Chapter - 118 - Traveling across the Water

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After that, we talked a little longer and then headed to bed. About a week later, Mei and I set out. Master had a map on how to get there, but nothing really about what was it in.

Though, I wasn't really concerned about it. If anything, I just had to keep in mind Mei. I would have her help from behind while I took on the brunt of the force. I desperately needed to raise my Level and Rank after all.

And like that, we went our separate ways. The only 'child' I had left with me was little Tatiana. Though, she was actually growing quite fast. I wasn't sure if my pure energy was causing this growth spurt. She looked like a 9-year-old but still acted a little young. Though, truthfully, I had no need for her to grow up fast.

And as far as her Dragon Form? She was big enough to carry one person, so I had her carry Mei who wasn't used to flying in the open air.

We traveled to an area of the Continent I had never been to before. It seemed by the map, to have been separated from the main Continent. A large river cut it off from the actual mainland. Was it really as contaminated as they say?

As we traveled, we went past the white tree forest, some of the surrounding small towns, and some Empires that had no rights in the war that was still probably still going on.

And after some time, we reached the river. A vast river. To the south of us was actually the cave that lead to the Drawfs. I would have to make a mental note of that after I left here.

And so, I asked the local townsfolk about the river. None of them really questioned my questions because they could tell I was strong. To them, I was just another cultivator going to die.

And so, after collecting enough information, I came to a conclusion. I needed a boat. There was no way we could fly it. Apparently, there was some force that kept flight users from crossing. Though, it wasn't like sailing was much easier. Apparently, there was an array surrounding the place. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what made the water so dangerous.

Apparently, the water was known to be extremely dangerous the closer one got, but I'm thinking it's to keep whatever was over there, over there.

And so, I and Mei got a small boat and set sail. People looked at us like we were maniacs, but I think they just failed to realize that I had a contract with only Water Spirit in existence.


In any case, I should be able to keep the water at bay around this boat. But, just to make sure, I tied a rope around  Mei's wrist with mine. That way, there was no way we would separate if the boat flipped.

After about 6 or 7 yards out was when the water started to get tricky, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I just stood and kept the water calm around us.

Mei was a Fire user so she was truly not doing too hot right now. Hell, she was at my feet not even daring to look over the side on the small boat.

"Kobe, do we have to go?" She asked.

"Mei, you have to gain experience," I said as I kept the water at bay.

"The place feels dangerous." She said.

Feels dangerous? Wait.

"Mei, why didn't you tell me you developed your sixth sense?" I asked.

"What? What the hell is that?"

"Everyone has a sixth sense. It's a fickle thing most of the time. But usually, it shows itself when someone feels like they are in danger when in reality, the situation doesn't warrant it. Like when you are alone in a dark room. Truly, you're fine. There's no one there. But your sixth sense is telling you there is something there. So what do you do? You train it.

See you feel scared from the water, but the real danger for you is the island, correct?"

"Yea, you're right," Mei said.

"That tells me you've been subconsciously training your sixth sense. Your brain knows when you're really in danger. It's how a swordsman can move on a dime, or how an archer can move to the right spot after shooting his arrow. All of it requires a sixth sense. Known as preservation. The most unpredictable thing out there."

"So, the sixth sense was built off of humans wanting to live at all cost?" She asked.

"Yep." I nodded.

At this point, the water was starting to get more intense.

"You know, now that you mention it, it makes me think about my Geisha days."

"Oh?" I mindlessly answered as I kept the water at bay. We were halfway there.

"In those days, I learned which men to sing and dance to. No one really cared for each other in that place, so I was pretty much on my own."

"But didn't you end up going back there?" I asked.

"You remembered that?" She asked.

"Yep, though if I recall, you said it in passing," I said.

"I did, I felt bad leaving them all there. When I went back, a new curse user was there. It also seemed like security had been heightened."

I knitted my brows as the water got more intense. How much more difficult was this going to get?

"What'd you do?" I asked.

"Well, you see the tattoos don't disappear after the curse user dies. So, the woman all stayed. If anything, the reason I went back, was to see if any of them wanted to leave."

"Oh?" I responded.

"Only one did. A little girl, not much older than you when I first met you."

"I didn't see her at the tower."

"She...died. She was pretty badly beaten, so I just stayed with her in her last moments."

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