Chapter 71 - Taking Down TuZan Empire (Part 4)

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I cracked my knuckles and proceeded to cut the lock with ice water. After I was done, I turned to the men.

"I'm going to cut everyone else's. You get to escape, and so does everyone else. If you're wanting to get back at anyone, they are in the banquet hall, here." I threw out swords from my space. "Tell the others the same thing."

They nodded. This prison was attached to the palace, so it would take them about an hour to reach the banquet if they hurried.

After I left, I sent water down all the other locks, and off they fell. I also dropped more swords and down I walked. I looked through every cell, but I didn't see any man like the one in my dream. I kept walking and finally reached the end. Expect it kept going. I knew I only had a limited time, so I walked quickly down the stairs to the 3rd floor. Down here I smelled a strong stench of blood. Torcher? Interesting.

I walked down the hallway and looked through each cell. I saw nothing except men and women hanging from ropes.

I kept going and paused at one. For some reason, even though the man looked sunken in. I felt a connection with him.

I cut the lock and in I went. I cut him down from the ropes and down he fell into my arms. The rope had dug into the man's wrist. I pulled the rope away and began to heal him. When he looked up, I knew it was this body's father.

His eyes were the same eyes from my dream.

His face showed surprise when he looked up at me.

"Little Rue..." He said with a horse voice. "I've waited for you. I needed to tell you..." He took a breath. "Enter the Phoenix Empire. There you will find your uncle. He will help you..." He took another breath and seemed to loosen up. He wanted to die now. I could feel it.

"Want to die, father?" I asked.

He looked up at me and nodded.

"I've lived this long to tell you this much. Your real last name is ZhenZu. My ZhenZu Rui, may you live a long life. Now let me join your mother."

I nodded. I placed my hand on his face and stopped his heart with my healing. He fell limp in my arms and I let him go.

I hated that I felt nothing, but in reality, I only knew the man for 5 minutes. I sighed. It was like how my grandmother said all those years ago.

"It's in your blood, you will always kill without care."

I guess she was right.

I pursed my lips as I got up to leave. Some women called out to me.

"Help me..." She called out.

I turned my eyes toward her and shot out water. I cut the lock and her ropes.

"The rest is for you to figure out," I said coldly as walked out of the prison.

Guards men laid dead around me as I left. Seems it was a good idea to help those men. By the time, I reached the 2nd Prince's courtyard, they had pretty much captured, or killed all of the men from the prison. There were guards all around the courtyard itself, so I knew he was in there. 

I first washed off the paste from my face. Then, I changed my outfit to that of an expensive black robe with plum blossom designs sewed into it. I also took out my silver mask that covered my whole face, but my eyes, and let my long hair down. I moved in the shadows and jumped into the Prince's courtyard. 

I entered through the front door to see the 2nd Prince talking with the 1st Prince. I smirked. My plan is working perfectly. 

They both turned toward me. 

"Yo!" I pulled out a chair and sat down comfortably as a man. 

"Who are you?" I could feel the power coming off his voice. He was Rank 4. Though I had Aden, so I really did not care. 

Who? Wait. I didn't have a name for this guy. Uuuu...

"You can call me Phantom," I said. "2nd Prince, how's it going with him?" 

"He's on board." He said.

"Great!" I stood up. "Then let's go commit murder!" I put out my arm and out of my space came Aden. "Up for murder?" 

Immediately,  Aden's Energy filled the room. He yawned as he looked down at me. His hair was longer now. Though, it was still thick and curly. Would he end up putting it in a ponytail? Most Likely. 

He nodded. 

"Seeing how he treated the mermaid...yes, I would like him to die," Aden said as he looked up at the two princes.

I could see their faces start to contort as they looked at him. I remembered how these people viewed people of color. 

"I would suggest you guys not say anything," I said as I brought out Holy Might. "Best not say anything you will regret later." 

At that moment, they both seemed to realize that I had no problem killing both of them.

"Let's go." I smiled as I walked out. 

Tonight, this Empire would enter the hands of the 1st Prince, and tomorrow, I would leave for the ocean with the mermaid. 

1st Prince called his own people and so did 2nd Prince. Though, 1st Prince's people outnumbered them by quite a bit. 

By the time, we reached his courtyard, he was already outside.

"It seems you're here to finally kill me." He said to his sons.

I started to laugh.

"No, they're not killing you, I am." I knew he was stronger than me, but I really wanted to murder this man by myself. 

Men in black jumped out from the darkness.

"Well, I won't make it easy for you." He said.

"No, just fun." My words were said as I was already flying forward.

My mind went back to my previous life.

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