(P2) Chapter 14- She Belongs To Me

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A/N- I changed the second half of the last chapter so check it out before this! It won't make sense otherwise and thank you all for your suggestions, they really helped!

I often wonder why we're here. In this large expanse of space, why create a being that can feel? A being that can feel pain and hate. I wonder if our life is wasted. Wasted wishing we could change something we said a week ago or wasted worrying about future decisions. There is a time in everyone's life that they regret. Something they forever wish they could change. That boy was one of mine.

Throughout my life, there have been many people that have come and gone. It had been two young boys and a slightly older girl who had murdered my mother and all three of them had been given the same in return. However, no one knew about the baby. I remember hearing his cries; broken heart-wrenching sobs. She'd left him on the palace doorstep, most likely in hope that my father may find him. It seemed fate had aligned and as I stared at the beautiful face of that baby boy- I fell in love.

I raised the boy for a few years in secret, I fed him, nurtured him. I held him like he was my anchor to the earth. However, bliss like that could never last forever. Despite my protests, father had organised a ball for my Birthday. I couldn't care for the child that night. His cries echoed through the palace, as clear as day. And once I had explained to my father he was furious. Furious that I had nurtured the child of the women who had killed his wife. He screamed while I cried. I cried while the child sobbed. And I cried as the child was silenced.


Emelie places a hand on my thigh. We are sat on the bottom step of the staircase as I explain, her head rested on my shoulder.

"There's so much I don't know about you..." She murmurs causing me to smile.

"Well, we do have an eternity..." I say back, moving my head to look down at her. At this, she flinches, shuffling around slightly.

"Do we?" The brunette asks, raising her gaze to mine. I reach to intertwine our fingers in her lap.

"We'll figure this out," I swear to her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She just nods, breathing out lightly. We then lock gazes and I stare into her enchanting eyes; They send a wave crashing over me, submerging me under the deep blue. And the more I stare the further in love I fall. As if she has set this spell upon me. Then, the world fell at my feet.

It started when a figure ran into the room, heaving open the palace door.

"Emelia!," He cries frantically, "You need to get her out of here!" I look up at Gideon Snow in confusion, narrowing my eyebrows, "If you love her, please, get her out. They're coming!"

Without further warning, the room begins to quake, causing me to grab ahold of the railing, reaching out my other hand to grasp Emelia's. However, I found I could not. Glancing down, I realised that the girl was lying on the floor, her chest heaving in and out as if the action had become a laborious task. The brunette's father runs over, placing his hand on her neck, checking her pulse.

"She's alive..." He murmurs before the room fills with smoke. I cough as the dull air passes through my lungs, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. As the dastardly gases disapates, a single silhouette can be distinguished. Ears sharpened to a point. He moves a hand, throwing the Cheif of the Guard, back, against the wall. There's a slight muffle as he hits the ground and I watch the blood drip slowly from his nose.

"Xavier!" I scream at him, "Stop! What are you even doing here?!" He steps closer, the sun bouncing off of his bleached hair.

"I'm here for what's mine." His voice snakes around the corners of my mind, echoing throughout the room.

"I don't have anything of yours. Leave here." I stand from the step, walking closer to the Prince. The silver-haired boy just grins, clenching his fist. At this, I hear a gasp from behind me. I turn to see Emelie's eyes jolt open, her throat closing tighter and tighter. She continues gasping, writhing around on the floor.

"What have you done!" I yell at him, turning to cradle the girl in my arms.

"My blood runs through her veins. She's mine. I control if she breathes, when she breathes." The boy takes another step, "She belongs to me."

"Please!" I beg, pulling the brunette closer to me, "Please... stop..." I can feel it now. I can feel the ache in my chest, I can feel her losing her grip on the earth. Clasping onto the one strand she has left- us.

"How about a deal, Queen Isla of the Seelie Court?" The Prince asks devilishly, I do nothing but look up at him through pleading eyes. I can't think. I can't think about anything but the ache in my chest. Anything but losing her.

"Anything... I'll do anything! Just bring her back, please!" I plead, a single tear ripping its way down my cheek. The other boy just laughs. A ground shaking, heart wrenching laugh.

"Trade a life for a life. Hers for yours." Then he takes a knee, a smirk growing on his face, "Marry me, princess?" My breath catches at this and I glance down at the girl in my arms. For her... I'd do anything. Biting my lip, I stand up, my eyes beginning to water. No one else had entered the room. It's just me and the Prince. We lock gazes and he instantly knows my choice. Because he had known all along.

"Yes." I say nothing but this single word, gulping as I do so, "But, she lives." The Prince nods, rising from his position on the floor.

"I never go back on a deal, Isla. You know that." I blink, flashes of my childhood filling my vision. Images of me crying in the other boy's arms. Sobbing about a child I had fallen in love with so quickly. And so gullibly. In the moments after the death of that small child, my father had stated to me.

Those we love come before attachment and most importantly, before ourselves.


Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think of this storyline because I'm pretty happy with it, however, would like to know your thoughts! Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you have a wonderful day!

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