Chapter 5- Because I Ran

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Noah, Rhiannon and I are playing cards on my bed,

"Noah, you have any threes?" My brother shakes his head and Rhiannon looks at him in annoyance. He just shrugs and she narrows her eyes, reaching over the bed to grab his cards,

"No! Stop it!" He protests but Rhiannon overpowers the small boy grabbing his deck,

"You little cheat!" She yells pulling two threes out of his deck and showing them to me. I laugh at both of them and watch as Noah tries to grab his cards back.

"Hey! You cheated! You took my deck!" The boy moans. Father interrupts us standing at the end of my bed,

"Come on boy, play fair," He says, and my brother shrinks down- he has a lot of respect for our father.

"I'm sorry father..." He murmurs and gives up trying to take the cards back from Rhiannon.

"Right, and I think it's time for you to go to bed," Father picks the boy up in his arms and puts him down on his own bed. He looks a little upset, but I know some sleep will do him good. Rhiannon nestles up beside me resting her head on my shoulder once again.

"Rhi, do you think that maybe the Fae aren't as bad as people say they are?" I whisper so that my brother doesn't hear. Rhiannon looks over at my brother who has just put his nightshirt on and is tucking himself into bed.

"Those people killed your mother Em..." She whispered in return, "I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to find out..." I nod slowly, my mind still full of thoughts of the mysterious girl by the barrier.

"Hey, I'm gonna head home. Don't do anything stupid." She looks at me and raises her eyebrows. I smile,

"I won't," I say quietly,

"Alright, love you jerk," She mouths as she leaves,

"Love you too idiot," I mouth back, and she just smiles at me.


Right- now to do something stupid. I wait until I can hear my brother snoring beside me and my father blows out candles in his room. Then I get up, pull my boots on, grab my jacket and walk stealthily out of the door. The night wind bites at my skin and I pull my jacket closed. I watch the moon rise in the sky and begin my way to the lake. I don't know why- it's not like I expect her to be here. I just... I wanted to clear my head- I need to clear my head. I reach the bank, sit beside the flowing water, and breathe out slowly.

"You never come here this late at night..." A voice from the tree's chimes. She has the most beautiful voice, soft and smooth, like a melody you never want to stop hearing. I look towards the trees, but I can't see anything, I can't see anything until the stunning girl jumps down and sits on the other side of the bank. She is barely a few metres from me, her blonde hair dancing gracefully in the wind.

"I needed to clear my head," I say looking into those emerald eyes. I remember that girl all those years ago. How could she be one of them?

"Same," She mutters, "Isn't the sky so beautiful in the night?" I nod unsure of what to do or say.

"What's in your head that needs clearing?" She asks and I bite my lip- You.

"I could ask you the same question," I respond slowly.

"You could..." She murmurs and narrows her eyes at me, "And if you did, the answer would be- you." My jaw almost drops after she finishes her sentence, but I hold it together, building my confidence,

"Oh really? What about me? My charming looks? My amazing hair?" She laughs a little and smiles across the lake at me,

"Oh, all of that. And... your generosity," She studies me silently, "See the one question I keep asking is... why? Why did you help me when all my people have caused you is pain?"

I shrug and I think about the question myself. Why did I do it?

"I met a little girl once. All she wanted was a friend and I ran away from her," I say as if explains the whole situation when it really doesn't at all. She touches the tips of her fingers to the water's surface,

"I met a little girl once. At first, I thought she might like to play but then a look of terror filled her face as she turned and fled." She trails off watching my expression change, "But... then I didn't understand. I couldn't understand why the second she saw the point of my ears that she ran. Now I do. Why not run this time?" She addresses me with her last line, looking up at me with curiosity.

I think about it. I really think.

"Maybe the girl didn't want to be scared anymore." I look up at her and catch her gaze once again. She smiles,

"Does this girl have a name?"

"Well... sometimes she likes to be called Emelie," I say.

"And other times?"

"Other times she likes to pretend that it isn't her name at all and that this isn't her life. That she's just a girl who has a wonderful sister, the most incredible mother and who just met the most mysteriously beautiful girl she'd ever laid eyes on," I breathe out feeling my heart clench once again.

"Let me guess... none of those things are true," She murmurs with a small smile,

"One is true..." I pause and watch her face, "I do have the most wonderful sister." I chuckle lightly and she flicks water up at me. I move to the side to avoid it,

"Okay! Truth is... I have a wonderful sister; I just don't know where she is... or if she's alive..." I feel the memories hit me like a ton of bricks and I look at the pity painted on the face of the girl in front of me.

"I want you to know, the faeries who came here, they aren't my people. They are from a different court. When my father, the king, found out what had happened, it was too late to stop it but... we are the reason they never went back. We created a treaty between both courts that to avoid a war, no Fae would ever cross the barrier again. I'm sorry I couldn't save your mother and sister..." She's a princess... Everything coming out of her mouth seems genuine and from all of the legends, Fae supposedly can't lie. I watch her eyes fill with sorrow at the last sentence and my heart breaks at the sight. I know I have to be careful, but I can't help but believe every word she says.

"I meant it," I whisper into the cold, spring night, "You are the most mysteriously beautiful girl I've ever met." She smiles at the words. It doesn't mean I believe her, and she knows that. But it means that I'm not going to run away again.

"I have to go," She says, "But... I'll be here tomorrow afternoon if you want to... stop by..." We both smile at each other and as she turns to leave, I call out,

"What should I call you, princess?"

"I have to give you a reason to come back right?" She replies before disappearing into the shadow of the night.


Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying the storyline, let me know what you think- too fast, too slow? Also, is the one chapter a day thing okay or would you like two somedays?

Thank you again and have a wonderful day!

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