Chapter - 103 - Someone to care for

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I heard gasps as I gave them one last glance and left with the turn of my heels.

As I left, Tatiana comforted me as I let tears fall. We didn't need to separate this time but Theon did put back on his mask.

When we exited, there was no crowd. Just trash in their wake. I moved my hand and the trash entered my space.

After that, I said bye to Mei, master must be worried and Mei knew this.

I gave her a long hug and off she went.

After all of this, Theon told me some upsetting news. It was nighttime and we sat on a random roof eating cakes.

"Kobe, I must leave."

I turned my head and met his eyes. His mask laid on his leg.

"Does it involve your Disciple siblings?" I asked.

"In a way, the eldest disciple has come across some yellow bug that he's wary of."

My eyes grew wide.

"Take this matter seriously," I said to Theon.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me with seriousness.

"Have you heard of the Orion's?"

Theon nodded.

"My master spoke about them once. All he said was that he use to be one."

"The Orion's use this bug to make humans and animals alike act on their most primal desire. Most of the time, the desire is against the Devils." I said.

"My disciples will need proof." He said.

"I suspect all you would need to do is find an influential person with a hate for Devils," I said as I looked out at the stars.

"But how do you know the Orions control these bugs?" He asked.

"A Nymph used her power on Emperor TuZan Aiguo."

"He was being controlled?" Theon asked.

I nodded.

After our conversation, Theon left. I found Oh BeiYing sitting with her son at a stall eating soup.

I walked up in normal clothing, but my green eyes still made many eyes turn. I sat down across from them and raised my hand for a bowl of soup.

"You came back for me." She said shocked.

"You have two options," I said simply. "Come with me, and serve my needs. Or, you can stay here." A man put down a bowl of soup. And walked away.

As I waited for her response, her child tried to reach for my soup.

I narrowed my eyes. He looked up at me and just laughed.

Not scared of me? That's new. Usually, children noticed the blood on my hands.

"I'm not welcome back home. I would rather follow you." She said.

"That's the best decision you've ever made," I said as I quickly finished my soup.

"What's the kid's name?" I asked as I stood.

She stood and pursed her lips.

"I should be truthful with you. You are being very nice to me after all." She said as she picked up her son. "Follow me."

I raised a brow as I followed her out of the soup shop. We kept walking until we were back in the inn. After I closed the door behind me, the woman put her son on the bed and fell down on the floor. I raised a brow. The boy started the cry. I stepped forward to see her looking up at me with tears coming out of her eyes.

I dropped down to feel her pulse.


"That man poisoned me. So that I would die after he had used me. Though, I doubt he ever thought I would get pregnant with his son."

I helped her up and laid her against the wall.

"I don't have much longer. I come from a family of poisons. That's the only reason I've lasted this long." She said with a strained smile. "I would die peacefully if I knew... She turned her head to the boy.

He was balling his eyes out.

"You want me to take the child in?" I asked as I glanced over at the boy.

"That's all I ask." She said as she laid against the wall.

"How much longer do you have?" I asked.

"I've been taking concoctions that slow down the process but I'm too far in to get rid of the poison. I could have anywhere from a week to a year." She said as she winced in pain. "The thing is, the pains only going to get worse."

I understood what she meant. She didn't want to live like this.

"Okay, I'll take in the child. Does he have a name?" I asked again.

"No name, but know this about the child before you take him." She waved for me to get closer. I did and listened closely. "His father is an Orion, they will search for the child if they find out about him."

My eyes grew wide.

I moved my body back to see her looking at me with scared eyes.

I calmed down and sighed.

"I shall take care of the child," I said. "Are you ready?"

She turned to her child. She took him in her arms.

"I love you small one. Live well." Tears rolled down her eyes as she held him close.

I reached over and put the child to sleep.

"Goodbye," I said calmly.

I took the child and touched her heart.

"He will be safe with you."

These were her last words as she passed away.

I put her in my space and jumped out of the inn.

I looked down at the baby in my arms. He was almost 2.

When was his birthday? It can't be today. His mother died today. This thought had me think about something similar. What will he think about me after I tell him I ended his mother's life?

I suppose that will be his decision.

I looked at the night sky and wondered what I should do.

I could investigate the Orions. Then again...

I looked down again at the boy.

He will find out his origins later in life.

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