Chapter 15- You Don't Need Me

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I sit down on the bed in frustration. I don't understand. Why can't she just talk to me? Why can't it just be like it was by the lake- when we first met? The door inches open and I expect Isla to enter but she doesn't. In fact, its Adrien who looks down at me.

"Don't be too disappointed!" He laughs at the look on my face and I glare up at him.

"Hey, she's a stubborn one. I don't know how you know her, but I do know that she doesn't like to admit when she's wrong..." I interrupt him, standing up,

"And that's the stupid thing! She's not wrong, she's perfectly right! She just refused to talk to me. It feels like she's been avoiding me since I came here!" He walks forward a few centimetres and clicks his tongue.

"Maybe you're over-reacting..."

"Adrien... a few weeks, months ago I couldn't go a day without seeing her face... Couldn't function if I hadn't looked into those goddamn eyes of hers. I miss her- okay? I miss her and she doesn't miss me, and it hurts!" I feel tears teetering on the edge of my eyes, threatening to fall at any moment.

"Oh," He says behind me and there are a few seconds of silence.

"Oh, what!" I yell at him. He looks a little shocked at my sudden outburst and I recoil, apologising.

"I'm sorry..." I say and he grabs me by both hands,

"You care about her?" He asks and I nod slowly, "Go talk to her, it's the room to the left of this one. She's not one to take the first step..." I look at him in shock, but he just pulls me towards the door, "Stop feeling bloody sorry for yourself and go talk to her!" he yells, practically chucking me out of the room.


I linger in the corridor outside her room, Adrien having gone downstairs to look after his sister. What do I say? What do I do? Then it seems the universe answers my questions for me because a girl rushes out of the room, tripping on her dress as she does so. I run to catch her, and she looks up at me, mouth gaping open.

"Falling for me again, hey?" When she doesn't respond I shake my head and lift her to her feet, "I mean... can we talk? Please?" She nods silently and opens the door to her room gesturing for me to come in. Her room is almost the exact same as mine, other than the fact the theme is more of a sky blue compared to the lilac in my room.

"What's wrong?" She asks innocently and I stand awkwardly by the door. At that moment I decide to be honest- brutally honest.

"I missed you," I say, and she narrows her eyebrows at me.

"But you didn't miss me," I say it as a statement rather than a question.

"What gives you that idea?!" She says in protest, coming closer to me. The dress she is wearing today is more of a plain white and obviously easier to move around in, "Of course I missed you!"

"Yeah? Well, it doesn't feel like it. Did you even go to the lake once after our fight?" I say calmly feeling the tears rise again.

"Every day I could. But I've been so busy, I wish I could have gone more. I never saw you, I thought you didn't want to talk to me!" She cries walking towards me and entwining our hands, "I missed you so much. I regretted everything I said the moment I said it. I wished it had never happened. I was just upset that..."

"No, you were right! I was being selfish and wasting my life pretending to love someone I didn't. I thought I could, but I know now that I couldn't," I interrupt her and press my hand against her cheek. She smiles at me,

"Shut up you idiot!" I stop, concern filling my eyes.

"I was just upset that you'd found someone... else," she continues her sentence. Our gazes catch and my heart breaks. It was supposed to one fragile promise on the most perfect night in my life. But I'm no longer okay with that. We deserve more than a single kiss and a single night.

We both lean in at the same time and as our lips meet the same feeling runs through my veins. Not duller, if anything stronger. And more desire- more longing. The world shatters around us because the minute her lips meet mine, we are the only particles left in an exploding universe. Me and Isla. I wrap my arms around her neck, and she wraps her legs around me. It's funny because she's the stronger one and yet I'm the one in control. I flip us around and push her back into the door. I feel the heat rising, longing, passion and just how right she feels. Just how right we feel.

She opens her mouth a little allowing me to slip my tongue in. I let it explore- I want to memorise every inch of her. Truth is I don't know how long this could last. But at this moment, I'm not thinking about Ari or my father. I'm thinking about her and the sweet tingle she leaves as she breaks the kiss and starts trailing down my neck, leaving a trail of kisses in her wake. I pull her closer to me and as she reaches my collar, I feel a sharp pain. She bit me. I look down at her and she looks up, grinning at me. I glare at her playfully and before I can protest, she lifts me off my feet and carries me bridal style toward the bed.

"Hey! Put me down!" I yell at her, shoving her lightly in the shoulder.

"Okay," she murmurs, and I feel my body get shoved hard onto the soft mattress. She giggles and goes to lie down in the space beside me.

She wraps her arm around my waist and places her head on my chest. I smile at those small actions. Who knew the simplest comfort of her lying beside me could make me feel so complete?

"You should eat something now..." She mumbles into my chest and I feel her words echo through my bones.

"I think there's something else I'd rather eat instead..." I joke, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She whacks me with her free hand in response,

"Shut up!" She moans and I grab the hand she hit me with in mine and start tracing shapes on it with my thumb. She calms.

"Damn... all I wanted was some ice cream for breakfast..." Ice cream was a rare occurrence in the Village, but when we did have it- I'm pretty sure it was the best thing I'd ever tasted.

"No ice cream for breakfast," She murmurs, not having the energy to put up a fight, "Come on..." She jumps off the bed and motions for me to follow. I frown at her with sad eyes.

"You look so adorable right now," She says and with that picks me up once again and despite my protest, continues to carry me all the way to the breakfast hall. Fortunately, no one is there because I have a small feeling her friends might tease us endlessly for something like this. I grab a few small pancakes; still uneasy about the whole endless food supply thing and Isla watches me eat. You'd think it would be kind of stalkerish but, it was nice. We talked and laughed just like we had before and at time's I'd flick maple sauce at her and watch her distaste as it landed on her nose. She scrunches her whole face up, trying to look at the thing on her nose, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Then I finally give in and wipe the sauce off her and she immediately smiles. Why is that beautiful smile so damn contagious?

"So, Emelia... how do you feel about getting one of my guards to train you?" I jump in my seat and turn to look at her. She knows that the only thing I've ever wanted is to be able to train in the Guard,

"So not you then?" I respond slyly.

"Thought it might be too much of a distraction," She says raising her eyebrows and I can't resist placing a small kiss on her soft lips. She blushes and I think it's just about cuter than before.

"Oh, it will. But I work well with distractions..."


Okay so is this too fast? Cause I kinda just wrote it and I really don't know since I hadn't planned this section and two, what did you think? I'm not amazing at writing these type of scenes so some feedback would be nice!  Thank you so much for reading! And have an amazing day!

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