Chapter - 10 - Giving back a Dragon baby

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"Really? Wow. Who did it?"

"No one knows, these kids went in from a couple of rich family's but they came out with empty hands. I have no idea who took the baby Dragon."

I finished washing my face and hummed.

Then I turned to little Chen SuSan.

Then my mind did a light bulb.

Wait....what SuSan looked like a human. Beast and humans looked different. Still, though, there was a newborn baby in a dragon nest.

It was then I started pacing. I also put my thumb in my mouth and bit down. Did I steal a baby Dragon? Then I turned toward little Chen SuSan. She looks like a human!


I went up the crib and looked down at Chen SuSan.

"Hey, you a Dragon baby?" I asked in a quiet voice.

It was then I got the biggest surprise of my life up to this point besides being transmigrated. Little Chen SuSan opened her little eyes and then blinked threw snake eyes to human eyes.

My eyes shot open and I moved back too quickly to fall on my butt with a loud pow. I lifted my butt in pain and rubbed it with a hand.


I then looked over to see little Chen SuSan giggling.

Little rascal!

Expect, now I was left with a huge problem, how did I get Chen SuSan back to her mother without her mother killing me? Also, I had a ton of questions about transmigration but I held these in. I would ask Aden the next time I see him.

I continued to bite my thumb when I had an amazing idea. An idea with a 50% chance of working, but it was better than a 0% chance. I grabbed up a small Chen SuSan and left the inn. It was time to go back to the forest. Expect before that, I bought a horse. It was 1 silver. I gave the man a silver and went on my way. I had already changed out a gold coin yesterday so I still had like 90 silver left and then of course the 199 gold I still hadn't touched. I was very careful with it and never let anyone suggest I had this kind of money.

In any case, I was riding on the horse still holding Chen SuSan. She slept until she woke and I fed and changed her. Then we continued the journey back into the woods.

I was very scared and anxious as I rode the horse threw. The Dragon could pop out at any second and I would be none the wiser. I was only a Rank 1 Level 3! I couldn't even touch a Vicious Beast. Let alone whatever this Dragon's Rank is.

I gulped down my saliva and just kept forward.

The first day I saw nothing and just slept in a cave. Then the next day I ate rations from the village and continued to take care of Chen SuSan on the journey back to the Nest.

After some more days of losing count because I was so scared, I finally arrived.

I got off the horse and walked up the now deserted nest. Where did the Dragon go?

I looked around and scratched my head.

"Hey! Anyone home?" I yelled out in Chinese first to see if there were any people. When I heard nothing, I switched to English. "Hey! Dragon, I got your kid!"

At that moment I felt swoosh and a beautiful woman appeared in front of me. She was a top-notch beauty. I backed away and held Chen SuSan closer.

I switched back to Chinese.

"Hey lady. What do you want?" I asked.

"You, I felt you were special." She spoke English.

"How the fuck do you know English." To say I was blown away was an understatement.

"Not in front of the child." She frowns and scrunched her eyebrows.

"Oh shit, yea...oh wait." I put my hand over my mouth and still held Chen SuSan with another. Then I removed it just as quickly. "Wait, how do you know English?" I asked again.

"I'm a Dragon." She replied.

" sure don't look like one." I looked her up and down. Then she did something I'll never be able to unsee. She backed up and transformed into a black dragon.

My mouth fell open.

"Holy sh-" I stopped myself and stepped back. "Are you her mother?" I asked.

Then she transformed into a human once more.

"Yes, I am." She scooped up little Chen SuSan in her arms. "I do thank you for taking care of her. I had no idea she had already hatched." She played with Chen SuSan's face as she slept. "What's your name?" She asked me.

"Kobe." With Beast, I share my real name.

"My name is Anastasia." She said. "Though I'm sure you called her different, her name shall be Tatiana."

"Wow, very pretty names," I said. "Also, may I ask, why were you here to give birth? Why not somewhere else more...secluded?"

"Oh, well, my husband disappeared."

"This is where he last was?" I asked.

"The last place I've heard of him. See he has a Master and so he's a Tamed Beast. So sometimes he leaves but he always comes back after 3 months. Then he stays for 1 and goes back. It's what he set up with his human. He has been gone now for 7 months. I didn't worry when he missed the first one, could come back, but missing two in a row is a something happened."

"Weird question, but how long is a dragon pregnancy?" I asked very curiously.

"Yes, weird and off-topic, but it can be anywhere from 3 to 4 years."

"Good gracious!" I yelled.

"Most of that time though, the baby is in an egg."

I nodded.

"Anyways, back to the missing husband. Do you know the human?" I asked.

"No, I do not."

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