Chapter 13- A World Beyond

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Adrien was right. We arrive just before sundown. And as we ride through the city, it's better than I ever dreamed it to be. People dancing and laughing in the streets, brightly coloured buildings, which the dull light seems to reflect off perfectly and of course the stunning palace that towers over it all. Adrien seems to be watching my awe in amusement as if its something he's waited a long time to be about to watch.

"Like our Court?"

"I love it," I say without remembering who I'm speaking to. I'm just so lost in the massive spires and the feeling of pure ecstasy the minute you enter. It's so colourful and joyful. I just want to spend forever here.

"Yeah, it has that effect on humans..."

I look at him quizzically as we stop at the palace entrance and he smiles like its the most normal thing ever offering me a hand to get off the horse. I refuse it, climbing off the horse myself and smirking at him,

"Does she have a name?" I ask and he smiles,

"Goodnight Lilac," I say, softly patting the horse's nose and following Adrien into the palace. The guards seem shocked at the sight of a human, but Adrien reassures them with a smile. I wonder how they can tell so quickly; my hair is pretty much covering both of my ears. As if he can read my mind Adrien responds,

"I'm sorry to break it to you but you reek of human, like, it's not a mistakable smell. I'll bet everyone in the kingdom is talking about the human in the Court by now." This unnerves me a little and I think Adrien understands this,

"Don't worry, as long as you don't kill the Queen, you'll be safe." Not once had I thought that walking into the Seelie Court would scare me. I'd been so used to being around Isla that I'd never thought the idea of meeting other Faeries would terrify me- but it does. Every step, I get closer to seeing her again. Every second.

As we walk into the main entrance hall of the palace my jaw drops once again. The ceiling is almost five times the height of my house and it's coated in intricated engravings and patterns, and in the centre is a large, glass chandelier. It's so beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the girl who inhabits it. Leading off from the hall are two sets of stairs that lead to the second floor and three humongous doors. One at the back and one either side. Adrien tells me to wait outside the one at the back of the room as he walks in. A few seconds later, he walks out and motions for me to walk inside. I'm not ready for what I see next.

It's a beautiful throne room. The throne made of intricate pieces of gold and iron, jewels decorating each individual arm. But it's not the throne that takes my breath away. It's the girl sat upon it. I've only ever seen her in trousers and a shirt. Or with the odd belt or sheath. Never have I seen her like this. She's wearing the most beautiful dress. It's simplistic yet complex at the same time. The shades of purple and blue perfectly contrast with her pale skin and her blonde hair is curled at her sides. The crown on her head gleams with the flare of the light as she stands up.

"Emelia..." She breathes. And it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. She looks at me in shock and I kneel bowing my head,

"Your highness. I have a warning for you," I say softly. I hear her walk towards me, and I look up to see her offering me her hand. I take it and she lifts me slowly to my feet.

"Speak your warning Emelia," She says in a surprisingly rich tone.

"My people are coming. There was an attack on the Village. They want revenge." I feel Adrien stiffen behind me.

"How long ago was this attack?" Isla asks me and I open my mouth, close it again and gulp.

"I don't know. I don't know how long I travelled. I don't know how far; I only knew I had to find you. To warn you," I gulp again, "It wasn't you was it? Because I'm so sorry, I didn't mean what I said." For a moment I forget Adrien was in the room, in fact, it's only in this moment I spot another Fae Male stood beside her throne.

I see the Queen trying to fight tears,

"No, I would never. Not because of that," She says, trying to pull herself together.

"Because of what?" Adrien asks accusingly, walking towards us.

"Adrien!" Isla snaps and he steps back slowly. Isla stands up straighter, "Take her to the spare room next to mine, it's late, we will deal with this issue in the morning. We have time, right?" She looks at me.

"We probably have under a month for them to find and come up with a plan to attack the Court. Unless they find the Unseelie Court first..." I add the last sentence while looking questioningly at Isla.

"They won't," She says sternly, "Let's continue this tomorrow morning, Adrien!" Adrien nods and motions for me to follow him. It's strange, it's almost like she's trying to avoid me- I just can't comprehend why.


Sorry, this is short and a little messy. I might rewrite this during editing. Sorry, I missed yesterday's post; there's been an issue with stories disappearing recently and I lost the whole of my other book so I'm just hoping that it gets fixed soon. I hope you enjoyed and that you have a lovely day!

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