Chapter - 77 - Back at the Tower

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"I'm sorry but we can't allow that. You have to leave now." The main siren said.

"Why? I won't be in your way at all." I responded.

"This island is home to a very powerful beast. It radiates the smell you are smelling right now. With the eye of a mermaid, you will be able to hold out for a few more days but you will soon lose grip on reality."

"I thought this smell was you guys?" I said.

"We do not produce a smell. We sing, and draw in humans."

I nodded.

"Okay, well Aden's a Celestial Beast. What kind of beast is it?" I asked.

"An injured Godly Beast. It has been here since the Great Disaster." He replied. "Though I doubt it will be here for much longer. Most likely another 200 years."

I forget how this world views time.

Aden tensed up in my arms. Seems these Godly Beast were no joke. Still, there was no way we could leave.

"I'm a pureblood human. Maybe I could help in healing it." I said.

The siren looked at me with newfound hope in its eyes.

"Oh my, yes follow me."

The siren turned and I followed behind it.

The crowd followed us.

A little bit later, we came across a lake of water. I could feel the energy radiating off of it.

"I will call it. I suggest you bow."

Aden got on his knees and I just stayed in his lap. I hoped that was enough. I had no strength to bow.

"A pure-blooded human." 4 words that made the water immediately break away. What came out was a panda. The panda was not at all wet.

"A sacrifice to you." Those words from the siren made me regret this whole thing.

The panda looked at me and the color drained from my face. I grabbed ahold of the tensed-up Aden and spoke up.

"Whoa now. Let's talk this out. My name is Kobe. I'm from Earth." If he was a Holy Beast, then he was bound to know of earth.

"Earth..." The panda repeated the word as it looked at me. I gulped. "It's been a long time since I've heard someone say that. Tell me, child, what do you regret most."

Immediately, my mind went back to smashing my brother's head with a pan.

"Killing my older brother."

"Lose that regret, and you will soar. Hold on to it and you will fall."

I blinked in surprise.

The panda grew closer.

"I shall not kill you because your eyes are the same as my previous masters. Have this."

An emerald without any flaw appeared in my hands.

"It should help a pureblood as your self." The panda lifted its paw and touched my forehead. "This will be my last gift to you. If we meet again, I shall tell you who I am."

After that, I felt like I was floating. I felt normal once I opened my eyes and saw that Aden and I were outside of TuZan on some sort of stone plate.

"If I even see those sirens again, I will give that one siren one hell of a beating."

"Where do you want to go?" Asked Aden.

I entered my space. In my space, it was just my consciousness, so I could walk.

I snapped my fingers and the glass cage shattered. Also, I could do anything in my space. The mermaid fell to the ground. I reached down and plucked out her other eye while she tried to breathe. I clutched her chin in my hand as I looked at her.

"Do you still want to die?" I asked.

"Yes..." I sliced her neck with a dagger and white blood poured out.

She was now dead. So she was now just an object to my space. I snapped my fingers, and she disappeared. She became a part of my space.

I left and looked up at Aden.

"I want to go back to the tower," I said.


Aden took off with me in his arms. I hated feeling this helpless, but I did it to myself, and for what? Saving a bunch of humans who would have died otherwise? What a way to live. Playing the hero was definitely exhausting. Though, I doubted the people in those boats thought of me as a hero. Hell, I almost got fed to a Godly Beast.

Everyone is right. Being a hero is a thankless job when people don't want one.

About a week later, we had arrived back at the tower. I felt better but I was still pretty weak. Aden was asleep in my space while Mei took care of me. By the end of February, I felt a lot better and decided to work on what the Godly Beast spoke about.

I knew what I regretted most, but how do I let go of it? Master wasn't here, so I couldn't ask him.

I tapped on the ground as I looked out over the cliffside.

Maybe the Library? I stood up and over to the tower and then up into the library. All of the books here were over-cultivation. Wait! What about that diary!

I ran to Masters's study and tried to open the door only to find it locked. Wait, I have a key. I went into my space and pulled out a key. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Except, I saw Master inside with a group of older men. Master looked up and noticed me.

I immeditally slipped on the ring and thanked the gods that I was wearing training clothing.

All of the older men turned towards me. I just nodded and shut the door behind me. When I looked out the window, I noticed I was in a different place.

"Is this the disciple you spoke about?" Asked one.

Master spoke up.

"Yes, what do you need?" Master asked.

"I was looking for that book." When I said this, he knew what I was referring to.

"Here." Master took out a book wrapped in black fabric.

I reached forward to grab the book, but I was stopped by another older man.

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