Chapter 1- We Live In Fear

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"It was a cold winter's eve; Ice wrapped its way through the hearts and souls of every man. Spirits were down, people were starving. A fresh blanket of snow carpeted the earth. It was the longest, fiercest winter ever known to man. When the village was most vulnerable. And as the wind whipped its way through the trees on that sullen winter's night, figures of men approached from the shadows. Yet these weren't figures of men on the horizon, no they were figures of war and abhorrer. They were Fae. Not once before had they crossed the barriers into our land, living there for centuries upon centuries and they had never thought to come to us. Why now, no one would know. But they would know of the chaos and tragic destruction they caused. They burned buildings, broke windows, ruined farms and worst of all, they killed and ensnared our own people. That night, blood painted every wall we had. Blood of the young, the elderly. Mothers, father, they had no mercy- no limit. They killed without heart, without soul. My own wife- slaughtered. My eldest daughter- taken. They took everything and left only a few to grieve from the pain of that night.

It is a night that haunts even me to this day. I remember seeing the fires in the distance before the creatures broke through the door of our small cottage. They had ears sharpened to a point, held spears bloodier than the tip of a paintbrush. Even their arrogance was outstanding. They shoved their way into the room demanding I give them my children. My son was but a baby and my two older daughters scared out of their minds. My poor wife cradled our son with her life. I was weak and useless- both cold and starving. I tried to fight. But they were stronger than I would ever be. I remember my wife's broken body strewn over the body of her child and I'll forever remember the words of my eldest daughter offering her life for ours. I was a coward that night, but she was not. My poor, brave girl...

That is why we must tell this story to the young- so we never make the mistake to be vulnerable again. When you boys of this generation grow into men- your job will be to defend this village. Defend your wives and children. And never let a thing like this ever happen again. There will never be a repeat of that night. We may never defeat the Fae, but they must know that a step past the border is a step into death. They shall know that we are not weak. We are not toys. You got that boys?"

The small boys listening intently to my fathers' words in the walls of our lecture hall, sat up with a sense of duty and nodded. I've listened to him account our story to countless young boys, boys so young the words haunted their sleep at night. It was necessary, he said. So, a massacre like it was would never happen again. I can't imagine how much it hurts him to tell the story of my mothers' death over and over again. Even 10 years after, I still get nightmares about that dreaded night. I was only 9 and my sister, Avery barely 14. We were so close- she was my best friend. Sometimes I wonder if she is still alive. If one day, I'll open the door and see her grinning face. I miss her- I really do.

I feel a hand on my back and swivel round to the boy standing behind me,

"You alright?" He says, his dirty blond hair combed perfectly to the right. He's still in uniform, clutching the sword on his belt. I glance around the hall and realise it is empty, the only things inside were the bookshelves lining almost every wall and the chair my father had been sat on a few minutes ago- I must've got lost in my thoughts once again. I nod at the boy, avoiding his gaze.

"Emelie... wake up!" He shakes his hand in front of my face and I slightly shove him, the hint of a smirk appearing on my face. He's such a jerk. Wind seeps into the room and I turn to see another familiar face walk through the door.

"Ari... shouldn't you be off training or doing some guardy, knighty thing?" Rhiannon says accusingly and I snort beside him. He just shakes his head and lifts his hand from the sword at his side,

"You are unbelievable," He mutters then reaches out his hand to scratch the back of his neck, "But yes, I just came to see if Em was alright- It's the last talk of the day and... it's your birthday tomorrow."

"Yeah- tomorrow, not today," I tease him, smirking. He looks unimpressed, rolling his eyes and just kissing me on the forehead as a goodbye,

"I'll see you tomorrow..." Ari mumbles into my hair.

"Excuse me! Where's my kiss!" Rhiannon snaps and Ari smiles while flipping her off,

"Right here..." He says smirking at her. She just glares at him,

"Get out," She says walking towards us and grabbing his shoulders. She turns him around and begins to shove him out the door, "Get out, come on... go away- we don't want you here." Ari snorts smiling as he passes through the door frame.

Rhiannon turns and wraps her arm around me,

"So how are you doing- really?"

"I miss them..." I murmur staring off into the distance. She rests her head on my shoulder and snuggles into my neck- I smile.

"You never miss them any less. Only learn to live without them," she says slowly. I nod remembering what my mother used to tell me when I was younger,

"Even when you feel the most alone Emelie... we are here," she takes my hands and presses them to my heart- her soft, comforting touch wrapped like an embrace around me. "We will forever be here."

The girl jumps off of me and grabs my hand,

"Come on... let's go for a special pre-birthday treat." I smile and give in to her pull, letting her guide me through the village.


Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to suggest any improvements and have a lovely day!

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