Chapter - 24 - Getting Purged

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He gave a devilish smirk.

"You sure you don't like me?"

I immediately came back to reality.

"As I said before, no!" I turned my head looked at the incoming courtyard.

Little did I know, my ears were a shade of light pink.

Then we hit my courtyard and he opened the handle with one hand and then brought me all the way into my room. He came to the side of the bed and placed my body down. I laid there and waited for the doctor to come.

He did and got prepared for the purging. I was preparing myself for the intense pain to follow.

Shortly after preparing, he came back and sat down at my bedside.

I couldn't help myself and looked over into his eyes.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Okay." He stopped moving and sat still.

"I would like to not die, so if you could keep that from happening, I would owe you one."

His eyes got a little big. Then he placed a hand on my forehead.

"I will try my hardest little one."

I pursed my lips and nodded.

"Now, before we get started, I will need to take off your top. The doctor said.

I nodded.

Expect the ice prince came over.

"Is that needed?" He looked down at the doctor.

"It is fine. If your uncomfortable, then leave." I responded.

"I shall not." He said resolutely.

"Then be quiet and let the man work. Okay, go ahead."

He picked up my down basically unusable body with the help of ice prince and slowly dropped my clothing to my waist. My chest was open to them, but I didn't mind, I was in fact, 11.

Expect, I didn't factor in my now hung emerald necklace that I wore around my neck. I forgot that this was a big thing.

" wonder you survived this long. The emerald is pure rock. Though it came to be used for dark power, this is the purest I've ever seen."

"That's cool and all, but I can feel myself getting weaker, so if we could move along with this...." I said.

"Oh, yes of course. I will need you to close your eyes. I will put in needles and you will get very tired. Just go to sleep."

I closed my eyes and slowly I started to get extremely tired. Then I fell into a deep sleep.

Then my body felt like it was on fire. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I had no idea what was going on, but I felt like I was laying in a fire being slowly consumed by the never-ending burning. I endured the pain by thinking of other things, but as the pain continued, I couldn't think. I just kept saying over and over not to give up. I can't give up. I won't give up.

Then after what felt like an eternity, I was awakened by a rush of cold. I opened my eyes just a bit to see that I was fully submerged in a tub of ice water. My chest was still open and I could see puncture marks all over it. I then looked down and noticed I was still wearing pants. How funny.

I tried to stand. I wobbled some, but for the most part, I was completely fine. I felt like I was more light than before. I could hear things I couldn't hear before. It felt amazing. I also noticed that my emerald was a brighter green than before.

I looked to the side and noticed a change of clothing. I stepped out of the tub and grabbed up a garment. I put it on and stripped off my old wet one. I made my way to the door and opened it wide.

There in my sitting room, was the old man, ice prince, doctor, and Aden.

Then they all turned to notice me.

"Hi." I waved in delight.

Ice prince stood up.

"Your awake."

"Yep." I nodded. "I must thank you, doctor man. Though I also feel, I should ask your name."

"Yes, I haven't told you. My name is Wei Sun and I am no human."

My eyes went big.

"I am in fact, an Elf."

What the actual fuck.

"You're one mean Elf," I replied.

"On the contrary. Most of Elf's kill humans for sport. I, on the other hand, am quite nice."

I knitted my brows.

"Remind me to never piss you off," I said.

He laughed.

"Also, I do owe you one, so if you ever need me for something, just say it," I said.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said.

"Now, any of y'all know how I should cultivate?" I asked.

"That's why I'm here." The old man stood up. "I have an old friend who has looked high and low for a pure bodied little one. I would like you to go and see him." He said.

"But, I still don't know Chinese Characters," I stated.

"Oh don't worry about that. He will teach you. You will become his disciple and live up in remote mountains. Do you have a family?" The old man asked.

"Don't know," I responded truthfully. "I lost my memory after I was sold into slavery," I responded with somewhat of complete truth.

"You were in slavery?" The old man was very surprised.

"Yep." I nodded. "But that's a story for another day. For now, though, I would like to go see this old friend."

"This means you won't be able to come back here." The old man said.

I nodded.

"It's better if I go."

I turned to ice prince.

"It was nice getting to know you, but don't forget our friendship." I winked.

Then after gathering my things and Aden, we left the courtyard. I saw Po YeSong and Wang HuDan sitting at a table. I walked up.

"Hey," I said.

They turned around.

"Oh hey." Wang HuDan said.

"Sorry it was a short time, but I will be leaving now." I gave a small smile.

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