(P2) Chapter 7- Heavy

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The staircase ends at a narrow alleyway. We silence our cries for Adrien as we hear the clinking of chains further down the alley. As we approach, the alley is filled with faint whispers coming from a room ahead of us. Coming face to face with an opening, I peer around the open doorway, trying to make as little noise as possible. Casper mirrors this, pressing his back to the wall behind me.

"Come on... was this the plan? You thought you could sneak in unnoticed... here?" The prince sneers down at the crippled figure of Adrien who is laid against the far wall. I feel Casper tense behind me. I don't dare speak because I know the prince will hear. Instead, I turn to him, clutching his hand tight in mine. We have to wait...

"Who came up with that?" A familiar, broken voice echoes around the room. A voice I could recognise anywhere- Emilie.

"Shut up." The prince snaps, glaring at a cage by the side of him.

"Or what..." Her voice is weak but somehow the sentence feels oddly like a threat, "You can't kill me. You need me to get her here." She spits out the word 'her' as if it were some kind of poison. At this, my heart clenches and all I want to do is to run in there and tear open the door to that damn cage.

"I'll kill him." Casper flinches at this sentence and I grip tighter onto his hand.

"You can't do that either. What if there's another attack planned?" Emilie murmurs matter-of-factly, drawing out each word, almost as if she were bored with the Prince's threats.

"Then I'll kill them." Emilie sighs deeply at this.

"What is it with you and the killing? Can't you just... imprison them or something?" She says, hoarsely.

"Shut up."

"Or have them to dinner, do some talking, deliberate peace?" The girl continues, seemingly unaware of the annoyance obvious on the prince's face.

"Shut up."

"Oh right, you can't do anything without your father's consent, right?" The room is silent for a few seconds, "I ran away without my fathers' consent. He doesn't even know that I'm missing. But then again... I am here... so..." She mustn't know that her father is here. I wonder where the humans are... and the rest of my army. Suddenly Adrien catches my gaze, his breathing accelerating slightly. I hold a finger to my lips.

"SHUT UP!" The silver-haired boy yells abruptly, turning to grab the cage with two hands, rattling the metal structure back and forth.

"Anger issues..." The girl inside says in an almost sing-song tone causing the prince to pick up the cage and throw it against the wall. My breath catches as the jarring noise of the metal sliding against brick echoes around the room. That's it, I can't stay here any longer. I close my eyes, pulling together all of my remaining energy and focusing on the boy's airway. I imagine the space closing in on itself, getting smaller and smaller. The air becoming thinner and thinner. Each breath he takes getting shallower and shallower.

I open my eyes as the prince begins to splutter, taking the chance to run out from behind the doorway, I pin him to the wall, my arm against his neck. He glares at me, the spluttering slowly subsiding and turning into a cold laugh. I press him harder against the wall to make him shut up but seconds later he disappears as he had done many times, in a cloud of dark smoke; the smoke surrounds me, and I begin to cough. My muscles becoming lethargic, I collapse to the floor, my head pounding. Everything was becoming a blur, I had used so much magic that I had become weak. I could hear the jarring chimes of metal against metal, clawing at my eardrums but, other than that, it was as if the world had been silenced. 

I can't hear a single heartbeat.

Each breath seems like a chore, my brain ready to give in. I gather the little strength I have left, standing onto my feet by using the wall on my right side. The breaths come slow and laboured but I manage to rise to my feet, my body only strong enough for one last action. I pull the Unseelie blade from my belt and thrust it towards the back of the prince's chest, right by the heart. He moves slightly as Casper throws a punch at him, blocking it and at the same time stepping back into the blade. It sinks in just below his shoulder, causing him to cry out. He then turns, anger filling his face and tugs the blade out of his skin, shoving me aside. I don't fight it- I can't. Every move I make feels like the last. I watch the fight from my position on the floor, the world slowly fading from view. The prince has Casper pressed against the wall and in the last few seconds I am conscious, I see the blurred figure of a girl approaching the boy from behind and hear a loud bang as a piece of metal slams into bone.


My father used to say to me, never ever exhaust yourself. Your body is capable of so much and it will never know when to stop- you have to set that limit. Magic is taxing and evil, it's never for free. That's why they never really used it- why I never really used it. Because there is always a consequence. Today it was my consciousness- my energy. However other times, it's not the same. I remember the first time I used it- the day my mother died. I cried all night and couldn't sleep. Restlessness- that was my consequence. 

This time it was weakness. I was helpless- useless. I had watched in despair as the events unfolded with no way to stop them. Watched as my body slowly broke down, each function failing after the other. I'd gotten too desperate. The plan had fallen apart quicker than it had been put together...


I'm so sorry with how late this is. I've been meaning to post it for a while but I could never get the end right... However, I finally managed to get it and I'm so sorry for the wait! The next chapter should be up much quicker. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely day!

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