(P4) Chapter 5- After

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It was only then in which the blonde remembered the knife she had fastened on her thigh- just in case. She slid her hand down to touch the hilt, grazing her index finger around its curves. 

Her own brother.

"Kill her, Archer!" The order echoed around in the room, the words after becoming lost in the Queen's mind. It was as if she had finally gone under, the water overlapping and flowing above her. It was not as if the ocean could tell it was killing her, it just was. Each wave pelting a harder and harder force- pushing her further and further down. What hurt most was that even after she was dead, the waves would feel no remorse, they would always move- no matter what. 

She envied them.

"I'm sorry..." She hears the soft voice of her brother murmur from the ground above her. No. No, she wouldn't drown- not today. And neither would he. She had to save him she had to- 

She watched the blade as it soared through the air, the guilt already filling every crevice of her brain.  



"Archer... Archer... Archer..." Isla breathes, almost as if she were scared she'd forget the name. She clasps her hands together to stop them from shaking, "I need a shower..." She says with a shaky breath, moving to get off of the bed. I hold out a hand to grab the blonde's shoulder, latching our gazes.

"Isla..." I pause, "You've already showered... four times. Please... sleep..." Her eyes tear away from mine, her gaze darting about around the room, "Isla!" I yell, moving my hand up to caress her cheek, tilting her head so she is looking at me.

"I... I can't..." She exclaims quietly before breaking down into another coughing fit. I place my hand on her back, guiding her back onto the bed, "I just... I feel him everywhere! I feel him crawling up my skin, my veins... I could've thrown it into his leg or his arm... I could have saved him!" She cries, pressing her head into her hands before running them through her hair. 

Then, she looks back up at me, eyes red, and sniffles. We stay like that for a minute, just staring at each other, as if no words needed to be said.

"Isla..." I begin slowly, "There is nothing you can do now... You had to do what you did, okay?" She nods reluctantly, lowering her head, "It's not your fault." I state firmly, moving my forehead so that it's hovering just above hers.

"Whatever... let's just sleep..." As the blonde says this, she turns back towards the bed. Before she can turn completely, I stop her, climbing onto the bed and wrapping my fingers around her wrist softly.

"Isla..."  I breathe, "It's. Not. Your. Fault." The girl just nods, pulling slightly against my grasp.

"Listen to me. I love you more than anything and I'm telling you that it's not your fault," The words spill out of my mouth, each one sounding more frantic than the last. The other girl just looks at me, conflict filling her eyes. Her bottom lip quivers slightly before the tears begin to fall. 

"Thank you..." She says through the tears, "Thank you..." I move closer to the girl, embracing her in a hug, holding her as if it was the last time I would ever get the chance. 

"I've got you... Always," I mutter into her shoulder.


One Week Later

"Then what?" I ask the boy, combing my hand through his hair lightly.

"Then we went to the garden and Ophelia and I played tag and hide and seek! It was very fun, Ari was there too- he looked after us!" Noah squirms in his seat while telling his story, "Em... can I be excused now?" He begs, drawing out the M in my name. I sigh,

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