(P4) Chapter 2- The Moment

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There's often a single moment that can change the course of history. This is that moment. The moment that will define the future of the human race. As the brunette runs up the aisle, her breaths frantic and intermittent, all eyes turn to her. There's a second of silence before the uproar. Swords swings, guards yell. It's pandemonium. And yet, amongst it all, blue meets green. The brunette gazes into the stunning eyes of the blonde, reassuring her that she can do this. She has to do this.

The brunette draws her blade, preparing for what would be a fight that defined everything. Her brother, father, Rhiannon, Ari... Isla. They were all depending on her and she could not- would not- let them down. That was when she felt the metal press against her neck. The cold, hard metal of a blade. Instantly, her gaze swung up to the person possessing the blade, recognition filling her eyes. She was looking into a face she knew all too well.


This was the moment. This was the moment that would define everything. A dumb, reckless plan that could kill us all. And yet, so much was riding on it. It seemed kind of stupid when you thought about it. Because the more you thought about it, the more stupid it seemed. I'd spent the remainder of the time before the wedding trying to wield Xavier's magic. And whilst the week had felt longer than any other, the results were futile. The positive side- I had been able to wield his magic, scarcely but it proved that my hypothesis was correct. The negative side- we had no secure plan and an army that accounted for barely even half of theirs.

"Are we really going to do this?" Casper mutters as I secure the weapons belt around my waist. I look up at him, my eyes softening.

"It's all we have..." The blonde boy nods slowly before walking over to embrace me in a sudden hug. I feel his chest heave before he speaks.

"Thank you..." He murmurs into my shoulder. We part slowly, confusion obvious on my face.

"I didn't do anything," I state, watching as he pulls a quiver over his shoulder.

"You stayed..."


Nerves are creeping through my veins as we walk over to the stables. As we walk, we see men preparing weapons and horses. It's only then when I realise- they are preparing for war. Because whether we win or lose, this will be the catalyst. This will mean the beginning of a war. As we get closer, I notice Adrien on the horizon, a crowd of horses following him. I narrow my eyebrows as the figures come closer, a few faces becoming distinguishable...

"Adrien!" I call out and at this, the dark-haired boy hops off of his horse, running closer.

"I thought that if I just asked... let them know what was happening... they may want to help..." Adrien states as the rest of the figures climb down from their horses, coming closer and closer.

"Em!" Rihannon cries, running up to me and embracing me in a hug. It feels so warm and familiar to have her in my arms once again. It feels like home. I pull her closer to me, taking in the familiar scent of pine and ash.

"H... how..." I stammer, my mouth hanging open.

"Adrien came to the village and explained what was at stake, said those who wanted to help could come with him. Your father was... displeased." I chuckle slightly at this before remembering the boy I had held on what had been the worst night of my life.

"Noah?" Rihannon steps aside as a small boy walks out from behind Adrien, a grin filling his small face. He runs towards me and I pull him up into my arms so he can wrap his arms around my neck. This time, I can feel the tears pricking at my eyes at the sight of his joy-filled grin. He looks so different- older.

"Look at you baby boy... growing up..." I place a soft kiss on his forehead, causing him to giggle. I can't believe that my father allowed this small, precious boy to come all the way here.

"I brought him." A voice I haven't heard in far too long chimes out from the crowd. My glance quickly sweeps over the sky, locating the source. Ari smiles slightly at him as our gazes align, "You got yourself into a bit of trouble then... hey?" A grin fills my face at this and I gaze into the eyes of the boy I was previously fated to marry.

"This is sweet and all... but... we need to get ready..." Adrien walks over to take Noah from me, "Hey buddy... you want to meet my sister? Her name's Ophelia, I think you'll like her." The boy nods frantically and Adrien's gaze connects with mine, the two of us communicating wordlessly. I take a breath as Adrien leaves, addressing those from my village.

"Alright... if you don't know how to fight, follow Adrien into the palace, if you do, follow me." I watch Rihannon's hand intertwine with Killian's, whom I didn't notice was here until now.

"Rhi..." I murmur slightly, protesting as they both walk towards me. The girl just grins.

"I can do this Em..." She mutters softly, placing a hand on my arm. A few seconds pass and we stare at each other- the familiar feeling of our gazes latching.

Are you sure? She nods slowly as if she had understood and reaches to intertwine her hand in mine. I smile as she walks by my side, leaning over to whisper in my ear.

"So... I heard you fell in love..." I chuckle as she says this, leaning my head onto her shoulder.

"Yeah... I kinda did..." I murmur dreamily.


I don't know if we'll get Isla back but there is no way in hell I'm not going to try. And with the people that I love the most by my side, trying seems a little less daunting. It feels better having Rihannon by my side, seeing Noah again- even if it was the last time. Maybe we can do this. Maybe... just maybe it'll all work out.


Sorry, school is taking up most of my time at the moment, preparing for exams and everything but I'll try and update whenever I get time to! Anyway, I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day! 

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