(P4) Chapter 1- You Left Something

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It's been hell since she's been gone. Almost as if I had died in heaven and sent here. It was two weeks ago in which I awoke on the bottom of one of the palace staircases, fire rushing through all of my limbs. It had felt as if I had been run over by a stampede of horses, each one heavier than the last. I remember the relived look in my father's eyes as he gazed down at me. Then the pandemonium as what had taken place only seconds before was discovered. I sat up slowly, my chest clenching as I looked over to where Archer had picked up an abandoned hair clip... Isla's hair clip. I know it seems insignificant, but to me, it meant exactly as I feared. It meant she was gone.

My Father helped me up and despite my hysterics, managed to get me to sleep. He led me to the room next to Isla's- a room I hadn't seen in days- and the minute my head hit the pillow, I was forced into a sleep so deep that dreaming wasn't even a possibility. It was as if, whatever the Prince had done to me, had drained every last fibre of energy I had left. 

It was during this time, however, in which everything fell apart.


"Come on, get ready..." My Father grunts as he fastens his weapons belt around his waist. I close the door to the wardrobe, holding a pile of clothes in my hands. 

"I am.." I murmur reluctantly, chewing on my bottom lip. I could feel it in the depths of my stomach. The remorse- the guilt. After everything; I was just leaving? I watch my Father pace across the room, pulling open drawers and doors in a frantic manner.

"Father... calm down, we won't be late..." When I say this, I feel his gaze turn sharply to mine.

"I just want you out of here. As soon as possible." He walks over to me, a little calmer this time, and takes the pile of clothes in his hands, setting them down on the side table. I gulp.

"What if...? What if I didn't want to go father...?" At this, he narrows his eyebrows, becoming defensive.

"Why?" He snaps, his eyes boring into mine. I take a moment, broadening my shoulders and trying anything else to help me feel superior.

"I..." I pause, searching for the words I need to explain this too him, "I... love her." I watch the conflict on his face as I say this. I see his parental instincts fighting with his morals, the minute that passes next, full of complete silence. Then, my father drops onto the bed, head in his hands. His voice cracks as he says the next sentence.

"Then... I can't support you." I feel my heart crack with just these few words. I feel each little piece of tissue as it tears and it's a pain like I've never before felt. A pain that makes all other emotions seem impossible.

"Dad-" I can hear the strain in my voice, my vocal chords breaking along with my heart. He just shakes his head... over and over again. He looks up at me.

"No. You can stay here all you want, You can fraternise with that girl. It doesn't change the fact that this is wrong. You don't belong with these people. You don't belong with her..." He spits out the last name as if it had seared his tongue.

"But, that's where you are wrong father. Because I am like them," I tear runs down my cheek, "And I'd move the world for her." My eyes are watering at this point, the broken pieces of my heart throbbing in my chest. But, in that moment, I realise. I should be with the people that allow me to be me. Going with my father now, meant I would never get to be this free, ever again. And I don't think I could walk willingly back into that cage.


I storm into the weapons room.

"Whatever your plan is to rescue her, I want in," I snap bluntly, feeling Archer tense at my presence.

"We do not need your assistance-" Archer begins but I cut him off, the confidence brewing like fire inside of me.

"Seriously? You think that's going to get rid of me? I love her and I'm not leaving this goddamn place until I can do it with her. I'm done with being the weak, fragile human. I'm doing this whether you help me or not!" I yell, heat rising to my cheeks. I watch Adrien smile in what I may have called pride had I not known the boy.

"Well I just do not see how-" 

"Archer, he had some sort of connection to me... what if it goes both ways? What if I can control him?" Archer seems to contimplate this sentence for a while, biting down on his lip.

"Fine," He says after a few moments, "Thank you." I smile at this.

"Well she left me behind, right?" I say softly and Archer nods.

"Let's get her back." He states.


"Cocky bastards sent us a wedding invite. It's happening at the end of the week and we know the time too," Casper states, chucking the invite onto the dining room table. He leans his elbows on the top of the chair.

"How do we know that it's not a trap?" Adrien, asks from the opposite side of the table.

"We don't." I say before being interrupted by Archer.

"We don't have the privilege to be reckless. With the little, unreliable plan that we have, we need to be careful." I roll my eyes.

"I think the time for being careful has passed Archer," I mutter.

"Don't let your feelings cloud your judgement," He snaps back.

"What else have we got? We have no other plan, no intel. But what we do have is people in need of saving. Our people." I glare at Archer.

"I agree with Emelie," Adrien states and I turn and smile at him. Then, Casper stands.

"Me too. This is our last chance. Let's just do it." Archer glances around the room, searching for at least some worry or discomfort, however, fails.

It's then in which the door to the dining all swings open and a face I've never seen before walks into the room. They're fairly tall with quite a wide build. Their skin is slightly darker than their light brown hair which falls down to just above their shoulders.

"Well if he's not in. I am." The figure states, motioning to Archer.

"Shea..." Casper scoffs, standing up straight.

"Cas." They address Casper and seconds later the two are wrapped in an embrace. Then, Cas turns to us.

"This is Shea... Naidia's mate."


I'm sorry this is so late and so short, I started school again recently and it's all so confusing with the new co-vid measures so I've been really busy but hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and actually update. This book is so close to the end and I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to say goodbye to these characters yet... maybe I'll consider a sequel...

Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day!

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