Chapter 11- Fragile Promises

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I'm not sure how long I've been walking. It could be days, weeks, hours. I just know that my legs kill, and I can't stop until I reach the Court. I have to get there before them. I have to warn her. Hell, how am I supposed to do this? Yeah, I've got the upper hand, I actually know where I'm going from the countless nights, we've watched the kingdom from afar. We. Isla and me. I'm still not sure if she betrayed me. I doubt she even still thinks of me.

God, I'm so tired. And what for? A girl? A kingdom? I've eaten all of my food, drunken all of my water. It will take them at least a few weeks to find and get to the court. Who was I kidding that I could get back in time to stop all of this? I betrayed Ari. I betrayed my own father. I betrayed Isla. Queen Isla of the Seelie Court. Goddammit, why can't I stop thinking about her?

My head is getting heavy, I have no water left. My stomach rumbles, I have no food left. I can't breathe, my throat is dry. The bitter night air wraps around me, or is it day? Darkness surrounds every inch of my vision and I think this is the end. I never wanted to die like this. In fact, I'd never put a thought to the way I'd die. This seems to be the worst way. Alone, cold and full of unfulfilled promises. A kiss is like a promise. Fragile and not to be wasted. You only get one first kiss. I think back to that moment by the lake after Isla had laid, broken in my arms. I let myself remember what happened next,

"Don't be, you didn't do anything. You are not to blame for her death, Isla." The girl looks up at me, her eyes raw from crying.

"Why didn't the girl run, Emelia?" I love it when she calls me that, but it's something I'll never tell her. I look at her puzzled.

"You told me she didn't want to be scared anymore, but that can't be the only reason... can it?" Our gazes connect and she shows me all of her. No walls, no barriers. She sits in front of me as weak and as vulnerable as the day she was born.

"Maybe... she met a girl and she couldn't run away. Because the allure of her eyes and her touch was too strong to fight. And maybe part of her didn't want to fight it. Maybe she wanted her life to be more than just a slideshow of events..." I say, and Isla narrows her eyes at my answer, placing her hand on the back of my neck,

"So that's why she keeps coming back..." She grins. I look into her eyes and just let myself be washed away by the sea of green. Entranced by her. She's the only place I want to be, here with her for the rest of eternity. I inch closer. Its as if there is this invisible thread pulling me closer and closer. Here we are, at the bank of a lake separating the border from our two worlds. The stars twinkling and glistening in the night sky above us.

"She keeps coming back because it's a place so familiar to home, she can't quite tell the difference. You feel like home." We watch each other and no words need to be said. Because there is only one thing that could possibly happen next. The most sacred and fragile of things. A promise. A promise that would outlast the earth and all the inhabitable planets to come. That would last until every star is burnt out and all the lights in the sky were dulled. Our lips meet and the world collides. It's so perfect. Every single moment like a blissful dream. Every second my heart beating a little faster, the world spinning a little quicker. And then everything just stops and it's just us. No chaos. No Fae. No humans. Just two girls under the light of the moon.

As we break apart, both of us know there is no regret behind that promise. We know that a promise so fragile could never be made again- would never be made again. So, we cherish that moment and sit in each other's embrace until the moon begins to fade into the horizon.

You can only have one first kiss. And that was mine. She was mine. Even if was for a single second. She was mine. I'll never forget it. Even as I die- I'll remember that my first was perfect. A perfect night under the most beautiful sky. Something that no matter how hard I may wish, would never last. Perfect is a lie. It's not the way something is executed, it's the way that thing makes you feel. I learnt that on that night. It felt perfect. Not everyone would agree. Some would say I wasted my first on a girl I could never be with. I see it as a memory I will cherish forever. A perfect memory. I'm glad I remember it in the last few breaths I take. I'm glad I remember her.


This is a little short since it was part of the last chapter but I decided to split it in half because it was extremely long. I hope you enjoyed and tysm for 100 reads! I really hope I did this moment justice- I really wanted to make this scene as perfect as it felt in my head and I hope I achieved that. As always, thank you soo much for reading and have an amazing day!

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