Chapter 73 - Saving a Mermaid

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I took off the mask at this point and sat it down. She had seen me with it off after all.

"Why do you hide your female self?" She asked.

"I might tell day." I smiled.

"Why don't you come back with us?" She asked. "Amazon's are always welcoming strong women."

I shook my head.

"I have things I must attend to." But then I remembered the mermaid. "Do you believe in mermaids?"

"I've heard about them, but through my life, I've never seen one in person." She replied.

"Do you know where one might live?"

"The only place I know of is called Siren's Cove."

"Right..." I pursed my lips. "I need to get there. How long is the trip?"

"By boat, a month at least." She replied.

"Damn." Could I do it and make it to the wedding in April? I bit my nail as I thought.

"Why do you need to go?"

"One moment and I will show you." I went behind the changing board and put on male clothing. After I finished, I put on my mask, and out we went.

After we left, I saw Amazon women staring at me with contempt.

Fuck, which man hurt you for you to look at me like that. Fucking wackos.

We stopped at the garden's entrance.

"None of them are allowed to enter," I said up at her.

She nodded and swept her hand.

"You heard him. No one can enter. I will be back shortly."

I heard mumbling, but I just kept walking forward. Once we reached the tank, which was now lit up with different plants, she froze.

I just kept forward to the tank. I took off my mask and looked up at her.

She immediately swam towards me.

I smiled.

"Ready to leave?" I asked. Even though I couldn't speak to her. Wait a fucking moment.

'Ari.' I called for her.

'Master?' She replied.

'Is there any possible way for her to know what I'm saying?' I asked.

'There might be one way. Go to the top.'

I immediately ran up the stairs and to the top of the water.

'If you trust not getting your hand bitten off. Put it in the water for her to grab on to.'

I suppose I do.

I placed my hand in the water and up she came. She seemed distant but I smiled.

She touched my hand and immediately I heard her.

'Who are you?' She asked.

'Kobe.' I sent back. 'I would like to take you back home.'

'Why?' She clamped down on my hand.

'I understand you want to protect your people, but I seriously just want to take you home. You see, I have people I care about, and I know they care about me. I would hate for you to never see the people you care about ever again. So please, let me take you home.'

'Who's is she?' She pointed at the Amazon queen.

'She's the queen of the Amazon's. She would like to help in bringing you back home.' I replied.

The mermaid pursed her lips.

'I would like to trust you...' She let go of my hand.

I knitted my brows and jumped in. The water was salt water, how dreadful.

I swam to the top and looked in to see a very shocked mermaid.

I put out my hand for her to grab.

She swam to the top and stuck up her head. She grasped onto my hand.

'You do know mermaids are carnivores right?' She questioned.

I nodded.

'I want you to know that I am willing to put my life on this. I really want to take you back home.' I responded. 'If you'd like, I will take you by myself. No one but me will know. I will never tell anyone.'

She nodded.


'Great!' I smiled wide. I turned around and used water to get out. After that, I put my hand over her area. Maybe, I could take the whole tank.

I breathed in and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes and the whole tank was gone.

She was in my space.

The Emperor was in there too, but he was already tied up and thrown in a case by Aden.

I walked down the stairs and saw the Queen of the Amazon's staring at my soaked figure.

"It's a fashion statement." I smiled as I slid on the mask.

"Looks like it." She responded.

As we walked out, I saw everyone glaring at me.

I went back to the courtyard and took another bath. By morning, I left early. I didn't say goodbye to anyone. I just left a note.

'Dear Freya,

Enjoyed last night~'

I was still cracking up as I jumped away from the Capital.

Right now, I was walking around. I was outside in the trading center as the sun was fully coming up. I had no means of flight. If anything, I needed a boat.

I pursed my lips as I walked around.

Then I remembered Ari.

'Ari, am I able to use water to go across the ocean?' If I could, that would be amazing.

'Long ago, it used to be something that everyone did, but someone misused it, and he was cursed by the Beast God. Ever since then, people were too scared to and the technique became lost.' She paused. 'Good thing I still know how.'

'How do you miss use walking on water?' It just seemed cool.

'There used to be a large fishing empire to the south. People with the ability would walk out and net this fish. This could lead to overfishing, but there was a law in place that forbids it. Later on, the law was removed.

Little did the man know, this law was put in place by the Beast God to protect life. In the end, the man was cursed and the fishing empire destroyed. People never dared to use the technique anymore after that.'

Kobe the Beast Tamer Where stories live. Discover now