(P3) Chapter 2- Remember Me

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"Do you ever wonder if there's anything more out there?" Isla turns her head, gazing at me lazily.

"What do you mean?" I murmur, spinning a blade of grass around my first and middle fingers. The girl beside me sits up on her elbows, turning her head towards the sun.

"Like... Something outside the walls of the Court. A world where we could be whoever we want. Where our dads don't hate each other..." The girl sits up, reaching to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. In response, I sit up next to her, moving my gaze to meet hers.

"I don't know..." I mutter, scratching the back of my neck, "It's just... easier this way..." The blonde narrows her eyes.

"Is that what you want your life to be? Easy?" Isla swings her gaze back up to the sky.

"And you want yours to be hard?" I retort, watching her from the corner of my periphery.

"Not exactly. I just want it to be... mine. And that's no where near easy..." I watch her eyes light up as she says this. Watch as she unveils the uncertainty of the future in front of her as if it was a puzzle that she couldn't wait to solve. Had I done the same I would be daunted by the number of tiny pieces laid out on the table in front of me. Terrified that one wrong move could tip the table and ruin the perfect picture that would have been formed. I shrugged.

"It's just... so risky. You know?", I shift slightly, "What about Father?"

"What about him? It's your life X. You can do whatever that hell you want with it. And you should." I breathed deep, rubbing my left eye with my hand.

"I'm scared. I'm scared that I'll never be..." I took a moment before uttering my innermost secret, "That people will never think I'm normal. That wherever I go, they'll be scared of me. The cruel King of the Unseelie Court's dastardly son." The girl reached to intertwine her hand in mine, smiling up at me.

"I was never scared of you. Not even when my Father told me to stay away."

"But you're this, amazing, non-assuming person Isla. Not many people are like you," I protest, turning to her with a look of desperation in my eyes.

"The good ones are," She murmurs resting her head on my shoulder. A moment passes, "I'm scared that I'll never be good enough. For the Court, my Father, my people. I fear that I feel to much. Love too much."

"Morality is a strength Isla, not a weakness... love aswell. Despite what my father says- I love him. That keeps me going." She sighs after I say this, adjusting her head slightly.

"Let's run away. Me and you. Let's go everywhere and anywhere. Together." It took me a second of contemplating. Was I considering running away with the only person who's ever taken the chance to get to know me? Then I realised- I was a fool not to.


I was already late. Midday had passed a while back, the sun making its way further down the sky. I shoved the few extra of my clothes into my bag, zipping it up frantically before slinging it onto my back. I was going to this. I was going to run from everything. However, the second I turned around, I found a familiar face in the doorway.

"Did you think you could run away that easily? That you could flee like some kind of coward?" I bit my lip at my father's blunt tone.

"No... I was just... going to..." I begin, lost for words.

"You don't think I didn't know about your nightly endeavours with that atrocious girl? You don't think I know what goes on in my own Court- Right under my nose?!" His voice raises at the last line, "You foolish, arrogant boy. UNZIP THAT BAG RIGHT NOW!" He spits out the last five words, pulling the strap of my bag from my shoulder. Reluctantly, I do as I'm told, my hands shaking.

"I'm sorry..." I utter inaudibly.

"What was that?" He takes a step towards me as I throw a shirt onto the bed.

"I'm sorry!" I spit out, my voice wavering. I feel the tears coming now, feel them teetering at the edge of my eye. My father grabs my arm, looking deep into my eyes.

"Don't you dare cry," He states firmly, pressing his nails firmly into my arm, "Don't you dare."

I focus on the pain in my arm, my breathing getting heavy as I try to stifle my tears. I grit my teeth viciously and the only thing I can think was how everything I said to that girl only nights before was a lie.

Love isn't a strength- It's a curse.


I glance down at the small, almost semi-circles incrusted into my skin, scarred from the lack of medical treatment. I bite my tongue at the memory; something I'd learned to keep me from crying. I'd been so strong for so long until that girl had walked in and everything had fallen apart again. Maybe this idea of my father's wasn't a very good one. I'd known when father suggested it that the man just wanted to give his son what he'd wanted since he was a boy- complete power over the only girl who had ever known him for who he truly was. Except, that wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want power or control. I just wanted a friend.

I could be nice to her. I could be the boy I was when we met. I could let her in. But if I let her in then I fall apart. And once I fall apart, I die and so does she. This was my last-ditch effort to keep her alive. I knew what my father was planning and I needed her to be out of the way when he did it. I needed her alive. Just so I know that our friendship was real and not some dream I had been creating in my head. A real person who actually liked me. I needed that memory or else there'd be no me to fall apart.

"What do you even want from this? Do you want me to love you? To romance you? To fu-" I interrupt her here, not wanting to hear what she had to say.

"Isla..." I look up at her, trying not to show the pain in my eyes, "I just... wanted you." I locked my mouth shut after that, knowing that if I had said more I would have given it away. I was just so raw after last night's dream that I couldn't find it in me to hurt her anymore.

"Are you still in there? The real you?" I just grit my teeth, "I loved him, you know? I trusted him..." After this, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"And what? What about now? Do you still love him? Cause this is who he is now! He's a Goddamn monster, Isla!" I slam my hands onto the table in front of her, "DO YOU LOVE ME?! Cause he is me. If you loved him, WHY CAN'T YOU LOVE ME?!" I pause to breathe, the anger unfurling inside my blood. The blonde just scoffs,

"He really has turned you into him." And with that last sentence, the girl removes herself from the table, walking up into her room.

I press my head into my hands: Love is a curse.


And what do you know, I actually finished writing it. If you haven't seen my announcement, (Only the people following me see it) I've been struggling to write this chapter, mostly because I haven't been feeling too good recently. However, I read a good book, watched a good film and the chapter kind of just happened. Anyways, thanks for reading and as always, have a lovely day xx

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