Chapter - 94 - Who will rape who?

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The boy continued.

"The white rose clan is known for its many brothels and jewelry they sell. They are the richest clan below the Emperor.

The Vermilion bird clan is known for its blacksmithing. They make money this way and also help support during wars.

The Wolf clan is known for its unique fighting style and breeding of special Wolfs used in wars. They make their living mostly off their mercenary guilds.

The hourglass clan is the worst out of the bunch. They sell slaves throughout the continent. Their black market is huge and full of illegal trading. I would not be surprised if they had money hold up somewhere.

Now for the Golden Snake clan. This clan is known for its medicines, but most importantly its poisons. It would be the top clan, but for over 300 years the clan has been on the decline when it comes to young talents.

Now, we are here for the Wind Spirit. We know it's up this mountain and we would like it to pick anyone here to strengthen the Empire, but everyone's thinking it will pick the Prince."

I nodded.

I took off my mask and sat before him.

"Who's bastard daughter could I pass for?"

The boy's eyes grew wide and then back to normal.

"I would say the 2nd son of Prime Minister Mu. He's a player that likes exotic prostitutes."

I smirked.

"Thank you for your help. Rest in here. There's food and a bed over there. There's clothing and many books you can read. Most are cultivation-related. I'll talk to you again when I need more information."

I untied him and then left. I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. I suppose I should sleep while I'm here. I turned over and fell asleep sometime later.

I awoke later and got up off the top bunk and walked outside. It was light out here and by the looks of it around 5 in the morning.

I walked over to a wash bin and slid off my helmet. I washed my face in the chilly water. I woke up quite quickly as the water tried to freeze on my eyebrows. I wiped it off with a cold cloth and picked up my helmet.

"You." I heard in front of me.

I looked up to see two girls. One wore a white rose on her servant robe and another wore a golden snake on her servant uniform.

"Yes?" I walked forward and stood in front of them.

"All of us girls know each other and none of us have seen you before." The golden snake pinned girl said.

I held up my helmet.

"I'm quiet," I replied and pulled up my hair to put in my helmet.

"Hey, wait." I saw one try and touch my shoulder.

I moved away and paused in my movements.

"What?" I asked.

"Tonight the girls of all the clans are going to using one of the barracks to have a sort of girls hang out. You should join." She said happily.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"That one over there." She pointed at the one with a white rose. Except it had any obvious Male logo on it. "It's the nicest and It's been cleared already."

I hummed and nodded.

"Maybe." I put on my helmet and walked away but I sent Hawk Eyes behind me to hear what they had to say after I left.

"That bastard whore caught the eye of the Crown Prince. Let's see what he thinks when he finds out she was raped by those men." One said and then laughed.

Oh? Yes. Let's see what he says when he learns two young girls were raped by a group of men.

Master didn't just teach me how to heal. He also taught me medicine and with the little knowledge I had, I could make a sex drug.

I went to a secluded part and hid. I went into my space and pulled out the medical book masker gave me. Then I pulled one out on special concoctions. The boy watched from a distance as he saw me pull out the things I needed.

I looked at the ingredients needed and pulled out the drawers. I sat out the ingredients and threw a mask for the boy.

"Put that on. This drug is a sex drug. The smell itself will make you want to fuck."

The boy's eyes grew and he quickly put it on.

I smirked and began my concoction. I used grinders and the oils needed. After it was all said and done, I had my finished product. It was a vial of very strong sexual powder. It didn't affect me right now, but by the boy's expression, as he stared at me from a couple of feet away, I knew it was potent.

I decided to leave it in a box and left my space.

I started my work around the camp at this time. I was given different tasks and around lunch, we stopped to eat. I was told in 2 days we would begin the walk-up.

When night came, the two girls came and got me. I followed them and knocked them both out. I sent them in my space and stepped inside the dark tent before the men came. As they filled up the dark tent and turned out their lamps. I laid the girls out and undressed them. Then as I lit a lantern, I broke open the vial and jumped out as I used the wind to send the vial's contents throughout the tent.

I left and felt my face getting warm. I sent the vial in my space and stuck my hands in snow as I took off my helmet.

Except my face was getting warmer. Just how potent was this stuff?

I heard moaning from inside the tent and knew it had started.

I walked away and into my own barracks. I laid in a bed and closed my eyes. My only escape was to sleep. So I made myself sleep.

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