Chapter 18- You Can't Run Forever

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"We have to go," Isla says abruptly and turns to jump into the saddle of her horse.

"What was that noise?" I ask while climbing into the saddle of my own horse.

"That... was the King of the Unseelie Court."

"But how did he get..." I stop talking realising what must have happened, "That was magic, wasn't it?" I hadn't been told much about magic except the fact that Fae could harness it. It was used sparsely in the Seelie Court- I think I remember Adrien telling me once that only Royal Fae could use it. Isla had never proved that hypothesis correct. The blonde girl breathes out slowly,

"Yes, it was."

"Can you...?" I question but she stops me in a surprisingly worried tone.

"Emelie, not now, okay. We need to get back." The urgency in her voice makes me quicken my pace as I bring the horse up to a gallop to match its pace with hers. She doesn't talk but I can see her hands twitching while she holds the reins- I've never seen her this nervous before. As we dismount, I place my hand in hers and this time she doesn't flinch away. I see the muscles in her face relax and she pulls me closer as we walk towards the palace. Adrien is waiting at the entrance and Isla lets go of my hand, whispering in my ear,

"Go with Adrien, he'll keep you safe." Adrien places me behind him.

"Stay quiet, you've been here a while, so you don't reek anymore but if he gets close enough, he'll know," He whispers to me frantically. I don't question it, staying silent as we walk inside. Archer is stood by the entrance, glaring at me as we walk in. Beside him, his mate and beside her a tall dark-haired man and a boy with silvery-white hair stood beside him. Despite their hair colour, their faces resemble each other greatly.

"Isla." The man addresses her. His face is rigid and unmoving, something about his dull expression set a dark cloud over the room. With every step he took, the room seemed to tremble in his wake, almost as if the walls of the palace itself were scared of the man who walked within them.

"Keres." Isla declares sternly. Our gazes match for what is barely a second and I see an almost unrecognisable flash of fear fill her face. "I assume this is about the letter I sent." Her tone is unchanging- the same dull melody passed between two rulers.

"Regarding our recent... mishap?" The man takes a small step towards her, making her seem frail compared to his towering height and stalwart build.

"Mishap? I believe it was much more than that Keres. You betrayed our agreement." Somehow, she stays calm but still, the authority in her voice shines through. She steps to the side of him, beginning to circle him and his son, like an oncoming predator.

"I betrayed an agreement I had with your father. But since he met his earned fate- it no longer stands." He spits, bitterly at her and she clenches her jaw in anger. The boy beside his father flinches and bites his lip. Isla stops in her tracks and seems to be pondering something.

"My father was a great ruler. Unlike you Keres. What is it you want? A war with the humans?" She says, obviously trying to bury her distaste for the man in front of her. And despite her calm tone, bitter icicles of hatred follow each and every word.

"I want to eradicate the humans. This earth belongs to us- it always has." He narrows his eyebrows at her, "It seems you have an odd liking for them. In fact... I've heard rumours you even have one living here." He suddenly raises his nose to the air, and I slink back into the shadows my breaths feeling thick and heavy. The young boy's silver eyes connect with mine and I feel a small shock run through my blood. His eyes are like knives, prising open my soul and leaving the insides for all to see. Adrien senses me tensing behind him and grabs my arm to steady me. I feel faint, almost as if had he released his grasp, I would have toppled onto the floor. He tightens his grip and the pain brings my mind back to the entrance hall.

"What do you want Keres?" She says, avoiding the statement. The boy doesn't turn to talk to his father, instead, he removes his gaze from mine and focuses it on the Queen. He seems- amused.

"I want to unite our kingdoms," The king announces, "A wedding between you and my son and the humans have no longer to fear from us." The man glances to his son and the boy makes no attempt to move, instead, he stares at Isla softly. I watch as she breaths deep and matches the gaze of the silver-haired boy by his father's side.

"No." She says bluntly, standing at the side of the room with her back to me. I let out a sharp breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding.

"Then you and I have no agreement." The King states roughly, narrowing his eyes and taking one last glance across the room, "Come, boy. We waste our time with this petty little girl." The boy beside him returns his gaze to his father- I don't think he's blinked once. Isla flinches at the insult but continues to offer them a way back,

"I'll have a chariot take you home," The King waves off her gesture in obvious disrespect.

"We have other means of travel." And with that both him and his boy disappear in a cloud of dark energy that sends a deep shiver through my blood. In the same second the small, disruptive particles appear, they fade away. Almost as if they had never existed at all. A universal breath is let out- almost as if the room was holding a breath itself and Adrien releases his grip on my arm. I suddenly feel faint again and slowly, my legs collapse from beneath me. I feel two arms grab me before I hit the ground and I look up into those emerald eyes, I've grown to adore.

"You're okay... I got you." My head is pounding; what did that kid do? 


Isla carries me up to my room and gives me a mug full of a warm, mysterious liquid. I take a small sip and feel the creamy, luscious texture trickle down my throat.

"It's hot chocolate- should make you feel better," She says sitting beside me on the bed.

"What... Happened?" I slur slowly.

"The Prince- he knew. He put some spell over you- it's okay it'll fade." I nod and place the mug on the table. Droplets of water begin to ponder down my cheeks. Partly because of the spell's hold over me and partly because I know the King won't ever stop. Isla places her hand on mine to comfort me and wipes my tears slowly with her other hand.

"Isla..." I choke out and she smiles at me in response, "Don't leave me... hold me, please." She buries herself in my side and holds me tight. I feel so weak and fragile but I don't care. Her warmth immediately calms me, and I begin to forget all my worries. It's always like that when I'm with her. Everything just seems to stop as the girl in front of me becomes my whole world.

"I'd never leave you," she whispers, kissing the top of my head. I let the day roll over me in sheets and as the sun begins its journey below the horizon, I begin to feel at home in the arms of the girl I feel so strongly towards. My eyes begin to close and I drift into a deep and for the first time in a while, comforting sleep.


Thanks for reading! Hope you are all okay and safe with everything going on, and that you enjoyed. Thank you all again and have a lovely day!

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