(P4) Chapter 4- Sacrifices

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CW: Contains a fair amount of blood and death

"Stop!" I scream, and the world seems to stop; each moment melting into another like watching the wax drip down the side of a candle. Absolute silence. Absolute silence and then uproar. Blades struck blades, members of the Unseelie Court immediately drawing their blades, their eyes filled with a thirst for blood. It seemed almost as if they had wanted what had come next. As if they wanted the clash of blades and the splatters of blood.

A faerie lunged at me causing me to unsheath my own sword, hearing the fresh clang of metal against metal, echoing once again in my ears. The fight only lasts a few seconds, the cacophony of noise erupting from the room distracting the faerie, allowing me to evade her next attack. I begin to move within the battle like a needle within a piece of fabric: slowing weaving in and out of each independent fight. The only thing I could see as I did this was the flash of scarlet as fae after fae toppled to the floor. I could only hope that Isla's army were persevering. 

Then I spotted the one thing I was looking for- a flash of golden blonde hair. I moved closer, the golden light of her hair matching with the shimmering green of her eyes.

"Isla!" I yell, my heart hammering in my chest as I watched the blonde catch sight of me. Our gazes latch and immediately the dull ache in my chest begins to burn a hole into my heart. 

Until, abruptly, it stops. Everything stops- everything but her... and him.

A familiar face walks into my periphery, two eyes so cold and bitter, they hurt my head to look in to.

"What's this nonsense?" The man demands, turning to his son, "Xavier?" I watch the conflict pass through the silver-haired boy's face as he opens his mouth slightly and closes it again, calming himself.

"They broke in." He says nonchalantly, not removing his gaze from his fathers. It's only at this point in which I try to move, begging with all my will that I can walk into Isla's arms. But, I know even before I tried, I can't. No one can, the whole room seems frozen in the moment.

"And who let them do that...?" Keres says, his tone low, eyes clouded.

"Who knows..." Xavier murmurs, his eyes glancing, just for a second, up at me. Almost as if he were asking me to do something. But, what could I do? Xavier's notion, however, did not go unnoticed, his father turning his attention on me.

"She's such an odd creature, beautiful but far too human to ever be one of us..." He runs a finger down my jaw before being interrupted by the girl behind him.

"Don't touch her," She states calmly, her teeth gritted. Keres' eyes harden at this, his glare turning towards Isla. He holds up an arm, clenching his fingers as if he were strangling her. And, it seems he was. She was squirming in her place, her teeth gritted, trying to hide the pain. At this, I felt a soft tug at my heart... Isla. I could feel her pain. I could feel her strength. I could feel her brain crying out for help. 

I couldn't let her do this alone. I couldn't watch her die. I had to help.

I had to.

I closed my eyes... I had to focus. Focus on her- the way she smiled, the way she held me, the pain she felt. Focus on breaking out of the bonds holding me, focus on helping her. Then, slowly but surely, the magic loosened its hold around me and I was free. And without me taking another thought, my arm shoot ahead of me, a flash of light leaving the palm of my hand, headed straight for Keres' heart.

The man falters, collapsing to the floor.

"How?" He spits out through a heavy, laboured breath. But I was just as confused as he was, all I knew is that I had to help Isla. I draw my blade, running over to her, Xavier making no attempt to stop me. But before I can hold her once again, I feel the cold brush of metal against my neck. 

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