Chapter - 7 - Leveling up!

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I nodded.

"What about the Beast?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Aden questioned.

"I mean, what Rank and Level for humans correspond with a Beast Rank?"

"Oh, this, Rank 2's will have no problem beating a Vicious Beast. This is unless the Vicious Beast is close to becoming a Mythological Beast. In this case, I would say Rank 2 Level 5 but Rank 3 is safe. Then there is Mythological Beast. These are a whole different animal. You would need to at least be  Rank 4 to stand a chance. Then there is Holy Beast. We are quite dangerous when we have our strength. I would recommend staying far away from us unless you're close to Rank 6. Then there is Celestial Beast. They are very dangerous. To be safe, I would say at least Rank 8, but there are tricky ones. So Rank 8 Level 5 would be really good for you. Then as far as the God Beast and the Emperor...don't even think about it." Aden said.

I nodded away. Beast where strong. Even taking down a Vicious Beast will require me to be Rank 2.

"Still, being a high Rank doesn't matter too much if you meet someone a few levels lower but has better Martial Arts then you. Because of this, I wanted to give you this book." Aden said.

I looked where his tail was pointing and picked up a book.

"It's very old. It's from an old Monastery that ruled a large chunk of the West but was destroyed by the inside. This technique has now been lost to the world. It's quite powerful and should help you on your journey."

I nodded.

"Thank you, Aden. This is really kind of you." I smiled a big smile and sat down to study its writings. Except for one problem. It was written in traditional Chinese Characters. "Aden."

"Yes?" Aden looked up at me.

"This is written in traditional Chinese Characters." I knitted my brows.

"Yes." Aden nodded.

"I can't read traditional Chinese Characters."

"Yes, that would make sense." Aden nodded. "Okay, I'll just read it to you until you learn."

I opened the book to the first page and off Aden read.

This skill it talked about required one key Element, speed. It talked about how I first needed to memorize Flight Steps. Though you don't fly, you just run very quickly.

To master Flight Steps, you must be quick and fast. I looked at the pictures in the book and tried very hard to step quickly and steadily. I kept at it for hours and days.

The more I worked. The more muscle tone I got to. I was also starting to look healthier.

In any case, Flight Steps was taking longer than I thought it would but I kept going until I didn't even think about where I was placing feet. I just did it so much that it became apart of me. So about 3 weeks later. I finally had a blue light spear on my feet which allowed me to go faster. The higher my Level and Rank, the faster my speed.

After I learned Flight Steps, I then began on the next step. It was called Hawk Eyes. This was also a fast skill. It involved your eyes and how you used them. What you were able to focus on during a fight.

Hawk Eyes allowed you to see multiple things at once. The more you honed it, the more you saw.

Every skill was of being a sixth sense. You don't think about it. Your body just wants to protect itself, so it listens and perceives everything around you. These skills just heightened your senses.

At the moment I was listening to the birds. I wanted to locate two and focus on them. I cut off every other noise but the birds. I sat in a cultivation state and perceived the world around me.

The bird's chirp was getting louder and louder. Then...I shot open my eyes and threw out two small pebbles. Each landed directly below where I heard the birds. They flew away but it worked. I just needed to hone this skill to become the sixth sense. Easy enough to say but hard to learn.

I then had Aden read some more but the next skill required me to be Rank 1 Level 5. It was time to cultivate. I went into Aden's cave and sat still to cultivate.

I let the power in the airflow around me like water as I absorbed it. I never absorbed two much and never too little. I was kept constantly on my toes as I cultivated. One mistake could make me travel down a hole of memories and emotions that I might not recover from.

So the days and weeks went like this. I cultivated day and night. The air nourished me in positive ways. Not only was my power getting stronger, but I could feel my body getting very good side effects from this.

I enjoyed this feeling.

Expect, it didn't last long. While my mind was in complete constant meditation, a voice far away was heard. That was Hawk-Eye doing its thing. I was in meditation so I listened harder and hear more. Maybe five or more altogether.

I opened my eyes and turned to Aden.

"Aden, we must go," I said.

Aden was getting bigger and his gash was healing more. Then again it had been 4 weeks. I also Leveled up to Level 2.

In any case, Aden looked up at me.

"What is it?" He asked.


Aden closed his eyes and opened them just as fast.

"People, about 15 coming this way. Most likely looking for me. Hold on." Aden then disappeared behind the same rock but came back out with a big bag. "Here, take this. It's about 300 gold coins. It's good money to live off of."

"Wait, Aden, I can't leave you."

"I have tunnels I will escape to. You are a human and not a snake. Take this book and learn Chinese Characters. We will meet again Kobe." Aden then turned around and fled behind the rock.

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