Chapter 4- We Are The Same

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After we had finished, I took the stuff back to the house and since I was alone, decided to walk down the lake by the woods. It's something I do when I need to clear my head or just think. It's so peaceful just sitting by the running water listening to the birdsong. I walk to the back of the forest waiting for the changeover for guard duties, I memorised all the guard changes a while back, then, the second the guard leaves, I sneak behind him towards the clearing by the lake. I begin to trail slowly down the stream.

As I walk, I think about what Avery might have gotten me, I wonder if she's looking up at the same sky. I wonder if she's okay. That's when I hear a small groan of pain coming from the other side of the stream. I look over and there's a girl, maybe twenty or twenty-one. She's beyond beautiful; she has long stunning blonde hair, which is strewn beside her, carpeting the rocks. She wearing what looks like a gold-plated chest plate and leather trousers. I glance down at her injury, it's a large gash down the side of her right leg. Blood is seeping out of the cut, if someone didn't do something soon, she would bleed out. Our gazes catch and I'm instantly caught in her emerald green eyes entrancing me closer and closer. It's like a forest of jewels beckoning me to explore, surrounding me in its spell. My eyes study the curves of her face and stop at her ears. My breath catches.

"You're Fae." I say and the girl nods slightly. I see her breath pick up and her hands begin to shake- she's scared. My legs seem to be moving by themselves, my actions already decided before I make them, I walk towards her, stepping across some stones in the lake until I remember the barrier. I'm centimetres from the invisible line which separates our two races. I take a deep breath and cross it feeling an odd sensation of freedom as I get closer to the wounded girl. I reach out my hand towards the injury and she slinks back into the shadow of the tree,

"Don't worry. I want to help you," I say softly hoping I wouldn't scare her away. The girl inches closer and begins to examine my face. I feel her green eyes tracking my every movement as I look at the cut. It's not infected but it's in danger of being so.

"You need to wash it first, just put it in the water," I point to the stream and she begins to inch closer to the bank, her eyes still watching me. I splash water onto the wound, I expect her to flinch from the salt, but she doesn't look too bothered by it. Instead, she keeps her eyes trained on my face. I feel my heart clench in my chest. Once I'm sure the wound is clean and not at risk from infection, I pull my jacket off and take off my shirt. At this point, she finally moves her gaze off of me, my heart begins to beat faster and I chuck my jacket back on hastily, doing up the buttons. She watches me as I tie the shirt around her leg and look up at her,

"What happened?" I ask and she narrows her eyes at me. She mumbles something and I think she sees my confused look because she speaks again

"I fell," She says quietly. She brushes her hair behind her ear. The movement makes my stomach flip and I bite my lip to contain the feeling I'm having right now. What is wrong with me? "I was watching. Your village, from the tree and then I saw you, panicked and I fell. My leg landed on a sharp rock." She presses her lips together and I find myself watching every movement.

"I thought Fae were supposed to have like crazy good reflexes and killer instinct," I say and then regret it immediately after the look on her face,

"We don't kill," She says sadly. What am I doing? Her kind slaughtered my mother. Why am I talking to her? Why don't I hate her? I mean, how could I hate her? I gulp,

"I'm sorry... its just, my mother was murdered by people like you..." I murmur.

"No, I understand. All the pain my kind must've caused you... I don't blame you," she replies and tries to stand up a little. This time she flinches a little from the pain but other than that stands up fine. I stand beside her. If she were human, walking wouldn't be an option for at least a few days. But she's not.

"Why were you watching?" I ask cautiously,

"I like to watch. It takes my mind off of everything and you humans are an interesting race to watch..." She stops herself and turns, "I'm sorry, I have to go. Thank you." I nod at her and watch as she runs back into the forest with a grace, I've never seen any creature possess. And then, as quick as she was here, she's gone. Her face, however, is stuck in my head. She didn't seem like a bloodthirsty, cruel, unforgiving creature. If anything, she looks like a human girl.

I never even asked her name...


I walk back to the house and lay down on my bed, questions circling through my brain. Then I look down at my hands and realise they're coated in blood from when I tied the shirt around her leg, I was so lost in my own head I forgot to wash them off by the lake. Instead of going back, I take the bucket I just filled and empty a little out on my hands behind the house. Once I've got most of it off, the bucket is only half full, so I head back in to get a shirt and go back into town to fill it up.

I don't think my heart has stopped hammering. I just can't get this girl out of my head. Even as I fill up the bucket for the second time and as the sun begins to dip behind the horizon. Her emerald eyes are looking into mine. Her forest clashing with my sky blue. Then I remember that moment all those years ago. I would never forget those eyes. That girl was the Fae I met when I was young and scared.

I wish I hadn't run.

Sorry there may be some errors, I wrote this on my laptop but it broke yesterday so I'm posting this on my phone! Thank you for reading! Have an incredible day!

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