(P2) Chapter 13- Everything Works Out

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The world spins at 1,000 mph, however, my world spins much faster when I'm with her. Lying next to her, waking up with my arms wrapped around her. It's like nothing I've ever experienced. There are so many misconceptions about love. People often say the most important part of a relationship is pleasure. To me, being intimate with the girl I loved so deeply, was like magic. There was so much going on that I still had to deal with and yet she washed away my worries. Whether her skin was against mine or she was just lying beside me.

"Isla! I..." Casper exclaims before stopping midsentence at the sight before him. I look up slowly, removing my hands from around Emelie's waist, causing her to stir a little. I squint at him.

"Cas... What time is it?" I murmur groggily as Emelia comes to, moving her hand to wrap around my shoulder. Casper's jaw is open and he's just staring straight ahead at us; It takes a second for him to answer, mumbling slightly,

"Um... It's midday... I can... come back." He bites his lip, stepping back into the door way but I stop him, shaking my head and giving the brunette a quick kiss on the forehead before getting out of the bed. Casper continues biting his lip as I walk to the wardrobe naked, him and my girl exchanging glances across the room. I turn to the other girl smiling.

"You can stare Emelia, I don't mind..." I watch her blush and turn back to the wardrobe, a pleased smile decorating my face. I pick some practical clothes: leather trousers and a olive green and brown combat blazer. Before following Casper out of the door with a smug look on my face, I glance over to Emelia,

"Join us when you're ready my love." She just nods, biting her lip loosely. As I close the door behind me I smirk at the look on my friend's face.

"Just... don't..." He murmurs, heading down the stairs before me.

"What?!" I yell after him, "You've seen it before!" He does a 360 on the staircase, glaring at me.

"Not... In front of her." He moans, making another smile stretch across my face, "Plus, you're getting... comfy considering Naidia is missing..." I run towards him, sighing and placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"We'll find her. I swear it." His softens his gaze as our eyes meet and lowers his head to the floor.

"I know..." He murmurs quietly, "It's just..." His voice breaks and he takes a shaky breath. There's a pause before he says the next thing, "I'm glad that you're happy." At this, he looks up at me and I smile.

"Thank you."


"So, we need a new plan..." Archer states bluntly, his hand wrapped around his wife's waist. She sighs slowly.

"Archer... we've tried everything. We have an alliance, but we still lost..." Her eye twitches slightly as she says this, "If only your sister would actually attend-" She's cut off as I walk into the room, taking a seat by the table.

"Oh, Vivi, continue. Don't mind me..." I state bitterly, rolling my eyes and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"She's right..." Archer begins one of his famous rants before Adrien walks in.

"Shut the hell up Archer. She just met her mate, have some respect," He snaps before taking a seat beside her.

"Are you?" I mumur before he lifts up his shirt to show me all of the bandaged cuts underneath.

"I'm fine." I pause for a moment before mouthing the word, 'How' to him, referring to the fact that he knew about Emelia and me. He just grinned as Casper walked into the room a while behind me,

"She's your mate? How? She's human."

"No she isn't." As soon as Casper had finished his sentence, Emelia had walked into the room, fully clothed in a trousers and a shirt. My breath caught at the sight of her and I choked on the piece of apple that was currently in my mouth.

"How do you?" I blurted out, looking her up and down. She just rolled her eyes, grinning at me.

"I know what's going on in your head you idiot..." She states before walking over to me and pulling out the chair I was sitting on, proceeding to take her own seat on my lap, "So... what're we talking about?" She asks, leaning back to kiss me lightly on the cheek. I am taken aback but her sudden change in behavior, placing my hands on her hips inorder to steady her. Archer sighs.

"Well we have to address the betrayal of the human army and find some way to get into that godamn Court." I take a breath, contemplating the situation.

"Maybe the Humans just need incentive," I pause, looking over at Emelie, "Be their ambassador, you're part Fae." An odd emotion flickers through the girls eyes and she stands from my lap. I sit up slightly as she says the next thing.



"Emelie!" I yell after the girl as she runs out of the room, unsure of what I had done to make her do so, "Emelia, please talk to me!" At this she spins in place, making me stop hastily. We stand there for a second, breathing the same air.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she sighs, running her hand through her hair.

"What do you think is wrong?! I found out that I was part human from rummaging through your head! And you didn't even think to tell me? Our souls are interlinked- you can't lie to me!" She screams abruptly and I place both of my hands on her neck in response.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie I thought the truth would get to you so I just refrained from telling you it..." I say, calmly. Everything is echoing so fast in my head, both her thoughts and mine combined into one. I wonder how people do this. I thought that as soon as I had a mate we'd instantly know each others side on everything and that we'd never fight. However, it seemed that was not the case.

"What? You refrained from telling me so you could get laid first, huh?" She is glaring at me now and my breath catches. Knowing that she could even think that of me breaks my heart. I pull her close to me, pressing my head to hers. I can feel her anger, her fear- both directed towards me. She's scared because she loves so deeply that me betraying her meant her world would fall apart and she's angry for letting herself get so close to me. I will that away, showing her that I'd never, ever betray her, that never once had I even thought about it; I showed her just how much I love her.

Concentrate. You can view any point in my mind, you just have to want to," I watch her close her eyes, "Tell me that's what I was thinking because, never did I want to to feel uncomfortable or upset. Never have I ever wanted you to feel any pain at all. I love you so much. This has never been about that- I just never want to see you suffer." I feel a small shift occur in my brain and I let my barriers down, allowing this shift to move freely around my head. There's a second until I hear the girl in front of me gasp as she opens her eyes. She studies me now. Her bright blue orbs, rummaging around in my deep green.

Slowly she moves to put her arms around me and I feel tears running down my shoulder and in that moment I know that she had seen a part of my past I had never wanted her to.


Okay, so in my original outline, the book ends after they invade and everything goes to plan, however, I felt that was too simple so at the moment everything that is happening isn't planned. I have planned the main storyline but the chapters leading up to it may be all over the place which I am sorry for but I want to get the main structure of the story down first before editing. I hope that enjoyed, thank you for reading and make sure to comment and questions or suggestions. As always, have an amazing day!

(Ps- I really don't like this chapter so if anyone has any suggestions I'm down to hear them!)

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