Chapter - 91- leaving for 3 years

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I nodded.

"These old men came that day to discuss this. They said the only way for this to happen, was for that person to have the Water Spirit. They then brought out an Ancient Relic that will glow brightly when in the presence of a Spirit. How the Ancient Relic did not glow when you were there is beyond me, but in any case, you need to leave. They will be coming by to discuss what to do next and about the incoming Beast Stampede." Master said as he sipped his tea.

"How long do I need to be gone?" I asked.

"3 years at least," Master said with sad eyes.

I gripped the handles on the chair.

"Okay..." I said quietly. "I'll go pack and leave." I stood up and so did Mei. "Mei, you should stay here."

"No, I will-" Mei started to speak but I stopped her.

"Mei! Stay here! This is the best place for you right now. Stay here and grow stronger. I will be back in 3 years." I said with a sad smile.

"Kobe! I can't leave you!" Mei pleaded.

"Mei, I can't protect you!" The whole room got sad after I said that. I sighed. "I'm going to go way up north. I'll be away from the Empires, so I'll be safe. Mei..." I paused. "In 2 years, I'll be attending that thing down south." Mei seemed to realize what I was hinting at. "If you go, I'll see you," I said with a smile.

Mei ran forward and gave me a tight hug.

"I'll miss you." She said with sadness.

"I will miss you too."

We pulled apart with sad eyes. I turned to master who was now standing and gave him a hug also.

Afterward, I packed my things and waved them goodbye. Today started my 3-year journey away from this place.

I would be 17 by the time I returned. I shook these thoughts from my brain and started my life solo. By April's end, I was already in the middle of the snowy tundra. I was also now Rank 4 Level 2. I was heading toward the tallest mountain on this continent, Mount Zian.

If I was going to be away from everyone, I wouldn't sit around idle. I was going to get stronger!

I had a map from before that said that Mount Zian was way up north. There was a line of Mountains on a fault line. There are a ton of quakes there and sometimes even large ones. Still, a civilization of people lives there. These people are pretty separate from the other Empires, so I hoped they knew nothing about the 1,000,000 gold bounty. Then again, if they did, how could they possibly know it's me without that Relic.

In any case, I hope I'll be fine.

After a few days of more walking, and following key landmarks, I realized I should be coming on to the civilization about now, but there was absolutely nothing in front of me on this vast landscape.

I knitted my brows as I looked down at the map. It showed that one should be here a day after you pass the carved-out Boulder.

I scratched the back of my head in confusion.

I looked up again and suddenly I saw something in the distance. It looked like a lone person walking through the Tundra ahead of me.

I immediately put the map away and walked forward towards them. I felt no strong power coming off of them and I had Aden as a back me, and I had my supernatural healing abilities, so I decided, fuck it, let's go see who this guy is.

As the person got closer, I saw them coughing and looking all around sick.

I ran forward and yelled out.

"Hello?!" I called out.

The person turned and noticed me and it seemed a sort of liveliness entered their bones as they ran at me full speed.

"You! Are you strong?" They asked as they got closer.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"A large Celestial Beast has invaded our land and poisoned everyone. We need help! We will pay, please." The man pleaded.

I blinked in shock.

"Uuu let me scope out the place first," I said with a small smile.

The man seemed so excited to show me the way back.

'Aden.' I said in my head.

'Yes?' He asked.

'Can you take on a Celestial Beast?' I asked. I know I couldn't.

'Perhaps, I've been saving my Energy. This one has used theirs without thinking of the consequences.'

I kept following the man until we walked over a small snow hill and the man fell down to his knees.

I looked on and saw black snow everywhere. I saw bodies piled up all over the place. Except, there was no sign of any strong Energy.

I started walking forward when the man called out behind me.

"They're all dead, you don't have to waste your time." The man spoke only at a whisper at the end.

"I need to pass through this villager anyway, and I'm also curious," I replied.

I walked forward and looked around for any sign of life, but I heard nothing. Once I reached the black snow I dropped down and took a sample.

I saw all of the bodies laying on it with welts and black skin. Some were laying face up and I saw what looked to be maggots already coming out of their noses, eye sockets, mouths.

Interesting, but I thought these people just died.

"Please forgive me." I heard behind me.

A trap?

I was already on guard, and I felt nothing anywhere.

'I don't feel anything.' Aden said in my head.

I scratched the back of my head. I turned around to see the man start to melt into a black goo. My demeanor immediately changed.

I pulled out holy might as the black good transformed into that of a 3 headed black snake.

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