Chapter - 19 - Making up

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I briskly walked away and walked by other females and males until I found the person I wanted.

"Hey! Po YeSong!" I waved.

She looked over from another girl and gave a smile. I reached her and put both of my hands together in a teepee shape.

"Po YeSong, I am so very sorry, I totally did not mean to not visit you yesterday. A lot of stuff happened and I couldn't make it. I feel so very bad, please forgive me." I waited for her to say something.

She looked a little shocked but she recovered.

"Oh, Chen FaSin it's okay."

I smiled big and pointed forward.

"Let's go in, shall we?"

We both walked forward into the martial arena.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Oh me? Just a small cold. I'll be fine." I smiled.

As we entered I was met with stairs leading up. We walked up and entered the upper floor. In front of us was a fence and below us were 8 individual martial arenas. 4 had kids in them fighting.

Around the stadium were chairs for people to sit in and watch.

There were a few kids scattered around watching. There were almost 2 weeks until school really started so this made sense. No one had much to do but lay around and talk.

I was enjoying the show when I heard a gasp behind me. I turned to see Ice Fuck making his way in the arena.

Oh Fuck this, I'm out.

"Hey, Po-" I stopped when I saw her staring at Ice Fuck like a love-struck fool.

If it wasn't bad enough Ice Fuck was walking towards us.

Oh hell no. I turned around and started walking to another staircase down.

"Chen FaSin, would you stop for a second."

His chilly voice reached me and I turned back around.

"What shit face." I glared coldly.

"Must you be vulgar?" He knitted his brows.

"Go suck a dick." I turned on my heels and began to walk out again.

"Okay, okay! Chen FaSin would you just look at me."

I turned my head.

"I-I..." He breathed out. "I am sorry." He blurted it out and it looked completely unnatural for him to do, but completely funny at the same time.

I wasn't sure if I should push it or not but I pursed my lips to keep from laughing. I turned completely around and walked toward him.

"You promise not to be an ass?"

I raised a brow.

"Sure." He said.

I cracked up and started to laugh. I couldn't help it anymore. I saw his left eyebrow twitch and he turned around to walk away.

"Wa-wait! Juan LinYun!" I didn't notice but people's mouths dropped open.

He turned his head around.

"Let's be friends." I wiped my right eye with my hand and smiled.

I didn't see it but he smirked.

"Yea, yea." He was still as cold as before but I felt like I punched threw something.

I felt proud of myself until I saw Po YeSong staring at me with a complicated gaze.

"Po YeSong, what's wrong?" I asked.

"N-nothing." She turned away and stared down at the fighting.

Around this time, Wang HuDan walked up. I smiled and waved and he did too.

"You know Wang HuDan?" She asked.

I nodded.

"I stay in the same area as Wang HuDan and Juan LinYun but we all stay in our own courtyard. We were bound to be acquainted." I replied as we sat down to watch.

"Chen FaSin, you do know it's Prince Juan LinYun."

"Oh?" I grew interested.

"He is next in line for the throne."

"What Kingdom?" I wondered.

"They don't go by their last name, it's called WunSu. They specialize in the military."

"Nice." What a background. He had a nice future.

I continued to watch the fights.

"So that means you can't call him by his name." She said.

I looked over at Po YeSong.

"I can call him whatever the fuck I want," I said with carelessness and turned back toward the fights.

She was in shock and completely speechless.

She ended up getting up and I just sat and thought. I wonder what elements I have...I tapped my finger. I wonder what kind of test they do.

I stood to find Wang HuDan but he was already coming at me.

"Hey, Wang HuDan, when can I get Element tested?" I asked.

"Whenever. We just have to ask a teacher."

I nodded.

"Okay, okay. Let's go then." I walked forward and Wang HuDan followed.

We made our way to a teacher's office and he got up to take me to get my element tested. Though it wasn't just me, Wang HuDan, and the teacher. The old man also showed up.

We came to a cave and I walked in behind the old man.

We all walked together until we reached a big room with a big clear pearl on a rock.

"Just go up and touch it. Red is Fire, Green is Air, Blue is Water, Yellow is Earth, White is Light, and Black is Darkness." The old man said.

I nodded seriously.


I turned back around and walked forward to the pearl. The closer I got, the more it felt like it was drawing me.

I placed each hand on the pearl and waited.

"Put your power into it." The old man said.


I closed my eyes and shot power out of my hands. I opened my eyes to see the pearl light up Blue, and Green and then fade. I thought it would stop but then it shinned very white and then it completely faded.

I removed my hands in shock.

Though I wasn't the only one.

I looked up and over at the 3 other people.

"Did you see that?" I asked.

"You have Water, Wind, and Light. Come, follow me." The old man waved his hand for me to follow. I glanced at the shocked Wang HuDan and gave an awkward smile.

It was just 3! It wasn't like I got all of the Elements!

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