "Princess Isla of the Seelie Court, nice to meet you," I smile up at her. Isla. It's a beautiful name and it suits her just perfectly.

"Isla, what a beautiful name for a beautiful maiden..." I say, loving the way her name rolls off my tongue.

"Only now do you finally admit my beauty?" She teases, not moving her hand from my grasp.

"Oi, don't go inflating your ego, Princess!" I say, standing up and looking up at the sun. Damn, time flies when you're having fun, "I'm sorry to disappoint you Princess Isla, but I must go for my supper!" I say in an exaggeratingly posh voice. She laughs at me,

"We don't speak like that," She says, nearing me a smile creeping onto her face.

"No," I say at the sight of her outstretched arms, "I'm walking." The girl raises her eyebrows and smirks at me,

"It'll take you ages to get back at your snail speed!" She laughs and I instantly know that I have no other choice.

"Fine. But go slower okay? After the first time, I think I might be feeling a little sick..."


Hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day!

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