Chapter - 109 - Who was Behind It

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Immediately, I heard Ari's voice. Something I hadn't heard in a long time.

"Calm yourself. I can barely contain the Wind Energy." I heard within my ears.

I realized the energy around me was going crazy. I immeditally calmed myself.

I closed her lids with my hand and picked her up. I didn't know exactly where that arrow came from, but I knew one thing for certain. That arrow did not come from the opposing army. What was really going on here?

I turned my head to see Freya running up the hill horrified.

"TIV!" She screamed.

When she saw her lifeless body in my arms, she screamed out a blood-curdling scream. Immeditally, everyone else came running over. I just continued to walk down the hill.

When Freya reached me, I put Tiv down. Freya Immeditally started to cry over her body. I just moved turned on my heels and sent out my senses.

"I will find who did this," I said.

Come on, show yourself.

Immeditally, I felt it. A presence within the trees to the left. There you are. I wanted to go after them, but there was something bigger going on and I needed to let the others know. I wasn't a part of any of these empires. If I acted rashly, I could cause a lot of damage.

So, I closed my eyes and put all my senses in Hawk Eyes. I zeroed in on a fast heartbeat. I sniffed and memorized their smell.

I opened my eyes after that and let the Amazon's move Tiv somewhere else. Tiv wasn't strong. She was only able to stand by Frey's like she did because they grew up together.

I watched as Freya followed behind the group with tears streaming down her face. I could see rage starting to grow. I knew she was experiencing serious pain right now and I knew it would be hard for her to think rationally.

"Ari, I was waiting for you to tell me you were awake," I said. I wasn't near anyone so I spoke freely.

"I've been busy keeping the Air Energy from destroying your body."

"Oh? Thanks for that." I said as I started walking back. "Speaking of which, how do I find a replacement for the Wind Spirit."


I paused in my movements.

Elves? I barely knew anything about them. Then again, there wasn't much information. Elf's hated humans. Well, except for that one man.

"How long do I have?" I asked as I continued forward.

"3 years. If you don't find a host by then, you will become the host. This world finds ways to keep balance."

"Where you once a human?" I asked.

"No, an Elf. I was a Princess and the Elf's viewed it as a privilege, but I know they just didn't want to sacrifice their selves. Though, I can say I've outlived them all."

"Interesting, does it have to be an Elf?" I asked.

"Yes. Elf's have the only mental capacity to handle such a task." Ari said.

"Ari, did you know I was a Devil?" I asked

"From the moment I first saw you."

I paused in my movement but quickly kept going trying to hold back tears.

"Kobe, I will stick by your side until the day you die."

I didn't want to smile but I did. But I hid it as I got closer to camp.

Everyone was feeling sad for Freya, they would think I was some sort of crazy person. The fact was, I was sad, I've just lost so many close to me, that I've grown quite numb to the feeling.

That night, we entered the war room. Understandably, Freya wanted revenge but she also wanted to pull out the Amazons. The person who shot must of known this would happen.

Which means, there's a spy.

I spoke up at this point after reminding completely silent.

"Everyone, but Freya, me, Juan Linyun, and TuZan JunWei leave."

At that moment, I sent out Hawk Eyes. I closed my eyes and sensed any off emotions. Even the slightest off heartbeat.

I sensed it, instant anxiety.

I acted quickly and grabbed the person's neck before they could run.

They immediately looked scared. I realized I had grabbed an Amazon woman.

"Disgusting," I said as I threw her in my chair.

"Hannah, what did you do..." I heard from Freya's mouth.

"Nothing! My quee-"

I slapped her and she grabbed her cheek.

"Tell me right now, or I will do to you what I did those 3 girls," I said with a death glare.

She started to shake and bit down on something.


She started to foam at the mouth and shake like she was having a seizure. I just stepped forward and grabbed her face and healed her as I set her back in the chair. She started to breathe heavily as she looked up at me. With tears starting to stream down.

"Tell me," I said as I took out a dagger.

She shook uncontrollably as she looked up at me.

"They said they were going to kill you. I didn't know they were going for her, I swear." She said with tears falling from her eyes.


"He called himself the Reaper. I only met him once and told him what I could about you. He never asked about Tiv. You can imagine my horror when she died! I swear, I didn't know he was going to kill her!" Her tears and emotions were definitely real.

"What did he look like?" I asked.

"I don't know. He wore a black hood."


"About as tall as Prince Juan LinYun. That's all I know I swear." She was shaking so badly at this point that her teeth were chattering.

"Freya, she's all yours," I said as I left the tent.

Reaper...I tossed the name around in my head as I headed toward the nearest mercenary guild.

I changed into a girl and changed my face. To look less like my male counterpart and put on a hat veil and simple clothing.

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