Chapter - 90 - Rylin

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"I realize that," I replied. "Just like how I don't think the same way as you, you wouldn't think the same as me."

"You're very mature for your age," Omera spoke up.

I shrugged.

"I suppose you're right. I get that a lot." I closed my eyes and laid my body comfortably against the chair. "Though, I guess when you get sold into slavery, you have to grow up pretty quickly."

"Sold into slavery?" I heard Ira ask.

I yawned.

"Mmhm. 4 years ago. Before that, I lived a Nobel life, but my father and mother were falsely convicted and sentenced to death. So, I guess you could say I've seen it all."

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Most of that was complete truth.

"So you're an Orphan?" Arhan asked.

"Yep." I leaned up and nodded.

"Wow, when I was young, I never encountered trouble. You sure had to grow up quickly to endure it." Omera said.

I shrugged.

"I suppose," I said. "But let's not talk about me. Today is about your son. Ira, what do you hope for? A girl or boy?"

"That's the child's choice, not mine," Ira said it like it was obvious.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I guess you wouldn't know, Until the age of 20, all Nymphs are ungendered. At the age of 20, they decide whether they would like to be female or male. That is also when they choose their name."

My mouth fell open.

"So, you could of....been a male?" I was so shocked at this knowledge that I couldn't speak properly.

"Yes, I suppose. But by the time a Nymph is 20, they are already sure which gender they would like to be." Ira responded.

"Are you the only race that can do this?" I asked.

Ira nodded.

"It all started when a Nymph pleaded for a gender change. He wanted to marry his lover but it was looked down upon, so to satisfy the hearts of the people, the deity made it so every Nymph, no matter what, can choose whatever gender they wish to be."

"Damn, all because they were a broken sleeve the whole race is now like this," I said.

The room got more uncomfortable than I thought it would.

"What?" I asked. Did I say something wrong?

"How dare you," Omera said as she stood.

I was so confused.

"Me? What did I do?" I was so utterly confused.

"I'm a Rylin!" She said with anger in her eyes.

I pursed my lips.

"You've got to help me out here, I have no idea what that is," I said seriously.

"She likes females." I heard Mei say.

"OH! I didn't know there was a word for it! Yo, you got a wife? Can I meet her?" I asked with a smile.

Immediately, Omera looked at me with shock.

"Did you think I cared? Love who you want, it doesn't concern me." I said as I laid against the chair.

"I worked in a brothel. I knew many men and women who came in just to lay with another of the same gender. It also does not concern me." Mei said as she played with Tatiana's hair.

Arhan spoke up.

"Omera, not all humans hate Rylin's," Arhan said as he sipped some tea.

"It's whatever, but I am very tired, so I'm going to go sleep." I stood up to leave, but as I turned to leave, I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned around to see Omera looking up at me.

"Thank you, Kobe. If you and Mei would like, I'd like to invite you both to attend our 5-year annual weapon event in 2 years. It will be on August the 10th. There you'll be able to watch some of our most amazing craftsmen make weapons that will be used in a hunt and then sold. These weapons will pay for the Dwarfs for 5 years and then we do it again."

"I would love to," I said happily. "How do I get there?"

"When the time comes, go far south to Emerald Cove. In the Cove, there is a labyrinth of caves made of water. All you have to do is walk through without thinking where you're going."

"So I just walk through the caves without any sort of direction?" I asked.

She nodded.

"You will eventually reach a door. Once in the cave, if the cave finds you worthy you will reach the door. If not, you will end up on the surface. If that happens, don't go back down, or you will never escape." Omera sounded serious about this.

"Okay, I'll try it out when the time comes."

The next day, Mai and I left. Tatiana was sad but she understood.

After Mei and I returned back to the tower, we were both surprised to see Master looking so grave.

"Master, what's going on?" I said when I walked in and sat down.

"This." Master put down a poster of a face that looked sort of like my male form but more mature.

My eyes grew.

The bottom read, 'Wanted Alive, reward, 1,000,000 gold.'

My mouth gaped open.

I looked up to see master staring at me like my demise was near.

He put his index finger on the page.

"Please tell me this isn't you." He asked.

"That would be a lie," I said as I gripped harder onto the teacup.

Master gave a large sigh.

"These people...." He paused and laid back into his chair. "You need to leave for a while."

Many different emotions fluctuated on my face.

"What do you mean? The person in that photo is obviously a dude and I'm a girl. How could they possibly know?" This didn't make any sense to send me away because of this.

"You remember the old men from the other day?" Master asked.

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