Chapter - 8 - Why is this in a dragon nest?

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After Aden disappeared, I bolted using Flight Steps. I ran in the opposite direction of the people.

My hair was also growing rather quickly. Though I'm sure it was just the power in the air when I absorbed it doing it.

My destination was anywhere but here. I was still in the male's clothes so I was quite quick on my feet. I then kept running and meditated at the same time. I focused and let Flight Steps become a sixth sense.

The voices, they were still far away. This meant they weren't following me. Still, I kept running without stopping. That night, I laid up in a tree and looked out at the forest. I breathed in the fresh air and listened to the animals walking and eating about.

I fell asleep just like this. I awoke in the morning thanks to the sun and looked for food. I used Flight Steps to run up on a rabbit and snatched him right up. I ate a good rabbit and then set off once more.

After two days of this without seeing much but some Common Beast, I was pretty chill. That was until I heard a roar in the distance. A Beast.

I knitted my brows together and went in the opposite direction. I had no want to fight a Beast. I was only a Rank 1 Level 2!

It was then the ground below me started to rumble.

I fell to my knees and hands as the rumbling continued. Who was making the Beast angry?

I tried to stand as the rumbling decreased I needed to get away from this place.

Expect, that was not what fate had in mind. Because the rumbling immediately got worse. The ground was so unstable. I saw moles and worms coming out of the ground and flailing about. Then I thought of Aden. Oh, I really hope he's alright.

I shook my head and then thought about me. Behind me was massive danger and I needed to go. I would die if whatever was decided to come my way.

I huffed and activated Flight steps. I then bolted forward. I was definitely not fast but at least I was moving.

The rumbling was also decreasing the more I ran away from it. Then as I was panting and sweating, the rumbling stopped and I hit the ground. I was so exhausted. I laid against a tree and heaved.

Expect my troubles just increased. Because then from another direction loud blast sounded. There were also distant roars. I just stayed still as I was far away and out of breath.

Still, fate had a way of playing games because the pounds and roars started coming my way. Great, just great. There was no way I could get the strength to use Flight Steps again so I just crawled into a bush. I then hid my self and just waited. There was nothing else I could do.

As the roars and pounds got louder, the quieter I got. It was then I saw the funniest thing.

A woman in white and long black hair was holding what looked to be an egg run past me and a huge five-story black Dragon rush just as fast. My mouth gaped open.

I was shocked.

Then right behind the Dragon rushed men with swords and other things.

I just blinked and stood up after they went away. I then scratched the back of my head and laughed. This....oh why was my life just so funny.

I then decided to go where they came from. The Dragon lead a nice path with its huge feet so getting to where they came from was easy. I first noticed a lot of scorched trees and dirt. I then noticed what looked to be a huge nest leading into a cave.

I walked up the nest and saw black beautiful scales in the nest. I picked one up and noticed how sharp it was. What a wonderful tool!

I climbed in and picked up all that I could carry until I saw something else. I stepped over and noticed what looked to be a shining object. I moved away from the nest and came across a tiny round purple pearl. I was very much unsure of what it did but I snatched it anyway. It was then I realized there really wasn't that much else here so I started to walk away.

Expect, as I walked away I heard crying to the left. I shot my eyes over to see a part of the nest moving. I ran over and looked down. There right under some straw was a small newborn baby.

It was yelling and screaming so I picked it up to notice it was a small little girl. I held her close and noticed she had some weird goop on her. I cleaned her off with my sleeve and got out of the nest. I then took out my female clothes from my bag and store them with my knife. I wrapped her in them and started forward. I had no food for her. I also had no idea who her mother was. Still, a dragon nest was no home for a newborn.

I needed to find a village fast.

The baby was crying and I knew she was hungry. It was just...I had no food. I had no milk for a baby. I started running quickly in search of anything. Then after 30 minutes of her crying, I heard some people talking thanks to Hawk Eyes. I then bolted forward and came across what seemed to be commoners. 2 women and 3 men. What really made my day was the 2 children.

"Help! My little sister!" I yelled. I ran forward with the crying baby.

One woman noticed first and ran over.

"Oh, oh my. Little boy, where is your mother?" She asked as she looked at us.

"She died of an illness and told me to go to a village but I got lost and now my little sister is very hungry. Please, please help us." Took acting for a semester in high school.

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