Chapter 89 - Nymph Wedding

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"Do you remember me?" I pointed at myself. I doubted she did. I looked different than before.

To my surprise, she nodded.

"Kobe." Her little girly word made my heart fill with warmth.

"I remember you little Tatiana."

She giggled and fell into my lap.

I scooped her up and stood up.

"Miss you!" She said as she held onto me.

"How do you remember me?" I asked out loud.

"Dragons have picture memory." I heard Arhan say.

I looked up to see him and the woman walking closer.

"Whoa, that sounds super cool," I said as little Tatiana started playing with my hair.

"Hello, Kobe. My name is Ramya." She looked like an Indian also. Her hair was long and black with beautiful braids. Her dress was adorned with beautiful colors.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a smile.

"Kobe!" I looked at little Tatiana.

"Yes, little one?" I asked.

"Sister!" She said as she smashed my face with her tiny hands.

"Is this little Tatiana I've been told about?" I heard Mei behind me.

I turned and pointed at Mei.

"This is my sworn elder sister, Mei. So if you're going to be my sworn little sister, you must get along with her!" I said.

Tatiana looked very determined all of the sudden.

"Sisters!" She yelled out and we all laughed.

Later on, we sat down to drink tea and eat dinner. Little Tatiana still did not want to leave my lap, but after Mei ate. I switched her over to her lap so I could eat.

Little Tatiana was against it at first but Mei knew how to take care of children from her time in the brothel. Women would give birth and the children would need someone to take care of them. Mei was always good at the job, so she was given the task until she was old enough to become a Geisha.

As I sat and watched everyone converse, I felt an overwhelming wish for everyone to always be this happy. I would do anything to protect it.

After all of these years. I finally found a new family. One that's as different yes, but together they all made it work and all it took was another lifetime.

Little Tatiana had fallen asleep at this point, so I took it upon myself to put her to sleep in Arhan and Ramya's room.

I walked in and laid her to rest in her own small bed.

I stepped out to see a very solemn-looking Xuan JuanLin.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It seems I must leave. I have some things I must take care of. Will you wait for me?" He asked as he placed his right hand on my face.

My face heated up and I looked down.

I already accepted his marriage proposal. I should accept this and in any case, I'm not attached to this man. If he leaves me it won't change my life.

"Alright," I said softly. "How long?" I looked up into his eyes.

"4 years from now I will come and find you. You will not need to look for me. Then, we shall get to know each other properly." He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Mmm, see you then," I said as he stepped back.

"Try not to fall in with another. Though, I know you've already fallen for me." He said with a smirk.

My eyes grew large and I wanted to say something back, but he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

And so the days went as such. The Fairy Goddess appeared later on and days passed until the fateful Nymph's marriage.

I sat with Tatiana on my lap as we waited for Anna to come and walk down the path.

Zen stood tall in his white groom outfit. Then like was practiced. Music started to play and everyone's stood. Anna came down the path in a beautiful white gown made of one of the best materials I had ever seen.

Her face was covered by a thin veil so you could see hints of her smile underneath.

After the ceremony, Zen stayed and drank some and was happy to get congratulations from many. Later he left, and we all dispersed to a common area.

Mei held a sleeping Tatiana and we all talked about almost anything.

"When do you expect a grandchild?" Arhan asked Ira.

"Depends, as you know, Nymphs have trouble bearing children. It took me well over 80 years before I gave birth to Zen." Ira replied with a sip of her tea.

Arhan nodded.

"Same for us dragons. When Anastasia ran off to find Rain, at the eve of the child's birth, the whole Dragon Empire was in an uproar. Thankfully though, the child is fine."

I glanced over at Tatiana. Yes, that was a very stupid thing for her to do.

"What about you Kobe?" Asked Omera.

I looked over.

"Hmm?" I responded. "What about me?"

"When do you plan to birth a child of your own?" She asked as she held her cup.

Everyone looked at me like this was a normal conversation to have.

"Well, I have no idea. I'm not against having a child but I haven't thought much past that." I replied.

"Do you want to continue your family line?" Omera asked.

"Family line...." I smirked. "It really isn't about continuing anything for me. I just live in the here and now. I'm not bound to my past, or to any family I have, or to the wrongdoings any of them have done in the past. So my child, whoever they are to be. I hope will think the same way as me in this way. That the burdens and ill decisions of mine, won't be theirs to bear."

The whole room grew quiet and Arhan spoke up.

"What you speak are ideals rarely spoken of. This world is built on honor and the past. If you want to have these ideals, I suggest you remember that others won't always think the same." Arhan said seriously.

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