Chapter 19- The Little Things

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"Morning." I blink my eyes and watch the blur in my vision slowly focus, staring into the sea of green in front of me. The girl tucks a lock of hair behind my ear and smiles at me softly. The slow curve of her lip's bites at my heart and I rise slowly from the bed. I press my lips onto hers. A slow, light kiss almost as if I'm afraid that once it ends, I'll never see her again. I feel my muscles melt to powder under her touch as she presses me delicately back onto the bed. Reluctantly, I break the contact, breathing in all her scents before she speaks,

"I was thinking... we go into town today?" She angles her head slightly to the side and my heart hammers at the cute expression on her face, "It'll take our minds of yesterday and... Litha is the day after tomorrow"

She climbs off me and walks dazedly to the wardrobe; seemingly lost in thought.

"Litha?" I ask, puzzled. She looks to the side of the open wardrobe with a confused look painted all over her face.

"Mid-Summer? Do you not have it back home? It's a very big thing here." I sit up slowly in realisation.

"Wait, you mean, the summer solstice? We don't really celebrate it..."

"Well, you're in for a treat then. Litha is when our powers are the strongest, it's widely celebrated, most often with outdoor bonfires, dancing and drinking. I went to my first when I was three- it was the best night of my life." Isla pulls some basic clothing from the wardrobe and begins to walk back, "And... maybe I was wondering if you would go with me..." I smile as she hands me the pile of clothes and our fingers brush.

"I'd love to," I say, getting up to walk to the bathroom and change. She smiles just as I reach the door and it seems everything that happened yesterday is but a distant memory.

"Hurry up and we'll go shopping!" She yells after me as I shut the door. I smile and lean back against the door, letting the joy trickle down my blood. I press my head back onto the door and sigh softly.

"Hey! I can't hear any movement in there!" Isla yells and I chuckle, partly cursing her superior senses and party just... happy.


The streets of the Seelie Court seem even more crowded and busy today. The sun sets a beautiful orange haze on each building and the people smile and bow as we walk by. Isla leads me down a busy alley which is apparently the entrance to the shopping district. Even the cobbles below us are well cared for, each one almost glistening in the sun. I watch a group of kids run past with a football, they're laughing with a joy I'd seen sparingly back at the village. The ball rolls over to us, blocked by a swift movement from Isla's foot. The Fae boy who had kicked it had a guilty look painted on his face as he saw the person who had stopped his ball and he gulps slowly. Isla picks up the ball and with a caring smile passes it to the boy.

"Here you are, be more careful next time Jax..." He smiles up at her, the fear and guilt vanishing from his face and takes the ball, nodding. She leans down and kisses the top of his forehead; he grins before running back to the rest of his friends.

"You know him?" I ask as we continue down the alley.

"I know all of them. Every name. Every story. They are my people after all." I turn to her in shock,

"There are so many of them, how can you know everyone?"

"What kind of ruler would I be if I didn't know my people?" She responds softly, smiling. A merchant on our right interrupts us,
"Queen Isla... won't you buy some paintings, for the palace maybe?" The girl by my side smiles at the woman and pulls a purse from her pocket.

"Of course, Cécile, you know I love your art," She says in a soft, kind-hearted tone. I've never seen this side of her. The side that cares for every soul she vowed to protect, the side that would do anything for the safety of her court. The Unseelie King was wrong- she's not frail. Her love and care for her people makes her strong.

The blonde girl sees me staring and puts her hand in mine to get my attention. My eyes flicker to hers and we both smile.

"What are you thinking about Emelia?" She asks slowly and I smile pressing my lips softly to hers, in public or not.

"You." She grins, showing no sign of embarrassment of having just kissed me on the crowded streets of the Seelie court and drags me down the street once again.

After an afternoon of excited children and brightly coloured markets. We finally reach a store at the end of the street and the girl pulls me in excitedly.

"Daric!" She yells as we walk in and a tall slim Faeries steps out from behind the counter and embrace the girl with a soft squeal. His hair is a thick honey blonde and eyes two light blue orbs which glow like the morning sky. After they part, he looks over at me,
"So this is the human you've brought here, hey?" I smile sheepishly and he abruptly wraps his arms around me. However, instead of embracing me in a hug like he did Isla, he pulls a roll of tape around my waist.

"Wow, she's a skinny one! When was your last proper meal?" He says, his tone way too exhilarant. I slip slowly out of his grasp and stand a little behind Isla.

"I'm sorry Emelia, Daric can be a little... too enthusiastic sometimes," She says as a way of comfort, placing her hand in the small of my back. I feel little jets of energy shoot out from her touch and smile at her as a reassurance that I'm okay.

"Right... sorry, Emelia- is it?"

"Emelie..." I respond and the Fae pulls up a small stool from under the table.

"If you let me get a few measurements, I can tailor you the most stunning outfit for the most exciting night of your life." I glance around the room at both of them before taking a small step onto the stool. Here we go...


Hope you enjoyed! Stay safe everyone and thank you for reading! 

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