(P2) Chapter 12- Heaven Sent

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I wake up to an angel lying on my chest. I don't move, watching as her chest rises and falls. I'm not sure if it's this burning desire inside me or the heart that beats inside my chest but I find the simple movement of her chest the most beautiful thing on the planet. Finding your mate is supposed to be the best and most out of control you will ever feel. Sitting here, next to the shifting body of the brunette, I finally understand. 

By tradition, once the Faerie Monarch finds a mate, they are to be locked in the palace alone for a month with no contact to the outside world, partly because of the need for an heir to the throne and also because it's Faerie nature for a growing desire to develop. A desire normally uncontrollable to the strongest of our kind. I won't lie- I feel it. I feel that odd rush spinning through my veins, begging for her touch. But I'm afraid. I'm afraid what happens if I tell her the truth, when I tell her the truth. She's no longer human. That's my fault.

I feel her shift beside me and smile as she turns to lock my gaze within hers. She reaches up a hand, running her fingers down the curves of my face. She lands on my lips, curving her thumb slightly and moving it from the center towards the edge of my mouth.

"Can you feel it too?" Emelie murmurs, her thumb resting at the edge of my mouth. I nod, my eyes rumaging around in hers. She's so godamn beautiful... She leans up in the bed, her mouth coming closer to mine. I lower my gaze to her lips, my body begging to crumble under her touch. She takes a breath, "It hurts so much..." Her voice cracks as she says this causing my hands to cradle her jaw. I move my thumb back and forth on her cheek, sitting up slightly.

"I know..." I don't try to pretend that she will be immediately okay because I know she won't. I wasn't. It doesn't just go away and I know that. My eyes meet hers and in that instant there is an air of understanding; she knows what I've been through and though it hurts now and may forever, it becomes bareable. And no matter what, I am here. She leans in closer and I feel our lips connect. Her hand slides over my shoulder as my insides explode. As that never-ending feeling of ecstacy fills my veins. She presses further into the kiss, eventually pressing me back onto the bed and straddling me. The brunette stops for a moment, taking a moment to run her eyes up and down my body before landing her gaze latched into mine.

There's so much to be worried and upset about but I just can't bring myself to do so. A feeling that I'm almost certain I can blame on Faerie nature. I can feel the heat of her body above mine, hear the beat of her heart thundering in my ears.

"I can hear your heartbeat..." The brunette mutters before leaning closer to my face. I feel each kiss burn onto my skin like they were planted there with a branding iron. She trails them up my neck, sure to leave a mark in some places. She does it softly, each kiss radiating with love. It's odd how much I can feel it. Feel how much mutual love there is between us. As if, had this been happening with anyone else it would have been far less enjoyable.

She raises her head, her eyes locking with mine once again before our lips meet once again. I reach up to wrap my arms around her waist, feeling her hips move against me slowly. There's nothing but the smell of her; the soft scent of fresh olives and daisies. Nothing but the heat of her body against mine. I lean to the side and begin kissing along her jaw, nothing to fierce or hungry... just, slow and subtle. Everytime we touched, everytime our skin brushed against each other, it was just beautiful. It wasn't rushed nor superficial. It was like magic- her body against mine- our hearts beating in sync.

No one I had ever been with felt like her. None of that even compared to the way I felt right now. It was like I was finally complete, like she was the missing piece to every puzzle I'd ever attempted. I slipped my hand underneath the shirt she was wearing, making her flinch at the contact. She closes her eyes, stopping for a second.

"Emelia..." I murmur, "We can stop..." Her eyes open at this, her right hand traveling up my neck.

"Thing is..." She pauses, her eyes flitting back and forth, "I don't want to..." She says it quietly but full of longing and instantly, I feel my teeth bite down on my lip. At this, she moves to kiss me again, this time slipping her tongue into my mouth. I arch my back as her left hand falls to my waist, her fingers hooking around my trousers. I reach to pull her shirt over her shoulders, running my hands down the delicate surface of her skin. 

I watch her bite her lip as my hands trail up and down her body. I want to memorise each and every part of her body. Each curve, each imperfection. I want to belong to her. I want nothing but her and it's overwhelming. Every touch making me want more, every kiss tempting me further. She really is everything. She's my world and the axis it turns on. She's the reason my heart beats inside my chest, the reason that night turns into day, the reason the clouds part.

The world melts away as she holds me, the skies fade to grey; The bright glare of the sun dies when I'm in her arms and it feels nothing but right.


I literally don't know what else to write because I wrote the second half of this at like 1 AM so basically my brain is mush. I may edit this tomorrow but I'll let you know next chapter if anything major is added 😊

Also, what is it with me changing the colour of Emelie's eyes and the way I spell her name? 

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