Entry - 1 - Library

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Bonus Story! 4 Chapters!

- Journal Entries of Subject 1 -


Mother always said, when I was ready to know the truth to visit this Library.

Now that I was here, standing in front of it...I felt like I wasn't ready. Was it my heart beat or my clammy hands? Or was it the fact my mouth was dry?

I was ready to turn around when a small white fox came running out of the library.

Mother spoke of these.

What a cute Celestial Beast.

Suddenly, I felt like the library was pulling me to enter.

I suppose I was ready.

As I entered, I gasped at the vastness of the library.

The fox lead me to the very top floor. There, in the middle, was a man reading a book.

I cocked my head. Who was this?

He looked up and noticed me.

"You've come." He said as he stood.

"You know me?" I asked.

"I knew your mother." He said. "Well, I suppose I was acquainted with her. I'm the Deity of this Library."

My eyes grew.


I've seen my fair share. After all, Mother became friends with quite a few of them.

They thought I was interesting.

"I came to know about the world." I said. "Mother told me I would find my answers here. She wouldn't tell me anything."

The Deity stood and picked up an old looking Journal.

"Your mother's parenting was...unique." He said as he held out the Journal me. "Though, I'm sure you already know your self. Read this and you will know everything."

I reached forward and took the book.

'Subject 1'

I knitted my brows.

"Sit where ever you like." He said.

I nodded and walked over to a secluded area to read.

I opened up to the first page and started to read.

"Entry 1

36 years into the Rule of the Human Goddess Oh MeiMei

Month 4, Day 6

Kobe got me this journal the day she found out she was pregnant. She told me she wouldn't read it, but I suspect she may take a few peeks.

She told me it would help with my nightmares.

I feel like it's a waste of time.

Afterall, I'm just writing to my self.

Entry 2

36th Year, 4th Month, 19th Day

Kobe's wants me to write some more in my journal. She peeked like I knew she would and is quite mad with me.

I feel like sitting here for a few minutes and then getting up, but I also feel like I owe it to my self to write things down.

So I'll started talking about my nightmares.

This one nightmare of Kobe dying keeps repeating within my mind.

I'm killing her."

I gasped and my eyes grew. I kept reading.

"I stand over her body with a bloody sword.

Entry 3

36th year 4th Month 21st day

Kobe called me away. Going where I left off.

The bloody murder makes me wake up in cold sweat and I have to hold on to Kobe for dear life to calm my self.

Kobe, ofcourse is sympathetic. But she also hates being woken up at night.

Entry 4

36th Year 4th Month 22nd day

Kobe left.

Well, she went to visit Theon. Apparently there was an emergency. She told me not to worry.

But she's also 3 months pregnant.

She told me to write, so that's what I'm doing. But I'm still so anxious.

I hope she returns alright.

Entry 5

36th Year 4th Month 23 Day

Kobes still gone. She won't be back for another 3 days.

I'm pacing.

Do I rely on her to much? What if she leaves me? I love her.

She wouldn't leave me. She's a Devil. She mates for life.

Why am I so anxious something bad is going to happen?

Entry 6

36th Year 5th Month 1st day.

I hate this.

This damned Journal.

Kobe wants me to name it. What do I name it?

The writings of Jason? What a fucking dumb name.

Kobe says the baby is kicking. Makes me wonder...what's the gender? If it's a Girl I hope she looks like Kobe. If it's a Boy, I hope he also looks like Kobe."

I smiled as I paused in my reading. Did I look like mom? Most say I do.

I continued to read.

"Kobe wants the baby to look like me. I don't think the child will.

The Spirit God is surprised Kobe was even able to get pregnant. He said it opens up a whole can of worms for the Spirits.

He wanted to do experiments on me but Kobe threatened to destroy his home if he entertained the thought.

I fell harder for her that day."

"Damn...." I whispered. "Go mom."

Then I realized something.

What the hell is he talking about? Why would the Spirits want to do experiments on him?

"Entry 7

36th Year 5th Month Day 4

Kobe says the flowers are pretty.

I don't want to tell her the flowers she's talking about are extremely poisonous.

She wants to pick them and I stop her. 'Better to let pretty things grow' is what I say.

Entry 8

36th Year 5th Month Day 10

Kobe and me had a fight.

She's angry that I haven't been writing, but I've been very busy. The Mixed Race leader is having some trouble. He needs help.

I have to leave.

She wants me to continue writing but I can't promise anything.

Entry 9

36th Year 5th Month Day 17

I didn't write at all.

The Leader of the Mixed Races is in deeper then I thought. I removed him as leader and picked another candidate who was the only one who was keeping the small country a float.

Kobe thinks what I did was right, but I still feel sad.

Kobe says I care to much.

Should I make some medicine? It's not like we need the money. But I want to dabble in my hobby.

Kobe thinks its a wonderful idea.

She's happy, my nightmares stopped."

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