Chapter - 14 - Running for free admission!

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"Anyone can. If you're able to get through that forest then you are admitted immediately. You also don't have a pay single copper." He said.

"Well, how much is it just regularly?" I asked.

"100 gold for one school year." He replied.

My mouth ran dry.

"100 gold!" I exclaimed.

"Everyone knows this. How do you not?" He stepped back and knitted his brows.

I calmed my self down and scratched the back of my neck.

"Oh, I'm not from here. I just thought this would be a cool school to attend. See ya later."

I turned around walked away. When I was a distance away, I stared at the large forest. Should I pay the 100 gold? Or should I run the forest? I tapped my chin.

This gold could last me years if I used it right. Just blowing it on a year of schooling is...quite tragic. I gotta run the forest.

I have like a month. I need to level up, fast. I walked a distance away and sat down in some foliage. I then started cultivating. I kept at it for almost a month. In that month I did nothing but cultivate. I did it seriously and diligently. Because of this, I was not Rank 1 Level 7. I had just reached level 7 the day before this forest was about to open.

I stood up and wiped the dust off of me. I walked forward and noticed the mass amount of tents around. Still, though, I kept forward.

I didn't pay attention to the people asking what I was doing as I walked closer and closer to the edge. I then breathed in calmly and positioned my self to jump.

I closed my eyes and calmed myself. Then I took off. I flew in the air with Flight Steps and hurried through. I didn't stop for anything. I took every turn fast and sharp. I never went in the same direction and always kept myself guessing where I would turn next.

It was then I started to notice snakes. Hawk Eyes activated and there was a constant 28 following right behind me. I was sure there were deadly. Because of this, I put all my effort into running  Flight Steps. When I ran out of the footwork path and had to start over. I would throw my body forward and grab the branch in front of me and then land on the next branch to start again.

I would cut myself here and there and my clothes and hair were a mess. I forgot how long it had been since I started this run but I knew I couldn't stop. It was then, in the midst of my running, I saw a building through the trees.

I used my last bit of energy to burst through and fall flat on my stomach. I took my arm and grunted as I pushed my self over. I laid still with my body heaving and my legs shaking. My lungs burned as I laid there.

My body wanted to pass out but I wouldn't let it. I made myself open my eyes and look around. I saw an older boy running towards me and I just said one word.

"Wa- water..." I continued to breathe heavily.

Seconds later water entered my body. I drank heartily and happily.

After this, I opened my eyes again and noticed I was surrounded by a whole lot of people. They weren't crazy close, but they were still way too close for me.

I tried to sit up and a random girl helped me. I then coughed and coughed. My lungs still burned.

Then an old man walked forward and looked down at me.

"You ran the forest?" He asked.

I nodded.

I was too tired to talk.

"Congratulations kid. You're the youngest to not die."

What an achievement. I gave a small smile.

It was then, I completely passed out.

I awoke on a cot completely in pain. My body was so sore. I groaned and opened my eyes. I turned my head slightly to see I was alone in what looked like an infirmary.

I also noticed I was wearing different clothes. It was clean white fabric. Oh the table next to me were my belongings. The bag I wore at my side that carried my coins, martial arts book, rations, and scales, and the little knife that I wore next to it.

I was also quite thirsty and I noticed there was a pitcher of water on a table a couple of steps away. I groaned as I made my body move. I stepped down one foot and had to stop.

I closed my eyes and breathed in my nose and out my mouth.

Then I immediately opened them, and though my body was so sore, I pushed off with my arms and used my body's momentum to fly forwards. It was then that I used Flight Steps on one foot to make it move forward and catch my body.

I breathed hard as I looked up and noticed how close I was to the water.

I reached out my hand and touched the floor. I slowly crawled forward to the table.

Once I reached the table, I reached up to the water pitcher and brought it down, and started chugging. I was in so much bliss. This water was so good! Better than any water I had ever had!

I'd stop for breaths but start back just as quickly to gulp more water down.

After I finished the whole pitcher, I smiled at my accomplishment.

Expect something crazy started to happen. My whole body started to glow.

What the flying fuck was going on?!

I was so completely confused. Then I started to feel a warm power enter my body and my body, in an instant, started to feel so much better.

I immediately crossed my legs and entered cultivation. I also calmed my self and just let the power work threw out my body.

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