(P2) Chapter 3- Hatred Is Not Always Shared

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The humans slow as they approach our blockade, seemingly aware of our want for peace. I climb down from my horse, scanning their army for a man with the same chocolate brown hair I had awoken too few days previously. One man stands out amongst them all- his hair is flecked with silver strands and his eyes, the perfect picture of an entrapment I could never forget. I walk towards him slowly, kneeling as he jumps off of the saddle of the horse.

"What is this?" He orders in a direct tone and I rise from my position on the grass.

"This... is a blockade. We do not wish to kill any of your men for a mistake we did not make. I request your acquaintance at my palace to have a discussion regarding your daughter..." I say calmly, glancing around at the men he had brought with him. There is probably less than one hundred and fifty of them, enough for my army to be able to obliterate them within a few minutes.

"How do you know my daughter?" He snaps, obviously disgusted by my words.

"Time will tell..." I murmur, "Now... I shall wait at my palace; my knights shall escort you when you are ready to speak." The man spits on the ground in front of me, his eyes showcasing a hard glare.

"Why should I speak with you?"

"Because it is what Emilie would have wanted..." I let the words drift in the air between us, watching his face twist into an expression of confusion. Instead of saying any more, I let my words slowly resonate within the men and turn to climb back onto my horse. I leave in a cloud of silence, nodding to my people to continue to enforce the barrier. Adrien turns to accompany me, but I lean over to whisper my protest in his ear,

"Stay here, keep them under control..." I glance towards both our people and those a threat to them. My childhood friend nods.

"Of course, your majesty," I nod in thanks to his respect. It is custom here to except any respect given to you by your people, it is seen as rude to protest against it. It's not something I love but instead something I except with gratitude.


I wait on my throne for twenty minutes before the palace doors swing open and Talia, one of my most trusted knights, walks in with Emilie's father and another man at her side. I nod my head in a sign of welcome and slip off my throne in order to speak to them; I hate communicating with people with the idea of my looming power over them, I rather talking to everyone as if they were my equal- as I do to these two men.

"You have women in your army..." The man, stood next to the father of the girl I love, says roughly- I dislike his disapproving tone.

"We allow everyone to have free will over their chosen profession regardless of gender or lack thereof. If you can put in the effort there is no need for lacklustre gender stereotypes," I respond, my tone only slightly bitter. Emilie was right, the society she resides in is not one of acceptance. The men look confused for a few seconds but seem to bypass my words.

"What is this about my daughter then?" I'm not sure how much of our story to tell. To leave out the aspects of our love or to tell them the whole honest truth. I wish you were here to help me, Emilia...

"Emilie arrived here around a month ago with the warning of this attack, you see, previously I had told her of our two courts. The Seelie and Unseelie. Those who attacked you? They were from the Unseelie Court. My father had an agreement with them after the first time, that they were never to attack you again, however, he, unfortunately, passed a few months ago and the Unseelie King has not taken to kindly to my ruling. Emilia came here to prevent a war. She wanted peace." I finish my explanation and watch the men process the information slowly.

"Where is she now and why was she talking to you in the first place?"

"The Unseelie Court, they took her. I thought that with our forces together, we could get her back." I walk towards them and watch as they shuffle back unconsciously. Both men still hold stern expressions, obviously not oblivious to the question I avoided answering.

"No," The Keeper of the Guard grunts, "I don't believe you. This could all be just a trick." I am taken aback by the bluntness and dismissal in his voice- his unconcern for his daughter.

"I promise you... this is no trick..." I say, a little more agitated than previously.

"Prove it," The man's rough voice responds and I take an aggravated breath.

"I..." I stammer, slowly realising there is only one way I can convince him, "Because... I love her and I need her. I can barely breathe without her by my side and I never told her..." I blurt out abruptly, my body on the verge of hysterics at the thought of never seeing her again.

The man beside Emilie's father breathes out angrily,

"They really are savages here..." he mutters obviously thinking I can't hear him. I grit my teeth at the retort quietly wishing I could tear off his head from in between his shoulders. If I couldn't persuade them before, I definitely can't now. I resist the urge to wipe the unnoticeable tears, teetering on the edge of my eyes and instead bite my lip softly,

"I'm sorry... I..." I am cut off by the rough voice of the man with the flecked chestnut hair.

"My name is Gideon, Gideon Snow. Now tell me... how am I to get my daughter back?" My eyes flick up to his, I can't read his current expression. I guess he is but a father, scared for his child. But a parent, like so many that inhabit my court.

"Thank you, Gideon. I have a plan, but I wanted to run it by you first..." I begin and am cut off by the once again stern voice of the man in front of me.

"You can address me as Mr Snow, your majesty, now feel free to explain whatever you have planned after you lift the blockade," He says bitterly, and I instantly know his hatred towards me has not dulled.


What do you all think will happen? Let me know! I hope you are all okay and have enjoyed, thank you so much for reading and have a lovely day!

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