Chapter - 35 - Water Spirit

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I opened my eyes and saw how amazed Oh MeMei looked.

"" She said quietly.

I nodded.

"Aden's the same as me."

"He's from there!" Her eyes grew big.

"A different time period, but yes." I nodded.


"Yes, quite weird indeed." I said. "Now, I trust you will tell no one Oh MeMei."

She blinked.

"Who am I tell?"

"True....wait, your family. Are you never going back to them?" I asked.

She pursed her lips.

" family sold me. See they only keep the good looking women and men. The rest they sell off to the highest bidder. If I went back...I wouldn't even be sold as a Geisha. If was lucky I could get a Concubine position, but most likely I would become a Prostitute."

I nodded. This made sense for a clan of hers. Right now all she was, was trash. There was no going back for her.

I reached my hand forward and placed it on hers again.

"Family." I spoke quietly.

She looked up.


"Would you be apart of my Family?" I asked.

Her eyes tested up and she nodded quickly.

We hugged and had a moment and then it was back to seriousness. I couldn't learn any more new skills from the Holy Book so I went to the library to look for more Pure Books. Master said he had 6 others. 4 of them weren't really books, but just pages from books.

I looked threw them and came across a really cool skill that uses ice. Because, apparently, Pure Body's can only get Wind, Water, and Light. So these books had skills just up my ally. Master also talked about how people had more of a Pure Body then others.

My body was totally pure and any Dark Energy was a 'no go.' I would die if I consumed to much Dark Energy. The same goes for Dark Body's. They would die if they consumed to much Pure Energy.

In any case, I picked up the papers and read about the Skill. The Skill was called Holy Ice Spikes. With this Skill, I should be able to shoot out powerful shards that glow! It sounds so fucking cool.

And good thing for me, it requires Rank 2 Level 5 to use!

I set up the stance and formed ice with my hands like it said. I let the ice form and un form in my hands. I did this for days just playing with it and trying to throw it. I would stab small things with it. Like rocks and sticks. Then I switched to trees and that was fun.

Then after like 2 weeks I did what it said next. To use my pure energy with the ice. I didn't even know that was possible! The Ice formed in my hands and slowly I allowed pure energy to enter the ice.

Slowly the ice started to glow and it looked hella sick. I created more and more as ice twirled around me and flowed beautifully.

Then like any normal person...I shot that mother fucker at a tree!

The tree blasted to SHREDS.

"Oh shit!" I dropped for cover and hit the ground. Tree pieces flew out everywhere. I looked up to see a water force field. It held pieces of wood in it.

I blinked in confusion as I noticed how the water trail went back to the Pure Water.

"Wow..." I sat up and walked towards the water. "Thank you." A smiled formed on my face.

Then the water did something that made me think I all of this was some fucked up fever dream. It formed a person. I'm not shitting you here. WATER turned into a human. Well kind had the form of a person and you could kinda sort see a face, but like it's water so what are we really expecting?

In any case the water was now in the form of a girl person thing and I was losing my shit.

First my jaw dropped and then I just turned my head to walk around it. Then it really fucked me up mentally because it started talking in my head.

'Hello.' A woman's voice was heard inside my head.

"What the FuCk?!" I stepped back in complete confusion. "Oh so talking snakes and dragons that turn into fucking humans, and-and this shit!" I just flailed my arms around.

'Oh...did you not want to see me?' I heard a sad woman voice.

I flipped back around.

"No no! I's just...I wasn't expecting...talking water...." I slowly got more quiet the more I spoke.

'Understandable, I am water that talks.'

"You get it!" I exclaimed.

'Mmm I do.'

"So...ummm. Is there a reason you are showing your self?" I asked.

'Oh, yes I forgot.' She said. 'I wanted to make a Spirit Contract with you.'

"Sounds great, but how the fuck does one of those work?" I asked.

'Simple, you've already absorbed a lot of the Pure Energy I produce so all I have to do is complete the contract. Just stand still.'

I did as told and stood still and water woman came forward and kissed my nose. Though it felt as though I just stuck the tip of my nose in water. Then my body did something inhuman. It fucking ABSORBED HER!

I stood in shock as I looked at where she once was.

"Hey! Hey! Water girl! You good?!" I screamed.

She laughed, which was freaky. 'Yes, I am fine and my name is Ari.'

Then I turned my attention to the now empty pond. Even the waterfall was gone.

"Can I still cultivate?" I asked.

'Of course, now that we are one you can use me at your will. Your body is completely Pure so it's a wonderful place to live.' She said.

I nodded.

"Great! So how many Spirits are there?" I asked as I prepared myself for more ice.

"Well, there's a Fire, Wind, and Earth Spirit. One for each Element." She said.

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