(P2) Chapter 10- Intertwined

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Can you hear her breathing? They're heavy, exhausted breaths. Breaths full of pain and sorrow. Intermittent and barely audible. The room is humid and stuffy; the air contaminated with years of sweat and tears. There's one. It's slowly crawling down her cheek. Inching closer and closer to the ground. Similar to the small beads of sweat dripping gradually down her skin. You can see her chest clench, teeth grit. See the veins in her neck as she pulls her head back in pure, unadulterated pain.

She's never felt pain quite like this. Her veins have never pulsed quite so viciously; her heart has never hammered against her chest like it wanted to break through her skin. There's fire- so much fire. It never stops, never falters, never lingers- it just blazes. Fire is often a thing of beauty. So persistent so... devouring. She sees beauty within the pain. She doesn't know why- it never crosses her mind to even wonder. All she knows is that there is so much pain and yet, so much beauty.

She remembers. She knows why she is here. Remembers the eyes so similar to her own and the fear and anger that laid inside them. She pictures the cold metal of a blade against the neck of a girl she had prayed she'd meet again her whole life and the chaos as she threw that same blade into the arena around them. As it lodged itself into the heart of a man. She hadn't known him, and yet, that strike had hurt her own heart just as much as it had hurt him. She remembers that word.



She can't sleep. She doesn't know why- she just can't. The room is cold, everything that was once warm is cold. Cold and bitter. And the small girl doesn't understand. She keeps asking why? Why me? But she's so young- so innocent. What she doesn't know is that in the room next to her, a young boy is crying. He's sobbing and cursing. Cursing the world. Because she was everything to him. No one ever really knew the bond the two shared but her death would forever hurt him the most. But, he was not just sad- he was angry. Angry at the girl in the room next door.

She still can't sleep. It's dark and quiet- too quiet. The boy has fallen asleep in a bed of tears but she is still awake. She's angry too. Angry at the same person the boy is. She hates her. That coward who couldn't even save her own mother. She resents her. The girl who never even said the words 'I love you' to the person who gave birth to her. She's so afraid of those words. She's afraid because of what they mean. They mean another person to lose. Another life you have to watch fade. She is a coward. But she is so young and innocent. Young and full of so much hate. 

Hate is devouring when you are as young as her. It eats you whole, fills you up until it's spilling out onto the floor. She was always taught that hate was wasted but she can't help it. She can't help the anger and resent. She can't help hating her.


"Have you ever heard of a mate?" The man says to his young daughter and she shakes her head, looking curiously up at him, "A mate is someone you are forever fated to meet, a bond between two people stronger than any other. It's love but... different. It's destiny. Your mate is one person in the whole world that you love even when you hate them. The one person where silence isn't awkward and weird but rather... peace..." The girl's eyes brighten at this explanation and a sudden desire to find this person arises within her.

"What happens when you meet your mate?" She asks and the man responds sceptically.

"You will eventually find that out for yourself, my love. All I can say... your souls will join and their past will become yours, your past will become theirs and your futures will be forever intertwined..." The small girl smiles at the thought, her brain whirring with the images of the perfect person. That one person to complete her. She couldn't wait.


The baby is crying. How could she stop the baby crying? She rocks the fragile boy in her arms back and forth with no hope. He is still crying, louder this time. He knows. Everyone says that he doesn't but she knows he does. He knows what he just witnessed. The air is bitter and the girl shivers under the flecks of snow falling on her face. She isn't thinking. Because if she thinks she'll remember. And that she doesn't want to do. She doesn't want to remember because it didn't happen. Blood doesn't coat the floors of their small cottage and when she walks back in the friendly face of her loving sister will greet her. 

It didn't happen; None of it happened. She can't cry. If she cries then she will be no help. She will only make the boy sadder. She presses a kiss to the top of the boys head.

"Shh now... It was just a dream... Mummy's okay... Avery's okay. Everyone's okay little one..." She murmurs onto his head. She wishes she believed it but she doesn't and neither does the boy in her arms, "Please... Please Noah... Go to sleep!" She cries into the frosty night air. The baby boy in her arms sees the fear and sorrow in his sisters eyes and silences his cries. As the night grows silent, the girl cannot keep her tears at bay any longer.

She cries. She cries and cries until not even the gods are unaware of her sorrow. The boy listens intently as each droplet of water rolls down her cheek, lulling himself to sleep at the sound of her tears. No boy should ever have to fall asleep at the sound of tears, the girl thinks as she rocks him back and forth. She sits down in the thin layer of snow coating the ground, leaning against the wood of her cottage. The boy sleeps soundly in her arms and she gazes down at his small face.

"I'll protect you. I'll protect you no matter what. I promise." Her words of promise hang in the air as the two children, too young to be sat in this awful situation, sleep in the blanket of snow. She will later be awoken by a man full of regret and ushered inside another warm household. But she doesn't feel the cold anymore. There are many worse things.


This will make like zero sense without the next chapter so I'm aiming to get it out sometime this weekend! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!

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