Chapter 9- It's Never Over

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I wake up to the sound of panic- my brother calling my name. Noah is sat on his bed, knees tucked into his chest, tears in his eyes. I glance out of the small window in our room and notice the shadow of the early morning around us. I'd say two o'clock maybe three.

"You alright, buddy?" I ask, panic filling every nerve in my body. He shakes his head back and forth frantically. Walking closer to him, I wrap my arms around his shaking body.

"What happened?" I ask slowly stroking my hand in circles on his back. I found out when we were younger that when he gets like this, it's the most comforting thing to do. He opens his mouth but only sobs come out. I move my hand faster but still using soft movements. Finally, he speaks,

"Can't you hear it?" He chokes out and at first, I'm puzzled. That is until I hear the blood-curling cry that proceeds to erupt from the street. I jump at the sound and feel the boy in my arms, nestle further into my grasp. Icy panic shoots through my veins and I glance around the room looking for our father.

"Where's father?" I ask him slowly feeling each of his sobs ring through my body. He leans into me, wiping his tears on my shirt and I hold him tight. I feel his soft whispers against my chest,

"I woke him up when I heard it... He went out to see what it was..." He splutters.

"It's okay baby, I got you..." I whisper into his hair as I feel his body tense up in between mine. It may be because he practically witnessed the death of his own mother- painted with the scar of it, whether he remembers it or not, that his brain is always cautious, he's scared by the slightest bump in the night- the smallest rustle in the forest. I know he tries not to show it; he wants to prove he is the brave son of the keeper of the guard. But, it's moments like this where I get to see the real him. Pure and unbroken. My brother, torn of all defences- the brother who needs his big sister. Not the one who acts too old for his age- not the one who doesn't need a girl to protect him.

I press a soft kiss to his forehead and hold him as close to me as I possibly can. I don't know what's going on, but I know I need to make sure he is safe. He calms a little in my arms, his breaths becoming slower, his sobs becoming weaker. I hold him until I hear a knock echo through the house. The streets have become quieter, but still, the soft sound of wailing echoed through the village. 

"Hey, I'm going to get the door, you stay here okay?" The dark-haired boy nods and curls into a ball as I get up from the bed. I caress his cheek slowly before heading towards the wooden door. The second I open it and am greeted by the frantic words of an anxious boy,

"I know you don't want to talk but I needed to know you are okay," He says, clumsily running a hand through his muddy blonde hair. 

"We're fine- calm down," I say pressing my hands onto his shoulders, his places a hand on top of mine and breathes slowly. I sense his tension and pull him closer, wrapping him in a deep hug. He nuzzles his head into my neck and I hear him let out a small snuffle,

"I'm so glad you're okay- I couldn't lose you too," He mumbles and the last sentence catches my attention. I pull back, keeping my hands on his shoulders,

"What's happening?" He wipes away the few tears beginning to trickle down his face before answering,

"They... they took Isaac..." He says slowly. Isaac- his brother.

"Wait, who? Who took him?" I say, looking up at him sympathetically. I think I already know the answer but I'm just clinging on to the small hope that it may not be true.

"The Fae." That was it. That was all I needed before I turned and began to search for my coat. I can hear Ari's protests behind me but I'm so blinded by rage and betrayal that I'm not listening. All I'm thinking is that I need to see my father- right now. What was I thinking? She's the Enemy. She is and will always be my enemy and I fell right into her trap.

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