(P3) Chapter 5- Dear Isla

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Dear Isla...

This is the fifth letter I've written... It is doubtful that you have read the first four and therefore you will not read this one either. But, I think writing these helps me. I mean, almost a year ago now... I was sitting in a tree with my best friend, gazing at the stars. I thought life couldn't get better than that. I was safe, I was happy and I was calm. However, if my time with you has taught me a thing, it's that the best life gets is when it is dangerous, challenging and exciting. I miss you more than the sun misses the moon. Father and I have been talking... he wants me to go back to the village with them. I just... I can't help but stay here. Wait on the steps of this stupid palace, waiting for the moment you may emerge from around the corner.

It feels odd that I am being beckoned to return my life to the way it was as if everything were the same. But the truth is, it's far from. I'm not even human anymore. And I know that I have a piece of him in me but I also have a piece of you in me. Maybe you left your heart behind to beat along with mine in my chest. And if so... please take it back. It hurts too much. They're acting as if it can be 'normal' again. I killed someone. And what about Avery? There are so many unanswered questions... It just doesn't make sense that it would end here. I don't want it to end here.

Do you remember when we first met? By that lake. I can't stop thinking about it. And what happens when I have to walk past it everyday? What happens when I go back to that village? I get a job as a tailor? Help out at the bakery? And I marry some man I don't want to marry?

I miss my brother. I miss my friends. But most of all, I miss the feel of your hands against my skin. I miss the soft, sweet tone of your voice and the beauty hidden under those stunning eyes in which you possess. I'll never fall in love again. Not like this. I wish there were something I could do. I wish that I could be as powerful as them so I could blow down the walls of that goddamn palace. I miss Naidia's stupid remarks... I miss Casper's smirks and nervous smiles. 

We can't leave now.

If only I could make my father understand. Without you here, it is all falling apart. Archer has cut off the human alliance. I'm being made to pack and head home. We need you. I need you. I can't help but picture how beautiful you must look in that wedding dress. I just wish that I were there so you could usher me out and tell me I couldn't see the dress until our big day. Our... If you ever get out of this... if we ever get out of this... promise me one thing... promise me that you will love me forever and ever. That you will never leave my side ever again... 

You always told me what a precious word love was to you so I will not waste the word by writing it. However, just look up at the moon tonight. The same exact moon that I will glance upon. Then you will feel the true extent of my love.



I place the letter back onto the table, running my finger along the edge of the envelop behind it. This was in fact the fifth letter which had arrived. The fifth of five I had kept hidden. The rational thing to do would be to burn them. To destroy all evidence. But there was something so comforting about the words Emelie wrote and how she wrote them. Plus... after what had occurred to the blonde a few days ago, a letter like this, which had been 'accidentally' left out on the table, would mean the world. I bite my lip slightly before stepping back from the table as I hear a creak on the stairs above me.

As the blonde walks into the kitchen, I keep a solemn look on my face and turn into the parlour before she can process anything more. I hear a slight rustle of paper as she discovers the letter and later the unusually quiet noise which was most likely silent tears. Am I getting soft? Am I letting her break me? No. I... just forgot. I forgot it was on the table. It was a piece of paper so insignificant that I barely even acknowledged it in the first place.

It wasn't a big deal.


I thought I'd find her in the courtyard that night and I was not wrong. There she sat, on a bench not far from the stone outer wall, staring up at the moon. I approached slowly. Honestly, I wasn't sure why I came. The wind was wandering past at a perfect speed. Not too fast at which the trees would be swaying, but just enough that a few strands of Isla's hair were floating in the air. It was a mystical scene, the fog of the night wrapping its way around her body and the beauty of what was an almost full moon, gazing down at the people below. It was picturesque. The perfect night. And yet, even with the beauty surrounding her, the girl was buried deep in sorrow.

She looks up as I approach and I notice the tear stains on her cheeks; the only memory of  the emotions that had previously seared through her veins only moments before. She stands as I get closer before thrusting a piece of paper at my chest. I look down; the letter is crumpled slightly and the ink is bleeding in places that were most likely met with salty tears.

"You're not supposed to have this." I snap, glaring at her. She just shakes her head lightly.

"Do you get a rush from seeing me hurt?" I am taken aback by her abrupt question. I had been trying so hard recently to make her feel more at home before the wedding- to feel happier. I know that I shouldn't be. I just can't help this overwhelming feeling of protection I get when I'm around her.

"Surpisingly... no..." I mutter, making the disagreement seem like a shock even to myself. She looks away. Then, a few seconds later, her eyes meet mine.

"You've done some sick stuff... But that..." her gaze returns to the letter, "That's just cruel..."

"I thought..." I began before stopping myself abruptly. My breath caught... I'd almost given everything away in that single moment. The girl narrows her eyebrows,

"You thought what?" Our gazes connect and she holds them for a moment, "Scream it." I step back at this abrupt notion.


"You heard me. Scream. Cry. Yell... Like when we were kids. If we wanted something we would scream and yell about it." At this she pivots on the spot, looking up to the moon and yelling at the top of her lungs. She breathes deep, taking a moment before turning her head to look back at me, "Your turn," She murmurs before beginning the walk back into the palace. I turn to walk back with her but something stops me. I hang back, waiting until the girl is out of ear-shot. I look down and at my feet is a puddle, so small it is barely noticeable in the dark. I look at the silver eyes staring back at me. That devilish stare. Then I murmur to myself quietly,

"I hate you..." I grit my teeth, my gaze matching with the one in the puddle, "I hate you..." I say, a little louder this time. A second passes and we're still glaring at each other- me and this boy in the puddle- this stranger.

"I hate you!" I yell, so loud that I place a hand on my mouth to silence the noise. And despite it all, despite the hate and anger filling my veins, I'm smiling. 


Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

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