Chapter 10- Powerless

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"Let me go, sir, please!" Ari says to my father but it's no use.

"Ari your mother can't lose another one of her children and I need you here to take care of my daughter." Ari sighs, giving in and nods,

"Good luck, Sir," He says holding out his arm, my father takes it and looks towards me,

"Tell your brother when he wakes up. He won't be able to handle the news of my absence right now and... I don't know if I could say goodbye..." I nod, understanding and walk over to him to envelop him in a hug. It's around midday and my brother had fallen asleep after his tireless panic this morning. After talking through the plan with the guard, my father returned to the house a couple of hours after I did with news that he and the best members of the guard were leaving as soon as possible. I begged him- I did. I told them they wouldn't stand a chance- I didn't tell him about Isla but part of me is wishing I did. He's stubborn. He wants justice for the blood that was spilt on his watch and this is the perfect excuse. I'm just praying Isla will show them some mercy.

"You'll be there for my wedding remember; I swore it. So, you better not die," I joke, fighting back tears. He senses this and places a hand on the back of my head running his fingers through my hair.

"I won't. I promise you I'll be there. I'll give you away and I'll cry the minute we start walking down the aisle." We separate and he wipes away the tears I wasn't able to fight. I know I have to do something. I can't lose my father too.

"I love you, father," I say holding both of his hands in mine. He lets go of one of mine and caresses my cheek,

"I love you too, my beautiful daughter. Stay safe, stay happy, be brave." I nod and wipe the tears myself this time. I could try and beg him not to go, but, it would be no use. And I think he knows that too. He lets go of both of my hands and starts to follow one of his men out of the door.

Ari and I stand and watch them leave with the rest of the village and as they walk into the forest, I hear the prayers and wishes that follow them. Ari wraps his arms around me, and I snuggle into his warmth. I hadn't realized how draining these past few days had been. Across the street I see Rhiannon and Killian holding hands- I forgot that their wedding was supposed to be tomorrow, I wonder if they'll postpone it. As I look over, Rhiannon smiles sadly at me. I haven't had a proper conversation with her in days...

I can't just sit around and do nothing... I'm not going to sit around and do nothing.


I sit up in bed. Ari is asleep beside me and I crawl softly from his grasp. I get off the bed and quietly prepare myself. Grabbing a leather bag and packing all the essentials, clothes, food, a bottle of water and my knife, I slip my boots on silently and the second I'm about to leave I hear a soft voice behind me.

"I was told to keep you safe," It says, and I turn to see Ari. I can't do this- not now.

"This is something I need to do Ari. I must know that this isn't my fault. I have to fix this," I say, begging him to let me go.

"Let me come with you..." He says slowly and I shake my head,

"I have to do this alone, and what about Noah?"

"My mother's here, she'll look after him," He says pointing to the room my father normally sleeps in. It's funny because now, I see no reason for him not to come and I know that he won't let me go alone.

I breathe out.


"But you have to explain what we're doing," Ari adds, picking up his bag and guards' belt, containing his sword, from beside the dining room table. 

"I'll do it on the way there, okay, now hurry up we have to leave before dawn or they'll see us," I snap, half annoyed at him and half relieved that I don't have to do this alone. I suddenly realize that there are two people still asleep in this room and cover my mouth quickly. He smirks at the gesture then whispers to me,

"Hurry up, let's go..." I roll my eyes and we head towards the lake.

We reach the lake and I turn to look at him. The breeze is biting sullenly at my skin and the dark shadow of the night covering both of our faces in its blanket. Yet, I can just make out his eyes from the glint of the stars. I'm so sorry. I study the orbs of brown and then I place my hand behind his neck. I breathe in slowly as his eyes connect with mine. You can't grow to love someone. I lean in closer, feeling his breath against mine. Then- I close the gap, pressing my lips softly to his. I feel nothing- no spark, no overwhelming happiness. Nothing but a dull ache inside me. A longing for something more. We part and he gapes at me,

"I'm so sorry Ari..." I murmur and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Em, what's happening..." He trails off as I kick him in the shin and pin him down to the floor. I press one of my hands on his mouth and with the other, pinch his nose. I hold him like that until he goes silent then I let go quickly and press my ear to his lips. He's still breathing. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and press a kiss to the top of his forehead before strapping his bag around my neck and his belt around my waist.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper again and start walking past the border, hand on the sword by my side.


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