(P2) Chapter 1- When Should You Give Up?

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Isla's POV

One week. One week since Emelie went missing on what was supposed to be the most important and incredible day of the year. I've been a mess. I'm their Queen and I'm a mess. Oh, father... what have I done? I've just gone and fallen in love... Yes, love. I'm in love with her and I didn't even get the chance to tell her. It was supposed to be a beautiful night under the stars when I would whisper my fragile confession in her ear then kiss her until the sun began to rise. That was what it was supposed to be- us- always.

Once again, my third letter to the Unseelie Court has been ignored. I know they have her... thing is... since she's human, I have no protection rights over her. She isn't one of my people. There's nothing I can do. Who knows what hell she is being put through- what those dreaded Faeries will have done to her... I stare out of the palace balcony into the glaring sun. I bet she hasn't seen this light for days. I feel the tears slowly trickle down and I instantly hate myself for it. She's out there, most likely getting tortured or hurt and I'm sat on a balcony, sobbing and feeling sorry for myself? What kind of Queen am I? What kind of role model?

The door swings open and, for a minute, I let myself think it is the beautiful brunette with those sky-blue eyes that seem to stop my heart whenever they cross with mine. I let myself think that she's here to yell at me for some other stupid, emotionless action I'd done without thinking and then tell me what I already knew but wouldn't admit. I breathe deep, thinking of her cute expressions when she's mad.

"Isla... The people... our people are getting restless. They've heard rumours about an attack," My brother speaks, breaking the perfect illusion I'd formed in my head. Hastily, I wipe the tears from my face and spot my brother sigh in my periphery.

"What?!" I snap, much fiercer than I had intended. But it seems that all my anger concerning the situation had been brewing for a long time and it was seconds away from pooling over.

"Isla... You need to get over this girl. She is not important. You have your kingdom to think about..." At his words, the anger bubbles and boils as it flows over the rim of the cauldron and hits the floor with a deafening sizzle.

"Not. Important?! You barely know her! You barely made an effort to get to know her!" Archer walks towards me, placing his hands comfortingly on my shoulders and scourging through my eyes, almost as if he were searching for a reason.

"Breathe... Isla, I get that you felt something for her. But you have a mate and at some point, you will find him and whatever you had with her will seem like nothing compared to it. Trust me okay... this girl, she's human. Humans don't know what love is..." He speaks in a calming tone expect nothing about his words are calming. In fact, each word he says just riles me up more. He's my brother- he's been with me through everything. Through mother's death, through father's death... I couldn't ever hate him. But right now- I do.

"What if she is my mate, Arch...?" I croak, too emotionally tired to fight with him anymore, "I'm in love with her Archer, we have to get her back... I... I love her..."

"No... no... you don't. Isla- we have our people to think of," Archer counters, shaking my shoulders softly and I just look sadly into his eyes, knowing that he could never get it. I just nod and collapse into his arms. I can't argue right now. I won't, "Isla... when was the last time you slept?" He speaks sullenly, taking my face in his hands.

"I... I can't sleep... knowing she's not safe..." He sighs softly and guides me over to my bed, laying me down.

"Sleep... we'll talk in the morning okay..." I won't sleep. I can't- it's impossible. At least Faeries aren't as dependent as humans on sleep- I've seen Emelie on a day she doesn't get sleep and it's bad... The thought of her instantly sets my heart on fire, until I remember that she's not by my side right now and an ice bucket is immediately dumped on top of me. I watch the younger boys' eyes as he stares at me. There's something in there that I can't quite decipher. Like a longing or maybe disapproval. He then tucks me under the covers like our mother used to when one of us were sick and gives me a slow kiss on the forehead.

The second the door clicks shut; I just want to get up. So, I do... I walk back over to the balcony and watch as the sun begins to creep down the sky. I remember the day Archer found his mate... He was 17, almost 18 and I 19. He had just burst through the palace door yelling at the top of his lungs,

"Father... I met her... I met my mate. The bond- it just snapped. It was incredible!"

He was so innocent then- not burdened with helping run the whole of the Seelie Court. He used to be such a care-free and loving kid; running around the palace endlessly with his friends. Everyone loved him. Me, on the other hand, I was less social. More interested in the beautiful world we lived in than the Court itself. Father used to say, my mind was always in the clouds, the places people only dared to imagine rather than the world they lived in. He told me that was what would make me a good leader. How I miss you father... What would you tell me now?

And that's the moment I spot them on the horizon, the horses galloping into the kingdom. The humans. I was so wrapped up in my own problems I almost forgot the threat on the edge of my Court. My Court. That's enough of this. I'm going to find that girl, I'm going to stop this attack. I can't give up. That is the one lesson my father taught me well- there is always a way. I must talk to Emelie's father.


Hope you have enjoyed! Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day!

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