(P4) Chapter 7- Goodbye

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The blonde knew he liked her. She could see it in the way he smiled at her, the way he would stare at her lips, the way he would let his arm slightly brush over hers as he walked by. He wasn't hiding it and she knew that. So when he approached her after what she could only assume was the worst day of his life- when he wrapped his hand around her waist- when he pressed his nose to hers; what was she supposed to do? She was young. She was hurting. And somehow, the feel of his lips against her own was comforting. 

It burnt like hell and that was exactly what both of them craved.


Isla walks steadily down the staircase. As Adrien had explained to me, fae, unlike humans, forbid black to be worn at a funeral. Instead, the colours of nature were worn: greens, yellows and purples. Naidia had let me borrow a dress; the structure was simple but decorated in intricate patterns of leaves and explosions of what seemed to be every shade of green known to man. Isla, instead, was wearing a simple, light purple dress which swayed as the wind rushed through the open door of the palace.

I'd say she looks beautiful but there's something about her, maybe the look on her face or the dull glow of her eyes, she looks solemn. Cold almost.

The blonde reaches the last step and I offer her my arm, she clings onto it as if it is the last thing tying her to the earth. Isla takes a breath, glancing around the room filled with people who love her. I lean to whisper in her ear,

"You can do this Isla... I'll be here..." As I say this, Isla's head inclines slowly, however, I can still hear the frantic heartbeat that echoes within her body. 

Then, there's a sudden moan as the palace door creaks open and a boy is revealed behind it and at that exact moment, I feel Adrien tense beside me, his heart thudding much harder and faster.

"Ty..." Adrien states through gritted teeth. I turn to see an odd look in Adrien's eyes, one I'd never really seen before. Not hate... despise. Adrien had a dislike for this boy that was stronger than anything she'd seen him feel before and that possessed a hazard that could potentially ruin this funeral, or as the fae call it- Union.

It's an odd name for something so painful. Marriage is more like a union than death. Two people coming together- alive. What do you unite the dead with?  

"Brother... Isla..." My thoughts are interrupted as the boy by the door speaks. He has slightly ruffled dark hair, alike Adrien's but a little lighter. And his eyes... they are a striking light blue, almost like the sky on the hottest summer day of the year- maybe brighter. I have to admit, he was pretty beautiful.

The boy strides towards us, reaching to embrace Isla before he is shoved abruptly away from her.

"You stay away from her," Adrien yells, blocking his brother's eyesight. Adrien then glares at him, it's the type of glare that forces the other boy to align their gazes. The two just stay like this for a few seconds, gazes locked. That's before Ty begins to explain himself.

"I... heard about Archer. I wanted to-" He doesn't get to finish as it seems Adrien's rage interrupts him instead.

"What did you want to do? Come to the funeral? Cause you don't have a very good reputation for that!" Ty flinches as Adrien says this, conflict flickering in his eyes.

"This isn't about us. It's about Archer, Adrien. And if you weren't so self-absorbed- you would see that!" Ty snaps, stepping towards Adrien, eliciting a reaction from Xavier who had watched the whole scene from beside the dining-room door.

"Both of you stop. This isn't about either of you," The King glances from Adrien to Ty, "Thank you for being here for Archer, Ty..." Adrien bites his lip at this, stepping away from Isla, who was still stood emotionless behind the two of them. Ty reciprocates this action, placing a considerable amount of distance between the two of them.

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