Chapter - 37 - Six Summit Clan Meeting ( Part 2 )

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I watched as a banner was hung up in front of them. It read, 'Six Summit Clan Meeting.'

Where these the biggest Clans? I wondered... was Wang HuDan's clan one of these? His clan controlled most of the fishing industry. I hummed to myself as I watched them.

Expect I wasn't able to for long. For some reason, the wolf started to sniff and dart his eyes toward the crowd I was in. I got a terrible feeling he was looking at me. I moved quickly around people with Flight Steps. I used my small height as an advantage to slip away to the far back.

Expect the wolf wasn't having it. I noticed him with Hawk Eyes dart at me with incredible speed.


I readied my water in my body as I activated Flight Steps and darted quickly to a pole behind me. I was in a sort of a clearing so there weren't any trees nearby I could dart into.

Men started going crazy and ducked for cover. I jumped quickly up the pole and stared down at the wolf. The hood on my head covered most of my face but Hawk Eyes allowed me to see perfectly.

The wolf looked up at me with eyes showing interest.

"Who are you?" I looked up to see the man from the wolf banner clan.

I pursed my lips.

"My name is Kobe, yours?" I asked.

"My name is Gu MuLee. I am the Clan Leader of Silver Shadows."

I pointed down at the wolf.

"Get your wolf," I said.

The wolf narrowed his eyes.

The man laughed.

"Juniper, come here." The man called out.

The wolf didn't budge and sat down staring at me.

The fuck?

I didn't sense the wolf wanted to hurt me so I jumped down and watched as the wolf came up to me smelling me all over.

The hell does this wolf want?

Then it started rubbing up against me like a loving dog. Expect it was a fucking wolf and I was a 4'8 girl!

"Get your wolf," I said as I went to move away from it.

It just followed and started getting more loving.

"Wolf, stop. Wolf, could you actually not do what you're doing?" I didn't want to hurt the thing but at the same time, I wanted it to leave me the hell alone.

The man came over and held on to the wolf.

"Juniper! I'm sorry about this. I don't know why she is acting like this."

She started getting restless in his arms and cried out as it looked at me.

What did this wolf want with me?

"Usually she gets excited if she meets people with pure energy, but this..I've never seen her act this way." He said.

"No shit." So that was it.

The man looked up at me in shock like he didn't think I'd spit out profanity.

"No, no let her go. I know what to do." I said as I cracked my knuckles.

He let the wolf go and as she ran towards me, I let the Pure Water exit my body and slowly I let my pure energy enter the water until the water glowed. Then I had the water shoot out and flow around.

The wolf about fell over herself as she chased after the water. Ari made the water keep going and I turned my attention back to Gu MuLee.

"Took care of it." I clapped my hands together.

All he could see is my mouth smiling.

" Pure is your body?" He asked.

"None of your fucking business," I replied.

He looked embarrassed.

"Yes forgive me." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

Then the others walked up.

I was paying attention to them, so when a small red vermillion bird came up behind me to take off my hood, I let it. Off my hood came and my hair came down with it. My green mark was also now visible.

I looked up to see a beautiful Vermillion Bird fly around my head. Then I remembered the big red bird from that day on the horse.

Then, I didn't know what a Vermillion Bird was. Still, though, it didn't change the fact that it was one beautiful bird. It flew down and dropped my hood back into my hands.

What a cute bird.

I looked at the 6 men who all were staring at me.

"Never seen a girl before?" I raised an eyebrow.

They all coughed and moved some.

I smirked evilly and laughed.

"I'm just fucking with you guys. I know I have no business being here, so I'll leave." I turned around to walk away but one of them wasn't having it.

"I want her. Seize her." I turned to see it was a man from the white rose clan.

"Oh, you've done it now fucker." I narrowed my eyes and out Aden flew. He transformed into a large Holy Beast.

He hissed dramatically. I took out a large amount of Pure Water and the one from the wolf and sprayed out glowing Ice Spikes. I knew these men were all higher Ranked than me. I knew I had almost no chance of killing one. Aden did but if two or three came at once we were done for so my thinking was to escape quickly!

As the ice spikes flew and the man got ready to sent out his own attack, I had the water come back. I got on top of Aden and he shot off like a springboard.

Aden was quick and agile. I just held on for dear life. I heard yelling behind me but I just Aden do his thing. Slowly, after a while, nothing was heard.

Aden even slowed down and I was able to look up.

"That was insane. I never want to do that again." I said.

Aden looked over at me as he made himself smaller.

"You think?" Aden asked sarcastically.

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