(P4) Chapter 6- Because He Cried

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The blonde stares blankly in front of her at the flower littered morgue. The light flashes through the windows above her, taunting her. Digging deep into her heart and beckoning forward the guilt buried deep inside.  You see, the Fae do not bury their dead. In fact, the Fae do not even store their bodies. Instead, they give them up to nature. Lay them in this exact room on this exact floor and let nature crawl through the empty chasm that was left. Faeries believe a spirit is different from a body. That body and soul were two parts. The blonde couldn't even recount the countless times she'd been told, 'Dead doesn't mean gone.' 

They were right. Dead didn't mean gone. It meant gone forever. Never to smile again, never to cry again. Never to touch or to hold. Never to speak, never to step foot on this lonely planet ever again. Gone.

It was only then in which the blonde felt a presence beside a shoulder, a dark-haired boy who seated himself on the grass beside his sister. He reaches out his hand, entertaining their fingers. They don't speak for a moment, the deathly echoes from the morgue filling their thoughts.

"I'm sorry..." The blonde murmurs after a long moment.

"You don't have to be..." The boy beside her states, his tone seemingly wandering around the room. A single tear slides down the blonde's face and she reaches frantically to catch it before it fell onto the grass below her. The legend was, that if a Faerie lets a tear fall onto the hallowed earth of a morgue, every person that Fae loved would soon be absorbed into the ground equally. It was originally created to stop Fae from mourning. To keep them fighting even in their darkest times...

"It's my fault... it's all my fault," The girl exclaims, the youth on her face apparent as she clutches her brother's hand.

"No..." The boy says roughly, "No... it's our fault..." The two stare at each other, an equal understanding exchanged through their glances. The boy pulls his sister towards him, settling into her embrace. 

Unknown to the blonde, a tear slides down his face, slowly painting the boy's features before it returns to its final resting place- the earth below him.

The girl turns to him now, but his face is different. It's painted in blood; It's dripping from his eyes, a scarlet handprint stretching from his chin to his eye. Then his mouth opens but there's nothing inside, it's like a void. A void of just darkness. Then he yells, it's a strangled yell, cold and bitter, almost like a scream but a scream that's been trapped, bouncing off of every wall again and again until it hits the ear of a person. A person to answer his cries...


I move my hand in circles on Isla's back as she tries to regain her breath. She's shaking, her chest heaving up and down lethargically.

"Baby... what happened?" I ask as she starts to breathe normally again. The blonde gulps before answering.

"I... I saw him... after... after mother died. He- God, Em he looked so broken and there was, there was... so much blood. blood... and tears..." Isla stammers, looking up at me desperately.

"Isla... it wasn't real. He wasn't real..." I press my head to hers, listening to the cogs whirring inside it. Listening to her silent cries for help.

"But it happened... that really happened. He cried..." Isla breaks off, leaving me confused at her words. Sometimes she forgets that I can't see her nightmares. Forgets that the things that scare her the most are the one thing that I can't see.

"Isla... maybe we should go downstairs and eat, you've barely eaten, hell, you've barely left your room this week..." I murmur into her neck, pressing my nose just under her jaw.

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